Corrade::Utility::System namespace

System utilities.

This library is built if CORRADE_WITH_UTILITY is enabled when building Corrade. To use this library with CMake, request the Utility component of the Corrade package and link to the Corrade::Utility target.

find_package(Corrade REQUIRED Utility)

# ...
target_link_libraries(your-app PRIVATE Corrade::Utility)

See also Downloading and building Corrade and Using Corrade with CMake for more information.


auto isSandboxed() -> bool new in Git master
Whether the application runs in a sandboxed environment.
void sleep(std::size_t ms)
Sleep for given time.

Function documentation

bool Corrade::Utility::System::isSandboxed() new in Git master

Whether the application runs in a sandboxed environment.

Returns true if running on iOS, Android, as a macOS app bundle, Windows Phone/Store application or in a browser through Emscripten, false otherwise.