Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator class new in Git master

Base layer style animator.

Each animation is a transition between two BaseLayer styles, with individual properties interpolated with an easing function. TextLayerStyleAnimator is a matching animator for the TextLayer.

Setting up an animator instance

The animator doesn't have any shared state or configuration, so it's just about constructing it from a fresh AbstractUserInterface::createAnimator() handle and passing it to setStyleAnimatorInstance().

Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator& animator = ui.setStyleAnimatorInstance(

After that, the animator has to be registered with a concrete layer instance. The animations make use of dynamic styles, so the base layer is expected to have at least one dynamic style enabled with BaseLayer::Shared::Configuration::setDynamicStyleCount(). The more dynamic styles are enabled, the more style animations can be running for given layer at the same time, but also more data need to get uploaded to the GPU every frame. Finally, call BaseLayer::assignAnimator(BaseLayerStyleAnimator&) to assign the animator to the layer instance. Then, assuming AbstractUserInterface::advanceAnimations() is called in an appropriate place, the animator is ready to use.

Ui::BaseLayerGL::Shared baseLayerShared{
        .setDynamicStyleCount(10) /* adjust as needed */
Ui::BaseLayer& baseLayer = ui.setLayerInstance(
    Containers::pointer<Ui::BaseLayerGL>(ui.createLayer(), baseLayerShared));


Unlike builtin layers or layouters, the default UserInterface implementation doesn't implicitly provide a BaseLayerStyleAnimator instance.

Creating animations

Assuming an enum is used to index the styles defined in BaseLayer::Shared of the associated layer instance, an animation is created by calling create() with the source and target style indices, an easing function from Animation::Easing or a custom one, time at which it's meant to be played, its duration, and a DataHandle which the style animation should affect. Here, for example, to fade out a button hover style over half a second:

enum class BaseLayerStyle {

Ui::DataHandle buttonBackground = ;

animator.create(BaseLayerStyle::ButtonHovered, BaseLayerStyle::Button,
    Animation::Easing::cubicOut, now, 0.5_sec, buttonBackground);

Internally, once the animation starts playing, the animator allocates a new dynamic style index using BaseLayer::allocateDynamicStyle() and switches the style index of given DataHandle to the allocated dynamic style with BaseLayer::setStyle(). During the animation the style data are updated to corresponding interpolation between the source and target styles, equivalent to calling BaseLayer::setDynamicStyle(). When the animation stops, the data style index is switched to the target ID specified in create() and the dynamic style index is recycled with BaseLayer::recycleDynamicStyle() is called for the dynamic style.

If the animator runs out of dynamic styles, newly played animations are left at the source style index until another dynamic style is recycled. If no dynamic style gets recycled until the animation ends, the data gets switched directly to the target style without animating.

The animation interpolates all properties of BaseLayerStyleUniform including outline width and corner radius, as well as the style padding value. At the moment, only animation between predefined styles is possible.

Animation lifetime and data attachment

As with all other animations, they're implicitly removed once they're played. Pass AnimationFlag::KeepOncePlayed to create() or addFlags() to disable this behavior.

Style animations are associated with data they animate, and thus as soon as the data or node the data is attached to is removed, the animation gets removed as well. If you want to preserve the animation when the data is removed, call attach(AnimationHandle, DataHandle) with DataHandle::Null to detach it from the data before removing.

If you call create() with DataHandle::Null, the animation will still allocate and interpolate a dynamic style, but the style won't be used anywhere. You can then retrieve the dynamic style index with dynamicStyle() and use it for example to make the same style animation on multiple different data. Note that in this case you're also responsible also for switching to the target style once the animation finishes — once the dynamic style is recycled, the same index may get used for arbitrary other style either by this animator or any other code, causing visual bugs.

Base classes

class AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master
Base for AbstractVisualLayer style animators.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

BaseLayerStyleAnimator(AnimatorHandle handle) explicit
BaseLayerStyleAnimator(const AbstractStyleAnimator&) deleted
Copying is not allowed.
BaseLayerStyleAnimator(BaseLayerStyleAnimator&&) noexcept
Move constructor.

Public functions

auto operator=(const BaseLayerStyleAnimator&) -> BaseLayerStyleAnimator& deleted
Copying is not allowed.
auto operator=(BaseLayerStyleAnimator&&) -> BaseLayerStyleAnimator& noexcept
Move assignment.
auto create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {}) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation.
template<class StyleIndex>
auto create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {}) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type.
auto create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation.
template<class StyleIndex>
auto create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type.
auto create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {}) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.
template<class StyleIndex>
auto create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {}) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.
auto create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.
template<class StyleIndex>
auto create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags) -> AnimationHandle
Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.
void remove(AnimationHandle handle)
Remove an animation.
void remove(AnimatorDataHandle handle)
Remove an animation assuming it belongs to this animator.
auto easing(AnimationHandle handle) -> auto
Animation easing function.
auto easing(AnimatorDataHandle handle) -> auto
Animation easing function assuming it belongs to this animator.
auto uniforms(AnimationHandle handle) const -> Containers::Pair<BaseLayerStyleUniform, BaseLayerStyleUniform>
Animation source and target uniforms.
auto uniforms(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const -> Containers::Pair<BaseLayerStyleUniform, BaseLayerStyleUniform>
Animation source and target uniforms assuming it belongs to this animator.
auto paddings(AnimationHandle handle) const -> Containers::Pair<Vector4, Vector4>
Animation source and target paddings.
auto paddings(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const -> Containers::Pair<Vector4, Vector4>
Animation source and target paddings assuming it belongs to this animator.
auto advance(Containers::BitArrayView active, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Float>& factors, Containers::BitArrayView remove, Containers::ArrayView<BaseLayerStyleUniform> dynamicStyleUniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<Vector4>& dynamicStylePaddings, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<UnsignedInt>& dataStyles) -> BaseLayerStyleAnimations
Advance the animations.

Function documentation

Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::BaseLayerStyleAnimator(AnimatorHandle handle) explicit


handle Handle returned by AbstractUserInterface::createAnimator()

Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::BaseLayerStyleAnimator(BaseLayerStyleAnimator&&) noexcept

Move constructor.

Performs a destructive move, i.e. the original object isn't usable afterwards anymore.

AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {})

Create an animation.

sourceStyle Style index to animate from
targetStyle Style index to animate to
easing Easing function between 0.0f and 1.0f, used for all style uniform values as well as the padding. Pick one from Animation::Easing or supply a custom one.
played Time at which the animation is played. Use Nanoseconds::max() for creating a stopped animation.
duration Duration of a single play of the animation
data Data the animation is attached to. Use DataHandle::Null to create an animation that isn't attached to any data.
repeatCount Repeat count. Use 0 for an indefinitely repeating animation.
flags Flags

Expects that BaseLayer::assignAnimator(BaseLayerStyleAnimator&) has been already called for this animator, that both sourceStyle and targetStyle are less than BaseLayer::Shared::styleCount() (not BaseLayer::Shared::totalStyleCount() — the style animation is not allowed to use the dynamic style indices) and that easing is not nullptr. Delegates to AbstractAnimator::create(Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, DataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags), see its documentation for more information.

The animation affects the BaseLayerStyleUniform and the padding value, if it differs between the styles.

template<class StyleIndex>
AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {})

Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type.

Casts sourceStyle and targetStyle to UnsignedInt and delegates to create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, DataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags).

AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags)

Create an animation.

Same as calling create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, DataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags) with repeatCount set to 1.

template<class StyleIndex>
AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, DataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags)

Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type.

Casts sourceStyle and targetStyle to UnsignedInt and delegates to create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, DataHandle, AnimationFlags).

AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {})

Create an animation assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.

Compared to create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, DataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags) delegates to AbstractAnimator::create(Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, LayerDataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags) instead.

template<class StyleIndex>
AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, UnsignedInt repeatCount = 1, AnimationFlags flags = {})

Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.

Casts sourceStyle and targetStyle to UnsignedInt and delegates to create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, LayerDataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags).

AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(UnsignedInt sourceStyle, UnsignedInt targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags)

Create an animation assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.

Same as calling create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, LayerDataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags) with repeatCount set to 1.

template<class StyleIndex>
AnimationHandle Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::create(StyleIndex sourceStyle, StyleIndex targetStyle, Float(*)(Float) easing, Nanoseconds played, Nanoseconds duration, LayerDataHandle data, AnimationFlags flags)

Create an animation with a style index in a concrete enum type assuming the data it's attached to belongs to the layer the animator is registered with.

Casts sourceStyle and targetStyle to UnsignedInt and delegates to create(UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt, Float(*)(Float), Nanoseconds, Nanoseconds, LayerDataHandle, UnsignedInt, AnimationFlags).

void Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::remove(AnimationHandle handle)

Remove an animation.

Expects that handle is valid. Recycles a dynamic style used by given animation with BaseLayer::recycleDynamicStyle() and delegates to AbstractAnimator::remove(AnimationHandle), see its documentation for more information.

void Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::remove(AnimatorDataHandle handle)

Remove an animation assuming it belongs to this animator.

Compared to remove(AnimationHandle) delegates to AbstractAnimator::remove(AnimatorDataHandle) instead.

auto Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::easing(AnimationHandle handle)

Animation easing function.

Expects that handle is valid. The returned pointer is never nullptr.

auto Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::easing(AnimatorDataHandle handle)

Animation easing function assuming it belongs to this animator.

Like easing(AnimationHandle) const but without checking that handle indeed belongs to this animator. See its documentation for more information.

Containers::Pair<BaseLayerStyleUniform, BaseLayerStyleUniform> Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::uniforms(AnimationHandle handle) const

Animation source and target uniforms.

Expects that handle is valid. The uniforms are queried from BaseLayer::Shared based on style IDs passed to create().

Containers::Pair<BaseLayerStyleUniform, BaseLayerStyleUniform> Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::uniforms(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const

Animation source and target uniforms assuming it belongs to this animator.

Like uniforms(AnimationHandle) const but without checking that handle indeed belongs to this animator. See its documentation for more information.

Containers::Pair<Vector4, Vector4> Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::paddings(AnimationHandle handle) const

Animation source and target paddings.

Expects that handle is valid. The paddings are queried from BaseLayer::Shared based on style IDs passed to create().

Containers::Pair<Vector4, Vector4> Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::paddings(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const

Animation source and target paddings assuming it belongs to this animator.

Like paddings(AnimationHandle) const but without checking that handle indeed belongs to this animator. See its documentation for more information.

BaseLayerStyleAnimations Magnum::Ui::BaseLayerStyleAnimator::advance(Containers::BitArrayView active, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<const Float>& factors, Containers::BitArrayView remove, Containers::ArrayView<BaseLayerStyleUniform> dynamicStyleUniforms, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<Vector4>& dynamicStylePaddings, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<UnsignedInt>& dataStyles)

Advance the animations.

active in Animation IDs that are active
factors in Interpolation factors indexed by animation ID
remove in Animation IDs to be removed
dynamicStyleUniforms in/out Uniforms to animate indexed by dynamic style ID
dynamicStylePaddings in/out Paddings to animate indexed by dynamic style ID
dataStyles in/out Style assignments of all layer data indexed by data ID
Returns Style properties that were affected by the animation

Used internally from BaseLayer::advanceAnimations(Nanoseconds, Containers::MutableBitArrayView, const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<Float>&, Containers::MutableBitArrayView, const Containers::Iterable<AbstractStyleAnimator>&), which is called from AbstractUserInterface::advanceAnimations(). Exposed just for testing purposes, there should be no need to call this function directly and doing so may cause internal AbstractUserInterface state update to misbehave.

Expects that size of active, factors and remove matches capacity(), it's assumed that their contents were filled by update() before. Expects that dynamicStyleUniforms and dynamicStylePaddings have the same size, the views should be large enough to contain any valid dynamic style ID. The dataStyles view should be large enough to contain any valid layer data ID.