Corrade/PluginManager/AbstractManager.h file

Class Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager, macro CORRADE_PLUGIN_VERSION, CORRADE_PLUGIN_REGISTER()


namespace Corrade
Root namespace.
namespace Corrade::PluginManager
Plugin management.


class Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager
Base for plugin managers.


enum class LoadState: unsigned short { NotFound = 1 << 0, WrongPluginVersion = 1 << 1, WrongInterfaceVersion = 1 << 2, WrongMetadataFile = 1 << 3, UnresolvedDependency = 1 << 4, LoadFailed = 1 << 5, Static = 1 << 6, Loaded = (1 << 7) | LoadState::Static, NotLoaded = 1 << 8, UnloadFailed = 1 << 9, Required = 1 << 10, Used = 1 << 11 }
Plugin load state.


using LoadStates = Containers::EnumSet<LoadState>
Plugin load states.


auto operator<<(Utility::Debug& debug, PluginManager::LoadState value) -> Utility::Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Utility::Debug& debug, PluginManager::LoadStates value) -> Utility::Debug&
Debug output operator.


Import a static plugin.
#define CORRADE_PLUGIN_EJECT(name) new in 2019.10
Eject a previously imported static plugin.
Plugin version.
#define CORRADE_PLUGIN_REGISTER(name, className, interface)
Register a static or dynamic plugin.

Define documentation


Import a static plugin.

name Static plugin name (the same as defined with CORRADE_PLUGIN_REGISTER())

If you link static plugins to your executable, they can't automatically register themselves at startup to be known to PluginManager::Manager, and you need to load them explicitly by calling CORRADE_PLUGIN_IMPORT() at the beginning of the main() function. You can also wrap these macro calls in another function (which will then be compiled into a dynamic library or the main executable) and use the CORRADE_AUTOMATIC_INITIALIZER() macro for an automatic call:

static int corradeZipFilesystemStaticImport() {
    return 1;
} CORRADE_AUTOMATIC_INITIALIZER(corradeZipFilesystemStaticImport)

Functions called by this macro don't do any dynamic allocation or other operations that could fail, so it's safe to call it even in restricted phases of application execution. It's also safe to call this macro more than once.

#define CORRADE_PLUGIN_EJECT(name) new in 2019.10

Eject a previously imported static plugin.

name Static plugin name (the same as defined with CORRADE_PLUGIN_REGISTER())

Deregisters a plugin previously registered using CORRADE_PLUGIN_IMPORT().

Functions called by this macro don't do any dynamic allocation or other operations that could fail, so it's safe to call it even in restricted phases of application execution. It's also safe to call this macro more than once.

#define CORRADE_PLUGIN_REGISTER(name, className, interface)

Register a static or dynamic plugin.

name Name of the static plugin (equivalent of dynamic plugin filename)
className Plugin class name
interface Interface name (the same as is defined by the pluginInterface() member of given plugin class)

If the plugin is built as static (using the CMake corrade_add_static_plugin() command), registers it, so it will be loaded automatically when PluginManager instance with corresponding interface is created. When building as static plugin, CORRADE_STATIC_PLUGIN preprocessor directive is defined.

If the plugin is built as dynamic (using the CMake corrade_add_plugin() command), registers it, so it can be dynamically loaded via Corrade::PluginManager::Manager by supplying a name of the plugin. When building as dynamic plugin, CORRADE_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN preprocessor directive is defined.

If the plugin is built as dynamic or static library or executable (not as a plugin, using e.g. CMake command add_library() / add_executable()), this macro won't do anything to prevent linker issues when linking more plugins together. No plugin-related preprocessor directive is defined.

See Plugin management for more information about plugin compilation.