Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h file new in Git master

Class Magnum::Ui::SnapLayouter, Magnum::Ui::AbstractSnapLayout, Magnum::Ui::BasicSnapLayout, typedef Magnum::Ui::SnapLayout, enum Magnum::Ui::Snap, enum set Magnum::Ui::Snaps, function Magnum::Ui::snap()


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.
namespace Magnum::Ui
UI library.


class Magnum::Ui::SnapLayouter new in Git master
Snap layouter.
class Magnum::Ui::AbstractSnapLayout new in Git master
Base for SnapLayouter layout creation helpers.
template<class UserInterface>
class Magnum::Ui::BasicSnapLayout new in Git master
Templated base for SnapLayouter layout creation helpers.


enum class Snap: UnsignedByte { Left = 1 << 0, Top = 1 << 1, Right = 1 << 2, Bottom = 1 << 3, TopLeft = Top|Left new in Git master, BottomLeft = Bottom|Left new in Git master, TopRight = Top|Right new in Git master, BottomRight = Bottom|Right new in Git master, FillX = Left|Right new in Git master, FillY = Top|Bottom new in Git master, Fill = FillX|FillY new in Git master, InsideX = 1 << 4, InsideY = 1 << 5, Inside = InsideX|InsideY new in Git master, NoPadX = 1 << 6 new in Git master, NoPadY = 1 << 7 new in Git master, NoPad = NoPadX | NoPadY new in Git master }
Layout snap.


using Snaps = Containers::EnumSet<Snap>
Layout snaps.
using SnapLayout = BasicSnapLayout<UserInterface> new in Git master
SnapLayouter layout creation helper for use with UserInterface


auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Snap value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Snaps value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
Create a node layouted with SnapLayouter.
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
Create a node layouted with the default SnapLayouter.
auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
Create a node layouted with SnapLayouter with custom offset.
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
Create a node layouted with the default SnapLayouter with custom offset.
auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
Create a root node layouted with SnapLayouter.
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
Create a root node layouted with the default SnapLayouter.
auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
Create a root node layouted with SnapLayouter with custom offset.
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
Create a root node layouted with the default SnapLayouter with custom offset.