meshtoolsMesh tools
- Mesh compilation flags
- Interleaving behavior flags
- def compile(mesh: trade.MeshData, flags: CompileFlags = CompileFlags.NONE) -> gl.Mesh
- Compile 3D mesh data
- def compress_indices(mesh: trade.MeshData, *, at_least: MeshIndexType = MeshIndexType.UNSIGNED_SHORT) -> trade.MeshData
- Compress mesh data indices
- def concatenate(meshes: typing.List[trade.MeshData], flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
- Concatenate meshes together
- def copy(mesh: trade.MeshData) -> trade.MeshData
- Make an owned copy of the mesh
- def duplicate(mesh: trade.MeshData) -> trade.MeshData
- Duplicate indexed mesh data
- def filter_attributes(mesh: trade.MeshData, attributes_to_keep: corrade.containers.BitArrayView) -> trade.MeshData
- Filter a mesh to contain only the selected subset of attributes
- def filter_except_attributes(mesh: trade.MeshData, attributes: typing.List[trade.MeshAttribute]) -> trade.MeshData
- Filter a mesh to contain everything except the selected subset of named attributes
- def filter_only_attributes(mesh: trade.MeshData, attributes: typing.List[trade.MeshAttribute]) -> trade.MeshData
- Filter a mesh to contain only the selected subset of named attributes
- def generate_indices(mesh: trade.MeshData) -> trade.MeshData
- Convert a mesh to plain indexed lines or triangles
- def interleave(mesh: trade.MeshData, *, extra: typing.List[trade.MeshAttributeData] = [], flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
- Interleave mesh data
- def remove_duplicates(mesh: trade.MeshData) -> trade.MeshData
- Remove mesh data duplicates
- def remove_duplicates_fuzzy(mesh: trade.MeshData, *, float_epsilon: float = 9.999999747378752e-06, double_epsilon: float = 1e-14) -> trade.MeshData
- Remove mesh data duplicates
- def transform2d(mesh: trade.MeshData, transformation: Matrix3, *, id: int = 0, morph_target_id: int = -1, flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
- Transform 2D positions in a mesh data
- def transform2d_in_place(mesh: trade.MeshData, transformation: Matrix3, *, id: int = 0, morph_target_id: int = -1) -> None
- Transform 2D positions in a mesh data in-place
- def transform3d(mesh: trade.MeshData, transformation: Matrix4, *, id: int = 0, morph_target_id: int = -1, flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
- Transform 3D positions, normals, tangents and bitangents in a mesh data
- def transform3d_in_place(mesh: trade.MeshData, transformation: Matrix4, *, id: int = 0, morph_target_id: int = -1) -> None
- Transform 3D position, normals, tangents and bitangents in a mesh data in-place
- def transform_texture_coordinates2d(mesh: trade.MeshData, transformation: Matrix3, *, id: int = 0, morph_target_id: int = -1, flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
- Transform 2D texture coordinates in a mesh data
- def transform_texture_coordinates2d_in_place(mesh: trade.MeshData, transformation: Matrix3, *, id: int = 0, morph_target_id: int = -1) -> None
- Transform 2D texture coordinates in a mesh data in-place
Function documentation
def magnum. meshtools. compress_indices(mesh: trade.MeshData, *,
at_least: MeshIndexType = MeshIndexType.UNSIGNED_SHORT) -> trade.MeshData
Compress mesh data indices
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If mesh is not indexed |
def magnum. meshtools. concatenate(meshes: typing.List[trade.MeshData],
flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
Concatenate meshes together
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If meshes is empty |
AssertionError | If any of the meshes is
MeshPrimitive.LINE_STRIP, MeshPrimitive.LINE_LOOP,
MeshPrimitive.TRIANGLE_STRIP or
MeshPrimitive.TRIANGLE_FAN |
AssertionError | If all meshes don’t have the same
MeshPrimitive |
def magnum. meshtools. duplicate(mesh: trade.MeshData) -> trade.MeshData
Duplicate indexed mesh data
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If mesh is not indexed |
def magnum. meshtools. filter_attributes(mesh: trade.MeshData,
attributes_to_keep: corrade.containers.BitArrayView) -> trade.MeshData
Filter a mesh to contain only the selected subset of attributes
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If size of attributes_to_keep is different than
mesh attribute count |
def magnum. meshtools. generate_indices(mesh: trade.MeshData) -> trade.MeshData
Convert a mesh to plain indexed lines or triangles
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If mesh is not MeshPrimitive.LINE_STRIP,
MeshPrimitive.LINE_LOOP, MeshPrimitive.TRIANGLE_STRIP or
MeshPrimitive.TRIANGLE_FAN |
def magnum. meshtools. interleave(mesh: trade.MeshData, *,
extra: typing.List[trade.MeshAttributeData] = [],
flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
Interleave mesh data
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If any attribute in extra has the data size
different from mesh vertex count |
def magnum. meshtools. transform2d(mesh: trade.MeshData,
transformation: Matrix3, *,
id: int = 0,
morph_target_id: int = -1,
flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
Transform 2D positions in a mesh data
Exceptions | |
KeyError | If mesh doesn’t have
trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION of index id (and in morph
target morph_target_id if not -1 ) |
AssertionError | If trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION are not 2D |
def magnum. meshtools. transform2d_in_place(mesh: trade.MeshData,
transformation: Matrix3, *,
id: int = 0,
morph_target_id: int = -1) -> None
Transform 2D positions in a mesh data in-place
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If mesh vertex data aren’t
trade.DataFlags.MUTABLE |
KeyError | If mesh doesn’t have
trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION of index id (and in morph
target morph_target_id if not -1 ) |
AssertionError | If trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION are not VertexFormat.VECTOR2 |
def magnum. meshtools. transform3d(mesh: trade.MeshData,
transformation: Matrix4, *,
id: int = 0,
morph_target_id: int = -1,
flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
Transform 3D positions, normals, tangents and bitangents in a mesh data
Exceptions | |
KeyError | If mesh doesn’t have
trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION of index id (and in morph
target morph_target_id if not -1 ) |
AssertionError | If trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION are not 3D |
def magnum. meshtools. transform3d_in_place(mesh: trade.MeshData,
transformation: Matrix4, *,
id: int = 0,
morph_target_id: int = -1) -> None
Transform 3D position, normals, tangents and bitangents in a mesh data in-place
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If mesh vertex data aren’t
trade.DataFlags.MUTABLE |
KeyError | If mesh doesn’t have
trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION of index id (and in morph
target morph_target_id if not -1 ) |
AssertionError | If trade.MeshAttribute.POSITION are not VertexFormat.VECTOR3 |
def magnum. meshtools. transform_texture_coordinates2d(mesh: trade.MeshData,
transformation: Matrix3, *,
id: int = 0,
morph_target_id: int = -1,
flags: InterleaveFlags = InterleaveFlags.PRESERVE_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBUTES) -> trade.MeshData
Transform 2D texture coordinates in a mesh data
Exceptions | |
KeyError | If mesh doesn’t have
trade.MeshAttribute.TEXTURE_COORDINATES of index id (and in
morph target morph_target_id if not -1 ) |
def magnum. meshtools. transform_texture_coordinates2d_in_place(mesh: trade.MeshData,
transformation: Matrix3, *,
id: int = 0,
morph_target_id: int = -1) -> None
Transform 2D texture coordinates in a mesh data in-place
Exceptions | |
AssertionError | If mesh vertex data aren’t
trade.DataFlags.MUTABLE |
KeyError | If mesh doesn’t have
trade.MeshAttribute.TEXTURE_COORDINATES of index id (and in
morph target morph_target_id if not -1 ) |
AssertionError | If trade.MeshAttribute.TEXTURE_COORDINATES are not VertexFormat.VECTOR2 |