Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent class

Key event.

Base classes

class InputEvent
Base for input events.

Public types

using Key = Sdl2Application::Key deprecated in Git master

Public static functions

static auto keyName(Sdl2Application::Key key) -> Containers::StringView deprecated in Git master
Name for given key.

Public functions

auto key() const -> Sdl2Application::Key
auto scanCode() const -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
auto keyName() const -> Containers::StringView
Key name.
auto scanCodeName() const -> Containers::StringView new in Git master
Scan code name.
auto modifiers() const -> Sdl2Application::Modifiers
Keyboard modifiers.
auto isRepeated() const -> bool
Whether the key press is repeated.

Typedef documentation

typedef Sdl2Application::Key Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::Key


Function documentation

static Containers::StringView Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::keyName(Sdl2Application::Key key)

Name for given key.

Sdl2Application::Key Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::key() const


Layout-dependent name of given key. Use scanCode() to get a platform-specific but layout-independent identifier of given key.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::scanCode() const new in Git master


Platform-specific but layout-independent identifier of given key. Use key() to get a key name in the currently used layout.

Containers::StringView Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::keyName() const

Key name.

Human-readable localized UTF-8 name for the key returned by key(), intended for displaying to the user in e.g. a key binding configuration. If there is no name for that key, an empty string is returned. The returned string is always Containers::StringViewFlag::NullTerminated and is valid at least until the next call to this function, to Sdl2Application::keyName() or to the underlying SDL_GetKeyName() API.

Containers::StringView Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::scanCodeName() const new in Git master

Scan code name.

Human-readable localized UTF-8 name for the scancode returned by scanCode(), intended for displaying to the user in e.g. a key binding configuration. If there is no name for that key, an empty string is returned. The returned string is always Containers::StringViewFlag::NullTerminated and is valid at least until the next call to this function, to Sdl2Application::scanCodeName() or to the underlying SDL_GetScancodeName() API.

bool Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::KeyEvent::isRepeated() const

Whether the key press is repeated.

Returns true if the key press event is repeated, false if not or if this was key release event.