Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration class


Base classes

class Magnum::GL::Context::Configuration new in Git master

Public types

enum class Flag: UnsignedLong { ForwardCompatible = EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_KHR, Debug = EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_DEBUG_BIT_KHR, NoError = 1ull << 32 new in Git master, QuietLog = UnsignedLong(GL::Context::Configuration::Flag::QuietLog) new in Git master, VerboseLog = UnsignedLong(GL::Context::Configuration::Flag::VerboseLog) new in Git master, GpuValidation = UnsignedLong(GL::Context::Configuration::Flag::GpuValidation) new in Git master, GpuValidationNoError = UnsignedLong(GL::Context::Configuration::Flag::GpuValidationNoError) new in Git master }
Context flag.
using Flags = Containers::EnumSet<Flag>
Context flags.

Public functions

auto flags() const -> Flags
Context flags.
auto setFlags(Flags flags) -> Configuration&
Set context flags.
auto addFlags(Flags flags) -> Configuration&
Add context flags.
auto clearFlags(Flags flags) -> Configuration&
Clear context flags.
auto device() const -> UnsignedInt new in 2019.10
Device ID to use.
auto setDevice(UnsignedInt id) -> Configuration& new in 2019.10
Set device ID to use.
auto cudaDevice() const -> UnsignedInt new in 2020.06
CUDA device ID to use.
auto setCudaDevice(UnsignedInt id) -> Configuration& new in 2020.06
Set the CUDA device ID to use.
auto setSharedContext(EGLDisplay display, EGLContext context) -> Configuration& new in 2020.06
Create a shared context.
auto sharedDisplay() const -> EGLContext new in 2020.06
Shared display.
auto sharedContext() const -> EGLContext new in 2020.06
Shared context.

Enum documentation

enum class Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::Flag: UnsignedLong

Context flag.

Includes also everything from GL::Context::Configuration::Flag except for Flag::Windowless, which is enabled implicitly by default.


Forward compatible context


Debug context. Enabled automatically if supported by the driver and the Flag::GpuValidation flag is set or if the --magnum-gpu-validation command-line option is set to on.

NoError new in Git master

Context without error reporting. Might result in better performance, but situations that would have generated errors instead cause undefined behavior. Enabled automatically if supported by the driver and the Flag::GpuValidationNoError flag is set or if the --magnum-gpu-validation command-line option is set to no-error.

QuietLog new in Git master

Print only warnings and errors instead of the usual startup log listing used extensions and workarounds. Ignored if Flag::VerboseLog is set.

Corresponds to the --magnum-log quiet command-line option.

VerboseLog new in Git master

Print additional information on startup in addition to the usual startup log that lists used extensions and workarounds. Has a precedence over Flag::QuietLog.

Corresponds to the --magnum-log verbose command-line option.

GpuValidation new in Git master

Enable GPU validation, if available. Has a precedence over Flag::GpuValidationNoError.

Corresponds to the --magnum-gpu-validation on command-line option.

GpuValidationNoError new in Git master

Enable a context without error reporting, if available. Ignored if Flag::GpuValidation is set.

Corresponds to the --magnum-gpu-validation no-error command-line option.

Typedef documentation

typedef Containers::EnumSet<Flag> Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::Flags

Context flags.

Function documentation

Configuration& Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::setFlags(Flags flags)

Set context flags.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Default is Flag::ForwardCompatible on desktop GL and no flags on OpenGL ES. To avoid clearing default flags by accident, prefer to use addFlags() and clearFlags() instead.

Configuration& Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::addFlags(Flags flags)

Add context flags.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Unlike setFlags(), ORs the flags with existing instead of replacing them. Useful for preserving the defaults.

Configuration& Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::clearFlags(Flags flags)

Clear context flags.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Unlike setFlags(), ANDs the inverse of flags with existing instead of replacing them. Useful for removing default flags.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::device() const new in 2019.10

Device ID to use.

Configuration& Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::setDevice(UnsignedInt id) new in 2019.10

Set device ID to use.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

The device ID is expected to be smaller than the count of devices reported by EGL. When using WindowlessEglApplication, this is also exposed as a --magnum-device command-line option and a MAGNUM_DEVICE environment variable. If setSharedContext() is set, this value is ignored and the device is picked to be the same as in the shared context instead.

By default it's set to 0, taking the first found EGL device.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::cudaDevice() const new in 2020.06

CUDA device ID to use.

Configuration& Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::setCudaDevice(UnsignedInt id) new in 2020.06

Set the CUDA device ID to use.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

If a device with given CUDA ID is not found, context creation fails. When using WindowlessEglApplication, this is also exposed as a --magnum-cuda-device command-line option and a MAGNUM_CUDA_DEVICE environment variable. If setSharedContext() is set, this value is ignored and the device is picked to be the same as in the shared context instead.

If a CUDA device is set, it takes precedence over the device ID set with setDevice(). By default it's set to 0xffffffffu, indicating that setDevice() is used instead.

Configuration& Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::setSharedContext(EGLDisplay display, EGLContext context) new in 2020.06

Create a shared context.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

When set, the created context will share a subset of OpenGL objects with context and its associated display, instead of being independent. Many caveats and limitations apply to shared OpenGL contexts, please consult the OpenGL specification for details. Default is EGL_NO_CONTEXT, i.e. no sharing. See Shared EGL contexts for more information.

EGLContext Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::sharedDisplay() const new in 2020.06

Shared display.

EGLContext Magnum::Platform::WindowlessEglContext::Configuration::sharedContext() const new in 2020.06

Shared context.