Magnum/PixelFormat.h file

Enum Magnum::PixelFormat, Magnum::CompressedPixelFormat, function Magnum::pixelFormatSize(), Magnum::pixelFormatChannelFormat(), Magnum::pixelFormatChannelCount(), Magnum::isPixelFormatNormalized(), Magnum::isPixelFormatIntegral(), Magnum::isPixelFormatFloatingPoint(), Magnum::isPixelFormatSrgb(), Magnum::isPixelFormatDepthOrStencil(), Magnum::pixelFormat(), Magnum::isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(), Magnum::pixelFormatWrap(), Magnum::pixelFormatUnwrap(), Magnum::compressedPixelFormatBlockSize(), Magnum::compressedPixelFormatBlockDataSize(), Magnum::isCompressedPixelFormatNormalized(), Magnum::isCompressedPixelFormatFloatingPoint(), Magnum::isCompressedPixelFormatSrgb(), Magnum::isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(), Magnum::compressedPixelFormatWrap(), Magnum::compressedPixelFormatUnwrap()


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.


struct Corrade::Utility::ConfigurationValue<Magnum::PixelFormat> new in 2020.06
Configuration value parser and writer.
struct Corrade::Utility::ConfigurationValue<Magnum::CompressedPixelFormat> new in 2020.06
Configuration value parser and writer.


enum class PixelFormat: UnsignedInt { R8Unorm = 1, RG8Unorm, RGB8Unorm, RGBA8Unorm, R8Snorm, RG8Snorm, RGB8Snorm, RGBA8Snorm, R8Srgb new in 2019.10, RG8Srgb new in 2019.10, RGB8Srgb new in 2019.10, RGBA8Srgb new in 2019.10, R8UI, RG8UI, RGB8UI, RGBA8UI, R8I, RG8I, RGB8I, RGBA8I, R16Unorm, RG16Unorm, RGB16Unorm, RGBA16Unorm, R16Snorm, RG16Snorm, RGB16Snorm, RGBA16Snorm, R16UI, RG16UI, RGB16UI, RGBA16UI, R16I, RG16I, RGB16I, RGBA16I, R32UI, RG32UI, RGB32UI, RGBA32UI, R32I, RG32I, RGB32I, RGBA32I, R16F, RG16F, RGB16F, RGBA16F, R32F, RG32F, RGB32F, RGBA32F, Depth16Unorm new in Git master, Depth24Unorm new in Git master, Depth32F new in Git master, Stencil8UI new in Git master, Depth16UnormStencil8UI new in Git master, Depth24UnormStencil8UI new in Git master, Depth32FStencil8UI new in Git master }
Format of pixel data.
enum class CompressedPixelFormat: UnsignedInt { Bc1RGBUnorm = 1, Bc1RGBSrgb new in 2019.10, Bc1RGBAUnorm, Bc1RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Bc2RGBAUnorm, Bc2RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Bc3RGBAUnorm, Bc3RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Bc4RUnorm new in 2019.10, Bc4RSnorm new in 2019.10, Bc5RGUnorm new in 2019.10, Bc5RGSnorm new in 2019.10, Bc6hRGBUfloat new in 2019.10, Bc6hRGBSfloat new in 2019.10, Bc7RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Bc7RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, EacR11Unorm new in 2019.10, EacR11Snorm new in 2019.10, EacRG11Unorm new in 2019.10, EacRG11Snorm new in 2019.10, Etc2RGB8Unorm new in 2019.10, Etc2RGB8Srgb new in 2019.10, Etc2RGB8A1Unorm new in 2019.10, Etc2RGB8A1Srgb new in 2019.10, Etc2RGBA8Unorm new in 2019.10, Etc2RGBA8Srgb new in 2019.10, Astc4x4RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc4x4RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc4x4RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc5x4RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc5x4RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc5x4RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc5x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc5x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc5x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc6x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc6x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc6x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc6x6RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc6x6RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc6x6RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc8x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc8x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc8x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc8x6RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc8x6RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc8x6RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc8x8RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc8x8RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc8x8RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc10x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc10x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc10x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc10x6RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc10x6RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc10x6RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc10x8RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc10x8RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc10x8RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc10x10RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc10x10RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc10x10RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc12x10RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc12x10RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc12x10RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc12x12RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc12x12RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc12x12RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc3x3x3RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc3x3x3RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc3x3x3RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc4x3x3RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc4x3x3RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc4x3x3RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc4x4x3RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc4x4x3RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc4x4x3RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc4x4x4RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc4x4x4RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc4x4x4RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc5x4x4RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc5x4x4RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc5x4x4RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc5x5x4RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc5x5x4RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc5x5x4RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc5x5x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc5x5x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc5x5x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc6x5x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc6x5x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc6x5x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc6x6x5RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc6x6x5RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc6x6x5RGBAF new in 2019.10, Astc6x6x6RGBAUnorm new in 2019.10, Astc6x6x6RGBASrgb new in 2019.10, Astc6x6x6RGBAF new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGB2bppUnorm new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGB2bppSrgb new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGBA2bppUnorm new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGBA2bppSrgb new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGB4bppUnorm new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGB4bppSrgb new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGBA4bppUnorm new in 2019.10, PvrtcRGBA4bppSrgb new in 2019.10 }
Format of compressed pixel data.


auto pixelFormatSize(PixelFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Size of given pixel format.
auto pixelFormatChannelFormat(PixelFormat format) -> PixelFormat new in Git master
Channel format of given pixel format.
auto pixelFormatChannelCount(PixelFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Channel count of given pixel format.
auto isPixelFormatNormalized(PixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given pixel format is normalized.
auto isPixelFormatIntegral(PixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given pixel format is integral.
auto isPixelFormatFloatingPoint(PixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given pixel format is floating-point.
auto isPixelFormatSrgb(PixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given pixel format is sRGB.
auto isPixelFormatDepthOrStencil(PixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given pixel format is depth or stenil.
auto pixelFormat(PixelFormat format, UnsignedInt channelCount, bool srgb) -> PixelFormat new in Git master
Assemble a pixel format from parts.
auto pixelSize(PixelFormat format) -> UnsignedInt deprecated in Git master
Size of given pixel format.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, PixelFormat value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(PixelFormat format) -> bool constexpr
Whether a PixelFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
template<class T>
auto pixelFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) -> PixelFormat constexpr
Wrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier in PixelFormat.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>
auto pixelFormatUnwrap(PixelFormat format) -> T constexpr
Unwrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier from PixelFormat.
auto compressedPixelFormatBlockSize(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> Vector3i new in Git master
Block size of given compressed pixel format, in pixels.
auto compressedBlockSize(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> Vector3i deprecated in Git master
Block size of given compressed pixel format, in pixels.
auto compressedPixelFormatBlockDataSize(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Block size of given compressed pixel format, in bytes.
auto compressedBlockDataSize(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> UnsignedInt deprecated in Git master
Block size of given compressed pixel format, in bytes.
auto isCompressedPixelFormatNormalized(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given compressed pixel format is normalized.
auto isCompressedPixelFormatFloatingPoint(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given compressed pixel format is floating-point.
auto isCompressedPixelFormatSrgb(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> bool new in Git master
Whether given compressed pixel format is sRGB.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, CompressedPixelFormat value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> bool constexpr
Whether a CompressedPixelFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
template<class T>
auto compressedPixelFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) -> CompressedPixelFormat constexpr
Wrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier in a CompressedPixelFormat.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>
auto compressedPixelFormatUnwrap(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> T constexpr
Unwrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier from a CompressedPixelFormat.