Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared class

Shared state for the text layer.

Contains a set of fonts and a glyph cache used by all of them. In order to use the layer it's expected that setGlyphCache() was called and at least one font was added with addFont(). In order to update or draw the layer it's expected that setStyle() was called.

Pre-filling the glyph cache with appropriate glyphs for a particular font is the user responsibility, the implementation currently won't perform that on its own, neither it does any on-demand cache filling.

Base classes

class Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayer::Shared
Base shared state for visual data layers.

Derived classes

class Shared
Shared state for the OpenGL implementation of the text layer.

Public types

class Configuration
Configuration of a base layer shared state.

Public functions

auto styleUniformCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Style uniform count.
auto editingStyleCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Editing style count.
auto editingStyleUniformCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Editing style uniform count.
auto hasEditingStyles() const -> bool
Whether the layer has any editing styles.
auto hasGlyphCache() const -> bool
Whether a glyph cache has been set.
auto glyphCache() -> Text::AbstractGlyphCache&
Glyph cache instance.
auto glyphCache() const -> const Text::AbstractGlyphCache&
auto fontCount() const -> std::size_t
Count of added fonts.
auto isHandleValid(FontHandle handle) const -> bool
Whether a font handle is valid.
auto addFont(Text::AbstractFont& font, Float size) -> FontHandle
Add a font.
auto addFont(Containers::Pointer<Text::AbstractFont>&& font, Float size) -> FontHandle
Add a font and take over its ownership.
auto addInstancelessFont(UnsignedInt glyphCacheFontId, Float scale) -> FontHandle
Add an instance-less font.
auto glyphCacheFontId(FontHandle handle) const -> UnsignedInt
ID of a font in a glyph cache.
auto hasFontInstance(FontHandle handle) const -> bool
Whether a font has an instance.
auto font(FontHandle handle) -> Text::AbstractFont&
Font instance.
auto font(FontHandle handle) const -> const Text::AbstractFont&
auto setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const FontHandle>& fonts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Text::Alignment>& alignments, Containers::ArrayView<const TextFeatureValue> features, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& featureOffsets, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& featureCounts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& cursorStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& selectionStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& paddings) -> Shared&
Set style data with implicit mapping between styles and uniforms.
auto setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<FontHandle> fonts, std::initializer_list<Text::Alignment> alignments, std::initializer_list<TextFeatureValue> features, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> featureOffsets, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> featureCounts, std::initializer_list<Int> cursorStyles, std::initializer_list<Int> selectionStyles, std::initializer_list<Vector4> paddings) -> Shared&
auto setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleToUniform, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const FontHandle>& styleFonts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Text::Alignment>& styleAlignments, Containers::ArrayView<const TextFeatureValue> styleFeatures, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleFeatureOffsets, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleFeatureCounts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& styleCursorStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& styleSelectionStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& stylePaddings) -> Shared&
Set style data.
auto setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleToUniform, std::initializer_list<FontHandle> styleFonts, std::initializer_list<Text::Alignment> styleAlignments, std::initializer_list<TextFeatureValue> styleFeatures, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleFeatureOffsets, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleFeatureCounts, std::initializer_list<Int> styleCursorStyles, std::initializer_list<Int> styleSelectionStyles, std::initializer_list<Vector4> stylePaddings) -> Shared&
auto setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& textUniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& paddings) -> Shared&
Set editing style data with implicit mapping between styles and uniforms.
auto setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<Int> textUniforms, std::initializer_list<Vector4> paddings) -> Shared&
auto setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleToUniform, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& styleTextUniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& stylePaddings) -> Shared&
Set editing style data.
auto setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleToUniform, std::initializer_list<Int> styleTextUniforms, std::initializer_list<Vector4> stylePaddings) -> Shared&

Protected functions

auto setGlyphCache(Text::AbstractGlyphCache& cache) -> Shared&
Set a glyph cache instance.

Function documentation

UnsignedInt Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::styleUniformCount() const

Style uniform count.

Size of the style uniform buffer excluding dynamic styles. May or may not be the same as styleCount(). For dynamic styles, the style uniform count is the same as dynamicStyleCount().

UnsignedInt Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::editingStyleCount() const

Editing style count.

Count of editing styles used by all layers referencing this Shared instance. If dynamic styles include editing styles, IDs greater than editingStyleCount() are then dynamic editing styles, with their count being twice of dynamicStyleCount().

UnsignedInt Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::editingStyleUniformCount() const

Editing style uniform count.

Size of the editing style uniform buffer excluding dynamic styles. May or may not be the same as styleCount(). For dynamic styles, if they include editing styles, the style uniform count is twice dynamicStyleCount(), as each dynamic style can have at most two associated editing styles — one for the cursor and one for the selection.

bool Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::hasEditingStyles() const

Whether the layer has any editing styles.

Returns true if either editingStyleCount() is non-zero or dynamicStyleCount() is non-zero and editing styles were explicitly enabled with Configuration::setDynamicStyleCount(UnsignedInt, bool).

bool Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::hasGlyphCache() const

Whether a glyph cache has been set.

Text::AbstractGlyphCache& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::glyphCache()

Glyph cache instance.

Expects that a glyph cache was set with setGlyphCache().

const Text::AbstractGlyphCache& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::glyphCache() const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

std::size_t Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::fontCount() const

Count of added fonts.

Can be at most 32768.

bool Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::isHandleValid(FontHandle handle) const

Whether a font handle is valid.

A handle is valid if it has been returned from addFont() before. Note that the implementation has no way to distinguish between handles returned from different TextLayer::Shared instances. A handle from another shared state instance thus may or may not be treated as valid by another instance, and it's the user responsibility to not mix them up. For FontHandle::Null always returns false.

FontHandle Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::addFont(Text::AbstractFont& font, Float size)

Add a font.

font Font instance
size Size at which to render the font
Returns New font handle

Expects that glyphCache() is set and contains font. Doesn't perform any operation with the glyph cache, pre-filling is left to the caller. The returned handle can be subsequently assigned to a particular style via setStyle(), or passed to TextProperties::setFont() to create a text with a font that's different from the one assigned to a particular style.

It's the caller responsibility to ensure font stays in scope for as long as the shared state is used. Use the addFont(Containers::Pointer<Text::AbstractFont>&&, Float) overload to make the shared state take over the font instance.

FontHandle Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::addFont(Containers::Pointer<Text::AbstractFont>&& font, Float size)

Add a font and take over its ownership.

font Font instance
size Size at which to render the font
Returns New font handle

Like addFont(Text::AbstractFont&, Float), but the shared state takes over the font ownership. You can access the instance using font() later. It's the caller responsibility to ensure the plugin manager the font is coming from stays in scope for as long as the shared state is used.

FontHandle Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::addInstancelessFont(UnsignedInt glyphCacheFontId, Float scale)

Add an instance-less font.

glyphCacheFontId ID of the font in the glyph cache
scale Scale to apply to glyph rectangles coming from the glyph cache
Returns New font handle

Makes it possible to render arbitrary custom glyphs added to the glyph cache, such as icons or other image data.

Expects that glyphCache() is set, glyphCacheFontId is less than Text::AbstractGlyphCache::fontCount() and Text::AbstractGlyphCache::fontPointer() is nullptr for glyphCacheFontId. Doesn't perform any operation with the glyph cache, the caller is expected to populate the cache with desired data. The resulting handle can be subsequently assigned to a particular style via setStyle(), or passed to TextProperties::setFont(). The instance-less font however can be only used with createGlyph() or setGlyph() that takes a glyph ID, not with create() or setText().

UnsignedInt Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::glyphCacheFontId(FontHandle handle) const

ID of a font in a glyph cache.

Returns ID under which given font glyphs are stored in the glyphCache(). For fonts with an instance is equivalent to the ID returned from Text::AbstractGlyphCache::findFont(). Expects that handle is valid.

bool Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::hasFontInstance(FontHandle handle) const

Whether a font has an instance.

Returns true if the font was created with addFont(), false if with addInstancelessFont(). Expects that handle is valid.

Text::AbstractFont& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::font(FontHandle handle)

Font instance.

Expects that handle is valid and has a font instance, i.e. was created with addFont() and not addInstancelessFont().

const Text::AbstractFont& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::font(FontHandle handle) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const FontHandle>& fonts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Text::Alignment>& alignments, Containers::ArrayView<const TextFeatureValue> features, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& featureOffsets, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& featureCounts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& cursorStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& selectionStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& paddings)

Set style data with implicit mapping between styles and uniforms.

commonUniform Common style uniform data
uniforms Style uniforms
fonts Font handles corresponding to style uniforms
alignments Text alignment corresponding to style uniforms
features Font feature data for all styles
featureOffsets Offsets into features corresponding to style uniforms
featureCounts Counts into features corresponding to style uniforms
cursorStyles Cursor style IDs corresponding to style uniforms
selectionStyles Selection style IDs corresponding to style uniforms
paddings Padding inside the node in order left, top, right, bottom corresponding to style uniforms
Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

The uniforms view is expected to have the same size as styleUniformCount(), the fonts and alignments views the same size as styleCount(). All font handles are expected to be either FontHandle::Null or valid.

All alignments values are expected to not be *GlyphBounds as the implementation can only align based on font metrics and cursor position, not actual glyph bounds. In addition to the behavior described in particular Text::Alignment values, the aligned origin is then further offset respectively to the node the text is attached to. In particular:

  • *Left makes the horizontal origin aligned with node left side
  • *Right makes the horizontal origin aligned with node right side
  • *Center makes the horizontal origin aligned with horizontal node center, and additionally *Integral rounds the horizontal offset inside the node to whole units
  • *Top makes the vertical origin aligned with node top side
  • *Bottom makes the vertical origin aligned with node bottom side
  • *Line and *Middle makes the vertical origin aligned with vertical node center, and additionally *Integral rounds the vertical offset inside the node to whole units. The difference between the two is that multiple texts with different font metrics get their line positions matched with *Line, while *Middle makes the midpoint between font ascent and descent matched.

The featureOffsets and featureCounts views are expected to both either have a size of styleCount(), or both be empty. If non-empty, they contain offsets and counts into the features view for each style, with the ranges expected to fit into the view size. The ranges are allowed to overlap, i.e. multiple styles can share the same default feature set. If empty, the features view is expected to be empty as well and no default font features are specified for any styles. Features coming from TextProperties are appended after these, making it possible to override them.

The cursorStyles and selectionStyles views are expected to either have the same size as styleCount() or be empty. If non-empty, they're expected to either contain non-negative indices less than editingStyleCount() or -1 denoting that given style doesn't have the cursor or selection visible. If empty, no styles have cursor or selection visible.

The paddings view is expected to either have the same size as styleCount() or be empty, in which case all paddings are implicitly zero.

Can only be called if styleUniformCount() and styleCount() were set to the same value in Configuration passed to the constructor, otherwise you have to additionally provide a mapping from styles to uniforms using setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform&, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerStyleUniform>, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const FontHandle>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Text::Alignment>&, Containers::ArrayView<const TextFeatureValue>, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>&) instead.

Calling this function causes LayerState::NeedsDataUpdate to be set on all layers that are constructed using this shared instance. If dynamicStyleCount() is non-zero, LayerState::NeedsCommonDataUpdate is set as well to trigger an upload of changed dynamic style uniform data.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<FontHandle> fonts, std::initializer_list<Text::Alignment> alignments, std::initializer_list<TextFeatureValue> features, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> featureOffsets, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> featureCounts, std::initializer_list<Int> cursorStyles, std::initializer_list<Int> selectionStyles, std::initializer_list<Vector4> paddings)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleToUniform, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const FontHandle>& styleFonts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Text::Alignment>& styleAlignments, Containers::ArrayView<const TextFeatureValue> styleFeatures, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleFeatureOffsets, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleFeatureCounts, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& styleCursorStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& styleSelectionStyles, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& stylePaddings)

Set style data.

commonUniform Common style uniform data
uniforms Style uniforms
styleToUniform Style to style uniform mapping
styleFonts Per-style font handles
styleAlignments Per-style text alignment
styleFeatures Font feature data for all styles
styleFeatureOffsets Per-style offsets into styleFeatures
styleFeatureCounts Per-style counts into styleFeatures
styleCursorStyles Per-style cursor style IDs
styleSelectionStyles Per-style selection style IDs
stylePaddings Per-style padding inside the node in order left, top, right, bottom
Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

The uniforms view is expected to have the same size as styleUniformCount(), the styleToUniform, styleFonts and styleAlignments views the same size as styleCount(). All uniform indices are expected to be less than styleUniformCount(), all font handles are expected to be either FontHandle::Null or valid, all styleAlignments values are expected to not be *GlyphBounds as the implementation can only align based on font metrics and cursor position, not actual glyph bounds. Detailed behavior of all alignment values is described in the above overload.

The styleFeatureOffsets and styleFeatureCounts views are expected to both either have a size of styleCount(), or both be empty. If non-empty, they contain offsets and counts into the styleFeatures view for each style, with the ranges expected to fit into the view size. The ranges are allowed to overlap, i.e. multiple styles can share the same default feature set. If empty, the styleFeatures view is expected to be empty as well and no default font features are specified for any styles. Features coming from TextProperties are appended after these, making it possible to override them.

The styleCursorStyles and styleSelectionStyles views are expected to either have the same size as styleCount() or be empty. If non-empty, they're expected to either contain non-negative indices less than editingStyleCount() or -1 denoting that given style doesn't have the cursor or selection visible. If empty, no styles have cursor or selection visible.

The stylePaddings view is expected to either have the same size as styleCount() or be empty, in which case all paddings are implicitly zero.

Value of styleToUniform[i] should give back an index into the uniforms array for style i. If styleUniformCount() and styleCount() is the same and the mapping is implicit, you can use the setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform&, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerStyleUniform>, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const FontHandle>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Text::Alignment>&, Containers::ArrayView<const TextFeatureValue>, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>&) convenience overload instead.

Calling this function causes LayerState::NeedsDataUpdate to be set on all layers that are constructed using this shared instance. If dynamicStyleCount() is non-zero, LayerState::NeedsCommonDataUpdate is set as well to trigger an upload of changed dynamic style uniform data.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setStyle(const TextLayerCommonStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleToUniform, std::initializer_list<FontHandle> styleFonts, std::initializer_list<Text::Alignment> styleAlignments, std::initializer_list<TextFeatureValue> styleFeatures, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleFeatureOffsets, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleFeatureCounts, std::initializer_list<Int> styleCursorStyles, std::initializer_list<Int> styleSelectionStyles, std::initializer_list<Vector4> stylePaddings)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& textUniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& paddings)

Set editing style data with implicit mapping between styles and uniforms.

commonUniform Common style uniform data
uniforms Style uniforms
textUniforms Base style uniform IDs to use for selected portions of the text. Not used if given style is for a cursor.
paddings Paddings outside the cursor or selection rectangle in order begin, top, end, bottom corresponding to style uniforms
Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

The uniforms view is expected to have the same size as editingStyleUniformCount(), the paddings views the same size as editingStyleCount().

The textUniforms are expected to either have the same size as editingStyleCount() or be empty. The indices point into the uniform array supplied by setStyle(), in which case selected portions of the text are switched to be drawn with given uniform ID instead, or are -1, in which case the original style uniform ID is used unchanged. If the view is empty, it's the same as all values being -1.

The order in which paddings get used depends on direction of given text — for Text::ShapeDirection::LeftToRight, the order is left, top, right, bottom; for RightToLeft the order is right, top, left, bottom. This makes it possible to for example position the cursor to always overlap the next character depending on the direction.

Can only be called if editingStyleUniformCount() and editingStyleCount() were set to the same value in Configuration::setEditingStyleCount(), otherwise you have to additionally provide a mapping from styles to uniforms using setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform&, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerEditingStyleUniform>, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>&) instead.

Note that while for selection styles the paddings are merely a way to visually fine-tune the appearance, for cursor styles the padding has to be non-zero horizontally to actually be visible at all. This is also why, unlike setStyle(), the paddings can't be left empty.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<Int> textUniforms, std::initializer_list<Vector4> paddings)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const UnsignedInt>& styleToUniform, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>& styleTextUniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>& stylePaddings)

Set editing style data.

commonUniform Common style uniform data
uniforms Style uniforms
styleToUniform Style to style uniform mapping
styleTextUniforms Base style uniform IDs to use for selected portions of the text. Not used if given style is for a cursor.
stylePaddings Per-style margins outside the cursor or selection rectangle in order left, top, right, bottom
Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

The uniforms view is expected to have the same size as editingStyleUniformCount(), the styleToUniform and stylePaddings views the same size as editingStyleCount(). All styleToUniform indices are expected to be less than editingStyleUniformCount().

Value of styleToUniform[i] should give back an index into the uniforms array for style i. If editingStyleUniformCount() and editingStyleCount() is the same and the mapping is implicit, you can use the setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform&, Containers::ArrayView<const TextLayerEditingStyleUniform>, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Int>&, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Vector4>&) convenience overload instead.

The styleTextUniforms are expected to either have the same size as editingStyleCount() or be empty. If non-empty, they're expected to either be non-negative indices less than styleUniformCount(), pointing into the uniform array supplied by setStyle() in which case selected portions of the text are switched to be drawn with given uniform ID instead, or be -1, in which case the original style uniform ID is used unchanged. If the view is empty, it's the same as all values being -1.

Note that while for selection styles the paddings are merely a way to visually fine-tune the appearance, for cursor styles the paddings have to be non-zero horizontally to actually be visible at all. This is also why, unlike setStyle(), the stylePaddings can't be left empty.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setEditingStyle(const TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& commonUniform, std::initializer_list<TextLayerEditingStyleUniform> uniforms, std::initializer_list<UnsignedInt> styleToUniform, std::initializer_list<Int> styleTextUniforms, std::initializer_list<Vector4> stylePaddings)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Shared& Magnum::Ui::TextLayer::Shared::setGlyphCache(Text::AbstractGlyphCache& cache) protected

Set a glyph cache instance.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Has to be called before any addFont(), is expected to be called exactly once. You'll most probably want to set it through the public TextLayerGL::Shared::setGlyphCache(Text::GlyphCacheGL&).