namespace Corrade Root namespace.
namespace Containers Container implementations.
namespace Literals new in Git master Container literals.
- namespace StringLiterals new in Git master Container string literals.
- struct AllocatedInitT new in Git master Allocated initialization tag type.
- class AnyReference new in Git master Lightweight non-owning l-value and r-value reference wrapper.
- class Array Array.
- struct ArrayAllocator new in 2020.06 Allocator for growable arrays.
- struct ArrayMallocAllocator new in 2020.06 Malloc-based allocator for growable arrays.
- struct ArrayNewAllocator new in 2020.06 New-based allocator for growable arrays.
class ArrayTuple new in Git master Array tuple.
- class Item Array tuple item.
- class ArrayView Array view.
- class ArrayView<const void> Constant void array view.
- class ArrayView<void> new in 2019.10 Void array view.
- class BasicBitArrayView new in Git master Base for bit array views.
- class BasicStridedBitArrayView new in Git master Base for strided bit array views.
- class BasicStringView new in Git master Base for string views.
- class BigEnumSet new in Git master Set of more than 64 enum values.
- class BitArray new in Git master Bit array.
- class EnumSet Set of enum values.
- class Function new in Git master Function wrapper.
- class Function<R(Args...)> new in Git master Function wrapper.
- class FunctionData new in Git master Function data storage
- class Iterable new in Git master Wrapper for any sequential container of values or references.
- class IterableIterator new in Git master Iterable iterator.
- class LinkedList Linked list.
- class LinkedListItem Item of LinkedList.
- class MoveReference new in Git master Lightweight non-owning r-value reference wrapper.
- struct NoAllocateInitT new in Git master No-allocate initialization tag type.
- struct NullOptT Null optional initialization tag type.
- class Optional Lightweight optional value.
- class Pair new in Git master Pair of values.
- class Pointer Lightweight unique pointer.
- class Reference Lightweight non-owning reference wrapper.
- class ScopeGuard Scope guard.
- class StaticArray Compile-time-sized array.
- class StaticArrayView Compile-time-sized array view.
- class StridedArrayView Multi-dimensional array view with size and stride information.
- class StridedArrayView<dimensions, const void> new in 2020.06 Multi-dimensional const void array view with size and stride information.
- class StridedArrayView<dimensions, void> new in 2020.06 Multi-dimensional void array view with size and stride information.
- class StridedDimensions new in 2019.10 Multi-dimensional size and stride for StridedArrayView and StridedBitArrayView.
- class StridedIterator Strided array view iterator.
- class String new in Git master String.
- class StringIterable new in Git master Wrapper for any sequential container of strings or string views.
- class StringIterableIterator new in Git master String iterable iterator.
- class Triple new in Git master A tuple of three values.
namespace Literals new in Git master Container literals.
namespace Cpu new in Git master Compile-time and runtime CPU instruction set detection and dispatch.
- struct Avx2T AVX2 tag type.
- struct Avx512fT AVX-512 Foundation tag type.
- struct AvxF16cT AVX F16C tag type.
- struct AvxFmaT AVX FMA tag type.
- struct AvxT AVX tag type.
- struct Bmi1T BMI1 tag type.
- struct Bmi2T BMI2 tag type.
- class Features Feature set.
- struct LzcntT LZCNT tag type.
- struct NeonFmaT NEON FMA tag type.
- struct NeonFp16T NEON FP16 tag type.
- struct NeonT NEON tag type.
- struct PopcntT POPCNT tag type.
- struct ScalarT Scalar tag type.
- struct Simd128T SIMD128 tag type.
- struct Sse2T SSE2 tag type.
- struct Sse3T SSE3 tag type.
- struct Sse41T SSE4.1 tag type.
- struct Sse42T SSE4.2 tag type.
- struct Ssse3T SSSE3 tag type.
- struct TypeTraits Traits class for CPU detection tag types.
namespace Interconnect Signal/slot connections.
- class Connection Connection.
class Emitter Emitter object.
- class Signal Signature for signals.
- class Receiver Receiver object.
- class StateMachine State machine.
- class StateTransition Transition between states.
namespace PluginManager Plugin management.
- class AbstractManager Base for plugin managers.
- class AbstractManagingPlugin Base class for plugin interfaces with access to associated manager.
- class AbstractPlugin Base class for plugin interfaces.
- class Manager Plugin manager.
- class PluginMetadata Plugin metadata.
namespace TestSuite Test suite.
namespace Compare Various test suite comparison helpers.
- class Aligned new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that a pointer is aligned.
- class Around Pseudo-type for verifying that value is in given bounds.
- class Container Pseudo-type for comparing container contents.
- class Divisible new in 2020.06 Pseudo-type for verifying that value is divisible by.
- class File Pseudo-type for comparing file contents.
- class FileToString Pseudo-type for comparing file contents to string.
- class Greater Pseudo-type for verifying that value is greater than expected.
- class GreaterOrEqual Pseudo-type for verifying that value is greater than or equal to expected.
- class Less Pseudo-type for verifying that value is less than expected.
- class LessOrEqual Pseudo-type for verifying that value is less than or equal to expected.
- class NotAligned new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that value is not divisible by.
- class NotDivisible new in 2020.06 Pseudo-type for verifying that value is not divisible by.
- class NotEqual new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that value is not equal to.
- class SortedContainer Pseudo-type for comparing sorted container contents.
- class String new in Git master Pseudo-type for comparing two strings.
- class StringContains new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that a string contains given substring.
- class StringHasPrefix new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that a string has given prefix.
- class StringHasSuffix new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that a string has given suffix.
- class StringNotContains new in Git master Pseudo-type for verifying that a string does not contain given substring.
- class StringToFile Pseudo-type for comparing string to file contents.
- class Comparator Default comparator implementation.
- class Comparator<double> Fuzzy-compare for double values.
- class Comparator<float> Fuzzy-compare for float values.
- class Comparator<long double> Fuzzy-compare for long double values.
- class TestCaseDescriptionSourceLocation new in Git master Instanced test case description with source location.
class Tester Base class for tests and benchmarks.
- class TesterConfiguration Tester configuration.
namespace Compare Various test suite comparison helpers.
namespace Utility Utilities.
- namespace Directory deprecated in Git master Filesystem utilities.
- namespace Endianness Endianness-related functions.
namespace Path new in Git master Filesystem utilities.
- class MapDeleter new in Git master Memory-mapped file deleter.
- namespace String String utilities.
- namespace System System utilities.
- namespace Unicode Unicode utilities.
- class AbstractHash Base template for hashing classes.
- class AndroidLogStreamBuffer Stream buffer that sends the data to Android log.
- class Arguments Command-line argument parser.
- class Configuration Parser and writer for configuration files.
class ConfigurationGroup Group of values in a configuration file.
- class BasicGroupIterator new in Git master Base for configuration group iterators.
- class BasicGroups new in Git master Base for iterator access to configuration groups.
- class ValueIterator new in Git master Configuration value iterator.
- class Values new in Git master Iterator access to configuration values.
- struct ConfigurationValue Configuration value parser and writer.
- struct ConfigurationValue<bool> Configuration value parser and writer for
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<char32_t> Configuration value parser and writer for
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<Containers::String> new in Git master Configuration value parser and writer for Containers::
String. - struct ConfigurationValue<Containers::StringView> new in Git master Configuration value parser and writer for Containers::
StringView. - struct ConfigurationValue<double> Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<float> Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<int> Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<long> Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<long double> Configuration value parser and writer for
long double
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<long long> Configuration value parser and writer for the
long long
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<short> Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<std::string> Configuration value parser and writer for std::
string type. - struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned int> Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned int
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned long> Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned long
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned long long> Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned long long
type. - struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned short> Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned short
type. - class Debug Debug output handler.
- class Error Error output handler.
- class Fatal Fatal output handler.
- class FileWatcher File watcher.
- class HashDigest Hash digest.
- class Json new in Git master JSON parser.
- class JsonArrayItem new in Git master JSON array item.
- class JsonIterator new in Git master JSON iterator.
- class JsonObjectItem new in Git master JSON object item.
- class JsonToken new in Git master A single JSON token.
- class JsonView new in Git master JSON object and array view.
- class JsonWriter new in Git master JSON writer.
- class MurmurHash2 MurmurHash 2.
- class Resource Access to compiled-in resources.
- class Sha1 SHA-1.
- class Tweakable Tweakable constants.
- struct TweakableParser Parser for Tweakable types.
- struct TweakableParser<bool> Tweakable constant parser for the
type. - struct TweakableParser<char> Tweakable constant parser for the
type. - struct TweakableParser<double> Tweakable constant parser for the
type. - struct TweakableParser<float> Tweakable constant parser for the
type. - struct TweakableParser<int> Tweakable constant parser for the
type. - struct TweakableParser<long> Tweakable constant parser for the
long int
type. - struct TweakableParser<long double> Tweakable constant parser for the
long double
type. - struct TweakableParser<long long> Tweakable constant parser for the
long long int
type. - struct TweakableParser<unsigned int> Tweakable constant parser for the
unsigned int
type. - struct TweakableParser<unsigned long> Tweakable constant parser for the
unsigned long int
type. - struct TweakableParser<unsigned long long> Tweakable constant parser for the
unsigned long long int
type. - class Warning Warning output handler.
- struct DefaultInitT new in Git master Default initialization tag type.
- struct DirectInitT new in Git master Direct initialization tag type.
- struct InPlaceInitT new in Git master In-place initialization tag type.
- struct NoCreateT new in Git master No creation tag type.
- struct NoInitT new in Git master No initialization tag type.
- struct ValueInitT new in Git master Value initialization tag type.
namespace Containers Container implementations.