Magnum/Vk/Version.h file new in Git master

Enum Magnum::Vk::Version, function Magnum::Vk::version(), Magnum::Vk::versionMajor(), Magnum::Vk::versionMinor(), Magnum::Vk::versionPatch()


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.
namespace Magnum::Vk
Vulkan wrapping layer.


struct Corrade::Utility::ConfigurationValue<Magnum::Vk::Version> new in Git master
Configuration value parser and writer.


enum class Version: UnsignedInt { None = 0xffffffffu, Vk10 = (1 << 22) | (0 << 12), Vk11 = (1 << 22) | (1 << 12), Vk12 = (1 << 22) | (2 << 12) } new in Git master
Vulkan version.


auto version(UnsignedInt major, UnsignedInt minor, UnsignedInt patch = 0) -> Version constexpr new in Git master
Create a version from components.
auto versionMajor(Version version) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract major version number from a packed representation.
auto versionMinor(Version version) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract minor version number from a packed representation.
auto versionPatch(Version version) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract minor version number from a packed representation.
auto operator<(Version a, Version b) -> bool constexpr new in Git master
Whether a version is smaller than the other.
auto operator<=(Version a, Version b) -> bool constexpr new in Git master
Whether a version is smaller than or equal to the other.
auto operator>=(Version a, Version b) -> bool constexpr new in Git master
Whether a version is greater than or equal to the other.
auto operator>(Version a, Version b) -> bool constexpr new in Git master
Whether a version is greater than the other.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Version value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto enumerateInstanceVersion() -> Version new in Git master
Enumerate version supported by the instance.