Magnum/GL/Attribute.h file

Class Magnum::GL::Attribute, Magnum::GL::DynamicAttribute, function Magnum::GL::hasVertexFormat()


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.
namespace Magnum::GL
OpenGL wrapping layer.


template<UnsignedInt location, class T>
class Magnum::GL::Attribute
Base class for specifying shader attributes.
class Magnum::GL::DynamicAttribute
Base class for dynamic vertex attribute location and type.


template<UnsignedInt location, class T>
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Attribute<location, T>::Components) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
template<UnsignedInt location, class T>
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Attribute<location, T>::DataType) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, DynamicAttribute::Kind) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, DynamicAttribute::Components) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, DynamicAttribute::DataType) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto hasVertexFormat(Magnum::VertexFormat format) -> bool new in 2020.06
Check availability of a generic mesh attribute type.