file new in 2020.06
GrowableArray.hClass Corrade::
See Growable arrays for more information.
- namespace Corrade
- Root namespace.
- namespace Corrade::Containers
- Container implementations.
template<class T>struct Corrade::Containers::ArrayNewAllocator new in 2020.06
- New-based allocator for growable arrays.
template<class T>struct Corrade::Containers::ArrayMallocAllocator new in 2020.06
- Malloc-based allocator for growable arrays.
template<class T>struct Corrade::Containers::ArrayAllocator new in 2020.06
- Allocator for growable arrays.
Growable array utilities
See Growable arrays for more information.
template<class U, class T>auto arrayAllocatorCast(Array<T>&& array) -> Array<U> new in 2020.06
- Reinterpret-cast a growable array.
template<class U, template<class> class Allocator, class T>auto arrayAllocatorCast(Array<T>&& array) -> Array<U> new in 2020.06
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayIsGrowable(Array<T>& array) -> bool new in 2020.06
- Whether an array is growable.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayCapacity(Array<T>& array) -> std::
size_t new in 2020.06 - Array capacity.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayReserve(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t capacity) -> std:: size_t new in 2020.06 - Reserve given capacity in an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
DefaultInitT, std:: size_t size) new in 2020.06 - Resize an array to given size, default-initializing new elements.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
ValueInitT, std:: size_t size) new in 2020.06 - Resize an array to given size, value-initializing new elements.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t size) new in 2020.06 - Resize an array to given size, value-initializing new elements.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
NoInitT, std:: size_t size) new in 2020.06 - Resize an array to given size, keeping new elements uninitialized.
template<class T, class ... Args>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
DirectInitT, std:: size_t size, Args && ... args) new in 2020.06 - Resize an array to given size, constructing new elements using provided arguments.
template<class T, class Allocator, class ... Args>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
DirectInitT, std:: size_t size, Args && ... args) new in 2020.06 -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayResize(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t size, const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value) new in Git master - Resize an array to given size, copy-constructing new elements using the provided value.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, const typename std::
common_type<T>::type& value) -> T& new in 2020.06 - Copy-append an item to an array.
template<class T, class ... Args>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
InPlaceInitT, Args && ... args) -> T& new in 2020.06 - In-place append an item to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, typename std::
common_type<T>::type&& value) -> T& new in 2020.06 - Move-append an item to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, typename std::
common_type<ArrayView<const T>>::type values) -> ArrayView<T> new in 2020.06 - Copy-append a list of items to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, std::
initializer_list<typename std:: common_type<T>::type> values) -> ArrayView<T> new in 2020.06 -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayAppend(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
NoInitT, std:: size_t count) -> ArrayView<T> new in 2020.06 - Append given count of uninitialized values to an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, const typename std:: common_type<T>::type& value) -> T& new in Git master - Copy-insert an item into an array.
template<class T, class ... Args>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, Corrade:: InPlaceInitT, Args && ... args) -> T& new in Git master - In-place insert an item into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, typename std:: common_type<T>::type&& value) -> T& new in Git master - Move-insert an item into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, typename std:: common_type<ArrayView<const T>>::type values) -> ArrayView<T> new in Git master - Copy-insert a list of items into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, std:: initializer_list<typename std:: common_type<T>::type> values) -> ArrayView<T> new in Git master -
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>auto arrayInsert(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, Corrade:: NoInitT, std:: size_t count) -> ArrayView<T> new in Git master - Insert given count of uninitialized values into an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayRemove(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, std:: size_t count = 1) new in Git master - Remove an element from an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayRemoveUnordered(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t index, std:: size_t count = 1) new in Git master - Remove an element from an unordered array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayRemoveSuffix(Array<T>& array, std::
size_t count = 1) new in 2020.06 - Remove a suffix from an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayClear(Array<T>& array) new in Git master
- Clear an array.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayShrink(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
NoInitT = Corrade:: NoInit) new in 2020.06 - Convert an array back to non-growable.
template<class T, class Allocator = ArrayAllocator<T>>void arrayShrink(Array<T>& array, Corrade::
DefaultInitT) new in Git master - Convert an array back to non-growable using a default initialization.