Color.hClass Magnum::
- namespace Magnum
- Root namespace.
- namespace Magnum::Math
- Math library.
- namespace Magnum::Math::Literals
- Math literals.
- namespace Magnum::Math::Literals::ColorLiterals new in Git master
- Math color literals.
template<class T>class Magnum::Math::Color3
- Color in linear RGB color space.
template<class T = Float>class Magnum::Math::Color4
- Color in linear RGBA color space.
template<class T>struct Magnum::Math::ColorHsv new in 2019.10
- HSV color.
template<>struct Corrade::Utility::TweakableParser<Magnum::Math::Color3<Magnum::UnsignedByte>>
- Tweakable literal parser.
template<>struct Corrade::Utility::TweakableParser<Magnum::Math::Color4<Magnum::UnsignedByte>>
- Tweakable literal parser.
template<>struct Corrade::Utility::TweakableParser<Magnum::Math::Color3<Magnum::Float>>
- Tweakable literal parser.
template<>struct Corrade::Utility::TweakableParser<Magnum::Math::Color4<Magnum::Float>>
- Tweakable literal parser.
template<class T>auto xyYToXyz(const Vector3<T>& xyY) -> Vector3<T>
- Convert color from CIE xyY representation to CIE XYZ.
template<class T>auto xyzToXyY(const Vector3<T>& xyz) -> Vector3<T>
- Convert color from CIE XYZ representation to CIE xyY
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const ColorHsv<T>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator""_rgb(unsigned long long value) -> Color3<UnsignedByte> constexpr
- 8bit-per-channel linear RGB literal
- auto operator""_srgb(unsigned long long value) -> Vector3<UnsignedByte> constexpr
- 8bit-per-channel sRGB literal
- auto operator""_rgba(unsigned long long value) -> Color4<UnsignedByte> constexpr
- 8bit-per-channel linear RGBA literal
- auto operator""_srgba(unsigned long long value) -> Vector4<UnsignedByte> constexpr
- 8bit-per-channel sRGB + alpha literal
- auto operator""_rgbf(unsigned long long value) -> Color3<Float> constexpr
- Float linear RGB literal.
- auto operator""_srgbf(unsigned long long value) -> Color3<Float>
- Float sRGB literal.
- auto operator""_rgbaf(unsigned long long value) -> Color4<Float> constexpr
- Float linear RGBA literal.
- auto operator""_srgbaf(unsigned long long value) -> Color4<Float>
- Float sRGB + alpha literal.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Color3<UnsignedByte>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Color4<UnsignedByte>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.