template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture class

Mulitsample texture.

Template class for 2D mulitsample texture and 2D multisample texture array. Used only from shaders for manual multisample resolve and other operations. See also AbstractTexture documentation for more information.


As multisample textures have no sampler state, the only thing you need is to set storage:

GL::MultisampleTexture2D texture;
texture.setStorage(16, GL::TextureFormat::RGBA8, {1024, 1024});

In shader, the texture is used via sampler2DMS / sampler2DMSArray, isampler2DMS / isampler2DMSArray or usampler2DMS / usampler2DMSArray. See AbstractShaderProgram documentation for more information about usage in shaders.

Note that multisample textures don't support compressed formats.

Base classes

class AbstractTexture
Base for textures.

Public types

enum (anonymous): UnsignedInt { Dimensions = dimensions }

Public static functions

static auto maxSize() -> VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>
Max supported multisample texture size.
static auto view(MultisampleTexture2D& original, TextureFormat internalFormat) -> MultisampleTexture<dimensions> new in Git master
Create a view on a multisample texture.
static auto view(MultisampleTexture2DArray& original, TextureFormat internalFormat, Int layer) -> MultisampleTexture<dimensions> new in Git master
Create a view on a layer of a multisample texture array.
static auto view(MultisampleTexture2DArray& original, TextureFormat internalFormat, Int layerOffset, Int layerCount) -> MultisampleTexture<dimensions> new in Git master
Create a view on a multisample texture array.
static auto wrap(GLuint id, ObjectFlags flags = {}) -> MultisampleTexture<dimensions>
Wrap existing OpenGL multisample texture object.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

MultisampleTexture() explicit
MultisampleTexture(NoCreateT) explicit noexcept
Construct without creating the underlying OpenGL object.

Public functions

void bindImage(Int imageUnit, ImageAccess access, ImageFormat format)
Bind texture to given image unit.
void bindImage(Int imageUnit, Int layer, ImageAccess access, ImageFormat format)
Bind texture layer to given image unit.
void bindImageLayered(Int imageUnit, ImageAccess access, ImageFormat format)
Bind layered texture to given image unit.
auto setStorage(Int samples, TextureFormat internalFormat, const VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>& size, MultisampleTextureSampleLocations sampleLocations = MultisampleTextureSampleLocations::NotFixed) -> MultisampleTexture<dimensions>&
Set storage.
auto imageSize() -> VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>
Texture image size.
void invalidateImage()
Invalidate texture image.
void invalidateSubImage(const VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>& offset, const VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>& size)
Invalidate texture subimage.

Enum documentation

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
enum Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::(anonymous): UnsignedInt


Texture dimension count

Function documentation

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int> Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::maxSize()

Max supported multisample texture size.

The result is cached, repeated queries don't result in repeated OpenGL calls. If neither extension ARB_texture_multisample (part of OpenGL 3.2) nor OpenGL ES 3.1 is available, returns zero vector.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static MultisampleTexture<dimensions> Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::view(MultisampleTexture2D& original, TextureFormat internalFormat) new in Git master

Create a view on a multisample texture.

The internalFormat has to either match the format of original, or be compatible with it, such as having the same pixel size and other restrictions described in the OpenGL specification.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static MultisampleTexture<dimensions> Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::view(MultisampleTexture2DArray& original, TextureFormat internalFormat, Int layer) new in Git master

Create a view on a layer of a multisample texture array.

Enabled only on a MultisampleTexture2D. The internalFormat has to either match the format of original, or be compatible with it, such as having the same pixel size and other restrictions described in the OpenGL specification.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static MultisampleTexture<dimensions> Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::view(MultisampleTexture2DArray& original, TextureFormat internalFormat, Int layerOffset, Int layerCount) new in Git master

Create a view on a multisample texture array.

Enabled only on a MultisampleTexture2DArray. The internalFormat has to either match the format of original, or be compatible with it, such as having the same pixel size and other restrictions described in the OpenGL specification.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static MultisampleTexture<dimensions> Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::wrap(GLuint id, ObjectFlags flags = {})

Wrap existing OpenGL multisample texture object.

id OpenGL multisample texture ID
flags Object creation flags

The id is expected to be of an existing OpenGL texture object with target GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE or GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY based on dimension count. Unlike texture created using constructor, the OpenGL object is by default not deleted on destruction, use flags for different behavior.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::MultisampleTexture() explicit


Creates new OpenGL texture object. If ARB_direct_state_access (part of OpenGL 4.5) is not available, the texture is created on first use.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::MultisampleTexture(NoCreateT) explicit noexcept

Construct without creating the underlying OpenGL object.

The constructed instance is equivalent to moved-from state. Useful in cases where you will overwrite the instance later anyway. Move another object over it to make it useful.

This function can be safely used for constructing (and later destructing) objects even without any OpenGL context being active. However note that this is a low-level and a potentially dangerous API, see the documentation of NoCreate for alternatives.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
void Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::bindImage(Int imageUnit, ImageAccess access, ImageFormat format)

Bind texture to given image unit.

imageUnit Image unit
access Image access
format Image format

Available only on 2D multisample textures.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
void Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::bindImage(Int imageUnit, Int layer, ImageAccess access, ImageFormat format)

Bind texture layer to given image unit.

imageUnit Image unit
layer Texture layer
access Image access
format Image format

Available only on 2D multisample texture arrays.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
void Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::bindImageLayered(Int imageUnit, ImageAccess access, ImageFormat format)

Bind layered texture to given image unit.

imageUnit Image unit
access Image access
format Image format

Available only on 2D multisample texture arrays.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
MultisampleTexture<dimensions>& Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::setStorage(Int samples, TextureFormat internalFormat, const VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>& size, MultisampleTextureSampleLocations sampleLocations = MultisampleTextureSampleLocations::NotFixed)

Set storage.

samples Sample count
internalFormat Internal format
size Texture size
sampleLocations Whether to use fixed sample locations
Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

After calling this function the texture is immutable and calling setStorage() again is not allowed.

If ARB_direct_state_access (part of OpenGL 4.5) is not available, the texture is bound before the operation (if not already). If ARB_texture_storage_multisample (part of OpenGL 4.3) is not available, the texture is bound and the feature is emulated using plain ARB_texture_multisample functionality.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int> Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::imageSize()

Texture image size.

See Texture::imageSize() for more information.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
void Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::invalidateImage()

Invalidate texture image.

See Texture::invalidateImage() for more information.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
void Magnum::GL::MultisampleTexture<dimensions>::invalidateSubImage(const VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>& offset, const VectorTypeFor<dimensions, Int>& size)

Invalidate texture subimage.

See Texture::invalidateSubImage() for more information.