VertexFormat.hEnum Magnum::
- namespace Magnum
- Root namespace.
template<>struct Corrade::Utility::ConfigurationValue<Magnum::VertexFormat> new in 2020.06
- Configuration value parser and writer.
- enum class VertexFormat: UnsignedInt { Float = 1, Half, Double, UnsignedByte, UnsignedByteNormalized, Byte, ByteNormalized, UnsignedShort, UnsignedShortNormalized, Short, ShortNormalized, UnsignedInt, Int, Vector2, Vector2h, Vector2d, Vector2ub, Vector2ubNormalized, Vector2b, Vector2bNormalized, Vector2us, Vector2usNormalized, Vector2s, Vector2sNormalized, Vector2ui, Vector2i, Vector3, Vector3h, Vector3d, Vector3ub, Vector3ubNormalized, Vector3b, Vector3bNormalized, Vector3us, Vector3usNormalized, Vector3s, Vector3sNormalized, Vector3ui, Vector3i, Vector4, Vector4h, Vector4d, Vector4ub, Vector4ubNormalized, Vector4b, Vector4bNormalized, Vector4us, Vector4usNormalized, Vector4s, Vector4sNormalized, Vector4ui, Vector4i, Matrix2x2, Matrix2x2h, Matrix2x2d, Matrix2x2bNormalized, Matrix2x2sNormalized, Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3h, Matrix2x3d, Matrix2x3bNormalized, Matrix2x3sNormalized, Matrix2x4, Matrix2x4h, Matrix2x4d, Matrix2x4bNormalized, Matrix2x4sNormalized, Matrix2x2bNormalizedAligned, Matrix2x3hAligned, Matrix2x3bNormalizedAligned, Matrix2x3sNormalizedAligned, Matrix3x2, Matrix3x2h, Matrix3x2d, Matrix3x2bNormalized, Matrix3x2sNormalized, Matrix3x3, Matrix3x3h, Matrix3x3d, Matrix3x3bNormalized, Matrix3x3sNormalized, Matrix3x4, Matrix3x4h, Matrix3x4d, Matrix3x4bNormalized, Matrix3x4sNormalized, Matrix3x2bNormalizedAligned, Matrix3x3hAligned, Matrix3x3bNormalizedAligned, Matrix3x3sNormalizedAligned, Matrix4x2, Matrix4x2h, Matrix4x2d, Matrix4x2bNormalized, Matrix4x2sNormalized, Matrix4x3, Matrix4x3h, Matrix4x3d, Matrix4x3bNormalized, Matrix4x3sNormalized, Matrix4x4, Matrix4x4h, Matrix4x4d, Matrix4x4bNormalized, Matrix4x4sNormalized, Matrix4x2bNormalizedAligned, Matrix4x3hAligned, Matrix4x3bNormalizedAligned, Matrix4x3sNormalizedAligned } new in 2020.06
- Vertex format.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, VertexFormat value) -> Debug& new in 2020.06
- Debug output operator.
- auto isVertexFormatImplementationSpecific(VertexFormat format) -> bool constexpr new in 2020.06
- Whether a VertexFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
template<class T>auto vertexFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) -> VertexFormat constexpr new in 2020.06
- Wrap an implementation-specific vertex format identifier in VertexFormat.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>auto vertexFormatUnwrap(VertexFormat format) -> T constexpr new in 2020.06
- Unwrap an implementation-specific vertex format identifier from VertexFormat.
- auto vertexFormatSize(VertexFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in 2020.06
- Size of given vertex format.
- auto vertexFormatComponentFormat(VertexFormat format) -> VertexFormat new in 2020.06
- Component format of given vertex format.
- auto vertexFormatComponentCount(VertexFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in 2020.06
- Component count of given vertex format.
- auto vertexFormatVectorCount(VertexFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in 2020.06
- Vector count of given vertex format.
- auto vertexFormatVectorStride(VertexFormat format) -> UnsignedInt new in 2020.06
- Vector stride of given vertex format.
- auto isVertexFormatNormalized(VertexFormat format) -> bool new in 2020.06
- Whether given vertex format is normalized.
- auto vertexFormat(VertexFormat format, UnsignedInt componentCount, bool normalized) -> VertexFormat new in 2020.06
- Assemble a vertex format from parts.
- auto vertexFormat(VertexFormat format, UnsignedInt vectorCount, UnsignedInt componentCount, bool aligned) -> VertexFormat new in 2020.06
- Assemble a matrix vertex format from parts.