- namespace glm GLM namespace.
namespace Magnum Root namespace.
namespace Animation Keyframe-based animation.
- struct BasicEasing new in Git master Easing functions.
- class Player Animation player.
- class Track Animation track.
- class TrackView Animation track view.
- class TrackViewStorage Type-erased track view storage.
namespace Audio Audio playback.
- namespace Extensions Compile-time information about OpenAL extensions.
- class AbstractImporter Base for audio importer plugins.
- class AnyImporter Any audio importer plugin.
- class Buffer Sample buffer.
class Context OpenAL context.
- class Configuration OpenAL context configuration.
- class DrFlacImporter FLAC audio importer plugin using dr_flac.
- class DrMp3Importer new in 2019.10 MP3 audio importer plugin using dr_mp3.
- class DrWavImporter WAV audio importer plugin using dr_wav.
- class Extension Run-time information about OpenAL extension.
- class Faad2Importer AAC audio importer plugin using FAAD2.
- class Listener Listener.
- class Playable Playable.
- class PlayableGroup PlayableGroup.
- class Renderer Global renderer configuration.
- class Source Source.
- class StbVorbisImporter OGG audio importer plugin using stb_vorbis.
- class WavImporter WAV importer plugin.
namespace BulletIntegration Integration with Bullet Physics.
- class DebugDraw Bullet physics debug visualization.
- class MotionState Bullet Physics motion state.
- namespace DartIntegration Integration with DART Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit.
namespace DebugTools Debug tools.
- namespace ColorMap new in 2020.06 Color maps.
- class CompareFileToImage File-to-image comparator for Corrade::
TestSuite. - class CompareImage Image comparator for Corrade::
TestSuite. - class CompareImageFile Image file comparator for Corrade::
TestSuite. - class CompareImageToFile Image-to-file comparator for Corrade::
TestSuite. - class CompareMaterial new in Git master Material comparator for Corrade::
TestSuite. - class ForceRenderer Force renderer.
- class ForceRendererOptions Force renderer options.
class FrameProfiler new in 2020.06 Frame profiler.
- class Measurement Measurement.
- class FrameProfilerGL new in 2020.06 OpenGL frame profiler.
- class ObjectRenderer Object renderer.
- class ObjectRendererOptions Object renderer options.
- class Profiler deprecated in 2020.06 Profiler.
- class ResourceManager Resource manager for debug tools.
- namespace EigenIntegration new in 2019.10 Integration with Eigen.
namespace GL OpenGL wrapping layer.
- namespace Extensions Compile-time information about OpenGL extensions.
- class AbstractFramebuffer Base for default and named framebuffers.
- class AbstractObject Base for all OpenGL objects.
- class AbstractQuery Base class for queries.
- class AbstractShaderProgram Base for shader program implementations.
- class AbstractTexture Base for textures.
- class Attribute Base class for specifying shader attributes.
- class Buffer Buffer.
- class BufferImage Buffer image.
- class BufferTexture Buffer texture.
- class CompressedBufferImage Compressed buffer image.
class Context Magnum OpenGL context.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
- class CubeMapTexture Cube map texture.
- class CubeMapTextureArray Cube map texture array.
- class DebugGroup Debug group.
- class DebugMessage Debug message.
- class DebugOutput Debug output.
- class DefaultFramebuffer Default framebuffer.
- class DynamicAttribute Base class for dynamic vertex attribute location and type.
- class Extension Run-time information about OpenGL extension.
class Framebuffer Framebuffer.
- class BufferAttachment Buffer attachment.
- class ColorAttachment Color attachment.
- class DrawAttachment Draw attachment.
- class InvalidationAttachment Invalidation attachment.
- class Mesh Mesh.
- class MeshView Mesh view.
- class MultisampleTexture Mulitsample texture.
- class OpenGLTester Base class for OpenGL tests and benchmarks.
- class PipelineStatisticsQuery new in 2020.06 Pipeline statistics query.
- class PrimitiveQuery Query for primitives.
- class RectangleTexture Rectangle texture.
- class Renderbuffer Renderbuffer.
- class Renderer Global renderer configuration.
- class SampleQuery Query for samples.
- class Sampler Texture sampler.
- class Shader Shader.
- class Texture Texture.
- class TextureArray Texture array.
- class TimeQuery Query for elapsed time.
- class TransformFeedback Transform feedback.
- namespace GlmIntegration Integration with OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
namespace ImGuiIntegration Integration with Dear ImGui.
- class Context Dear ImGui context.
- namespace MaterialTools new in Git master Material tools.
namespace Math Math library.
- namespace Algorithms Algorithms.
- namespace Distance Functions for calculating distances.
- namespace Intersection Functions for calculating intersections.
namespace Literals Math literals.
- namespace AngleLiterals new in Git master Math angle literals.
- namespace ColorLiterals new in Git master Math color literals.
- namespace HalfLiterals new in Git master Math half-float literals.
- namespace TimeLiterals new in Git master Math time literals.
- class Bezier Bézier curve.
- class BitVector new in Git master Vector of bits.
- class Color3 Color in linear RGB color space.
- class Color4 Color in linear RGBA color space.
- struct ColorHsv new in 2019.10 HSV color.
- class Complex Complex number.
- struct Constants Numeric constants.
- class CubicHermite Cubic Hermite spline point.
- class Deg Angle in degrees.
- class Dual Dual number.
- class DualComplex Dual complex number.
- class DualQuaternion Dual quaternion.
- class Frustum Camera frustum.
- class Half Half-precision float literal.
- struct IdentityInitT Identity initialization tag type.
- struct IsFloatingPoint new in 2019.10 Whether
is floating-point. - struct IsIntegral new in 2019.10 Whether
is integral. - struct IsScalar new in 2019.10 Whether
is an arithmetic scalar type. - struct IsUnitless new in 2019.10 Whether
is a unitless type. - struct IsVector new in 2019.10 Whether
is an arithmetic vector type. - class Matrix Square matrix.
- class Matrix3 2D transformation matrix
- class Matrix4 3D transformation matrix
- class Nanoseconds new in Git master Nanoseconds.
- class Quaternion Quaternion.
- class Rad Angle in radians.
- class Range N-dimensional range.
- class Range2D Two-dimensional range.
- class Range3D Three-dimensional range.
- class RectangularMatrix Rectangular matrix.
- class Seconds new in Git master Seconds.
- struct StrictWeakOrdering A functor which implements strict weak ordering.
- struct TypeTraits Traits class for builtin arithmetic types.
- class Unit Base class for units.
- class Vector Vector.
- class Vector2 Two-component vector.
- class Vector3 Three-component vector.
- class Vector4 Four-component vector.
- struct ZeroInitT Zero initialization tag type.
- namespace MeshTools Mesh tools.
namespace OpenDdl OpenDDL parser.
namespace Validation OpenDDL document validation.
- class Property Property specification.
- struct RequiredPropertyType Tag type for required and optional properties.
- class Structure Structure spec for validation.
- struct CharacterLiteral Character literal.
- class Document OpenDDL document.
- class Property OpenDDL property.
- class Structure OpenDDL structure.
namespace Validation OpenDDL document validation.
namespace OvrIntegration Integration with the Oculus SDK (LibOVR)
- struct Buttons Buttons.
- class Compositor Compositor.
- class Context Context singleton.
- struct Error Error.
- class HeadLockableLayer Superclass for layers which can be locked relative to the HMD.
- class InputState Input state.
- class Layer Wrapper around
- class LayerEyeFov Wrapper around
- class LayerQuad Wrapper around
- class PoseState A full rigid body pose with first and second derivatives.
- class Session Session.
- class TextureSwapChain Texture swap chain.
- struct Touches Touches.
namespace Platform Platform-specific application and context creation.
class AbstractXApplication Base for X11-based applications.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- class GLConfiguration OpenGL context configuration.
- class InputEvent Base for input events.
- class KeyEvent Key event.
- class MouseEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse event.
- class MouseMoveEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse move event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master Pointer event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master Pointer move event.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master Scroll event.
- class ViewportEvent Viewport event.
class AndroidApplication Android application.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- class GLConfiguration OpenGL context configuration.
- class InputEvent Base for input events.
- class MouseEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse event.
- class MouseMoveEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse move event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master Pointer event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master Pointer move event.
- class ViewportEvent Viewport event.
- class BasicScreen Base for application screens.
- class BasicScreenedApplication Base for applications with screen management.
class EmscriptenApplication new in 2019.10 Emscripten application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- class GLConfiguration WebGL context configuration.
- class InputEvent Base for input events.
- class KeyEvent Key event.
- class MouseEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse event.
- class MouseMoveEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse move event.
- class MouseScrollEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse scroll event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master Pointer event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master Pointer move event.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master Scroll event.
- class TextInputEvent Text input event.
- class ViewportEvent Viewport event.
- class GLContext Platform-specific OpenGL context.
class GlfwApplication GLFW application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- class ExitEvent Exit event.
- class GLConfiguration OpenGL context configuration.
- class InputEvent Base for input events.
- class KeyEvent Key event.
- class MouseEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse event.
- class MouseMoveEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse move event.
- class MouseScrollEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse scroll event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master Pointer event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master Pointer move event.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master Scroll event.
- class TextInputEvent Text input event.
- class ViewportEvent Viewport event.
- class GlxApplication GLX application.
class Sdl2Application SDL2 application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- class ExitEvent Exit event.
- class GLConfiguration OpenGL context configuration.
- class InputEvent Base for input events.
- class KeyEvent Key event.
- class MouseEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse event.
- class MouseMoveEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse move event.
- class MouseScrollEvent deprecated in Git master Mouse scroll event.
- class MultiGestureEvent deprecated in Git master Multi gesture event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master Pointer event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master Pointer move event.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master Scroll event.
- class TextEditingEvent Text editing event.
- class TextInputEvent Text input event.
- class ViewportEvent Viewport event.
- class TwoFingerGesture new in Git master Two-finger gesture recognition.
class WindowlessCglApplication Windowless CGL application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
class WindowlessCglContext Windowless CGL context.
- class Configuration Configuration.
class WindowlessEglApplication Windowless EGL application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
class WindowlessEglContext Windowless EGL context.
- class Configuration Configuration.
class WindowlessGlxApplication Windowless GLX application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
class WindowlessGlxContext Windowless GLX context.
- class Configuration Configuration.
class WindowlessIosApplication Windowless iOS application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
class WindowlessIosContext Windowless iOS context.
- class Configuration Configuration.
class WindowlessWglApplication Windowless WGL application.
- struct Arguments Application arguments.
class WindowlessWglContext Windowless WGL context.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- class XEglApplication X/EGL application.
class AbstractXApplication Base for X11-based applications.
- namespace Primitives Primitive library.
namespace SceneGraph Scene graph library.
- class AbstractBasicTranslationRotation2D Base transformation for two-dimensional scenes supporting translation and rotation.
- class AbstractBasicTranslationRotation3D Base transformation for three-dimensional scenes supporting translation and rotation.
- class AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling2D Base transformation for two-dimensional scenes supporting translation, rotation and scaling.
- class AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D Base transformation for three-dimensional scenes supporting translation, rotation and scaling.
- class AbstractFeature Base for object features.
- class AbstractFeatureGroup Base for group of features.
- class AbstractGroupedFeature Base for grouped features.
- class AbstractObject Base for objects.
- class AbstractTransformation Base for transformations.
- class AbstractTranslation Base transformation for two-dimensional scenes supporting translation.
- class Animable Animable.
- class AnimableGroup Group of animables.
- class BasicDualComplexTransformation Two-dimensional transformation implemented using dual complex numbers.
- class BasicDualQuaternionTransformation Three-dimensional transformation implemented using dual quaternions.
- class BasicMatrixTransformation2D Two-dimensional transformation implemented using matrices.
- class BasicMatrixTransformation3D Three-dimensional transformation implemented using matrices.
- class BasicRigidMatrixTransformation2D Two-dimensional rigid transformation implemented using matrices.
- class BasicRigidMatrixTransformation3D Three-dimensional rigid transformation implemented using matrices.
- class BasicTranslationRotationScalingTransformation2D Two-dimensional transformation implemented using translation, rotation and scaling.
- class BasicTranslationRotationScalingTransformation3D Three-dimensional transformation implemented using translation, rotation and scaling.
- class Camera Camera.
- class Drawable Drawable.
- class FeatureGroup Group of features.
- class Object Object.
- class Scene Scene.
- class TranslationTransformation Translation-only transformation.
- namespace SceneTools new in Git master Scene tools.
namespace Shaders Builtin shaders.
- struct DistanceFieldVectorDrawUniform new in Git master Per-draw uniform for distance field vector shaders.
class DistanceFieldVectorGL new in Git master Distance field vector OpenGL shader.
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
- struct DistanceFieldVectorMaterialUniform new in Git master Material uniform for distance field vector shaders.
- struct FlatDrawUniform new in Git master Per-draw uniform for flat shaders.
class FlatGL new in Git master Flat OpenGL shader.
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
- struct FlatMaterialUniform new in Git master Material uniform for flat shaders.
- struct GenericGL new in Git master Generic OpenGL shader definition.
- struct LineDrawUniform new in Git master Per-draw uniform for line shaders.
class LineGL new in Git master Line GL shader.
- class CompileState Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration Configuration.
- struct LineMaterialUniform new in Git master Material uniform for line shaders.
- struct MeshVisualizerDrawUniform2D new in Git master Per-draw uniform for 2D mesh visualizer shaders.
- struct MeshVisualizerDrawUniform3D new in Git master Per-draw uniform for 3D mesh visualizer shaders.
class MeshVisualizerGL2D new in Git master 2D mesh visualization OpenGL shader
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
class MeshVisualizerGL3D new in Git master 3D mesh visualization OpenGL shader
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
- struct MeshVisualizerMaterialUniform new in Git master Material uniform for mesh visualizer shaders.
- struct PhongDrawUniform new in Git master Per-draw uniform for Phong shaders.
class PhongGL new in Git master Phong OpenGL shader.
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
- struct PhongLightUniform new in Git master Light parameters for Phong shaders.
- struct PhongMaterialUniform new in Git master Material uniform for Phong shaders.
- struct ProjectionUniform2D new in Git master 2D projection uniform common for all shaders
- struct ProjectionUniform3D new in Git master 3D projection uniform common for all shaders
- struct TextureTransformationUniform new in Git master Texture transformation uniform common for all shaders.
- struct TransformationProjectionUniform2D new in Git master Combined 2D projection and transformation uniform common for all shaders.
- struct TransformationProjectionUniform3D new in Git master Combined 3D projection and transformation uniform common for all shaders.
- struct TransformationUniform2D new in Git master 2D transformation uniform common for all shaders
- struct TransformationUniform3D new in Git master 3D transformation uniform common for all shaders
- struct VectorDrawUniform new in Git master Per-draw uniform for vector shaders.
class VectorGL new in Git master Vector OpenGL shader.
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
- struct VectorMaterialUniform new in Git master Material uniform for vector shaders.
class VertexColorGL new in Git master Vertex color OpenGL shader.
- class CompileState new in Git master Asynchronous compilation state.
- class Configuration new in Git master Configuration.
namespace ShaderTools new in Git master Shader tools.
- class AbstractConverter new in Git master Base for shader converter plugins.
- class AnyConverter new in Git master Any shader converter plugin.
- class GlslangConverter new in Git master Glslang shader converter plugin.
- class SpirvToolsConverter new in Git master SPIRV-Tools shader converter plugin.
namespace Text Text rendering.
class AbstractFont Base for font plugins.
- struct Properties Font properties.
- class AbstractFontConverter Base for font converter plugins.
- class AbstractGlyphCache new in 2019.10 Base for glyph caches.
- class AbstractLayouter deprecated in Git master Base for text layouters.
- class AbstractRenderer Base for text renderers.
- class AbstractShaper new in Git master Base for text shapers.
- class DistanceFieldGlyphCacheGL new in Git master OpenGL glyph cache with distance field rendering.
- class FeatureRange new in Git master OpenType feature for a text range.
- class FreeTypeFont FreeType font plugin.
- class GlyphCacheGL new in Git master OpenGL glyph cache.
- class HarfBuzzFont HarfBuzz font plugin.
- class MagnumFont Simple bitmap font plugin.
- class MagnumFontConverter MagnumFont converter plugin.
- class Renderer Text renderer.
- class StbTrueTypeFont TrueType font plugin using stb_truetype.
class AbstractFont Base for font plugins.
namespace TextureTools Texture tools.
- class AtlasLandfill new in Git master Landfill texture atlas packer.
- class DistanceFieldGL Create a signed distance field using OpenGL.
namespace Trade Data format exchange.
- namespace OpenGex OpenGEX structure and property names.
- class AbstractImageConverter Base for image converter plugins.
- class AbstractImporter Base for importer plugins.
- class AbstractSceneConverter new in 2020.06 Base for scene converter plugins.
- class AnimationData Animation clip data.
- class AnimationTrackData Animation track data.
- class AnyImageConverter Any image converter plugin.
- class AnyImageImporter Any image importer plugin.
- class AnySceneConverter new in 2020.06 Any scene converter plugin.
- class AnySceneImporter Any scene importer plugin.
- struct ArrayAllocator new in 2020.06 Growable array allocator to be used in importer plugins.
- class AssimpImporter Assimp importer.
- class AstcImporter new in Git master ASTC importer plugin.
- class BasisImageConverter new in 2019.10 Basis Universal image converter plugin.
- class BasisImporter new in 2019.10 Basis Universal importer plugin.
- class BcDecImageConverter new in Git master BCn-compressed image decoding using bcdec.
- class CameraData Camera data.
- class CgltfImporter deprecated in Git master glTF importer plugin
- class DdsImporter DDS image importer plugin.
- class DevIlImageImporter DevIL Image importer plugin.
- class EtcDecImageConverter new in Git master ETC/EAC-compressed image decoding using etcdec.
- class FlatMaterialData new in Git master Flat material data.
- class GltfImporter new in Git master glTF importer plugin
- class GltfSceneConverter new in Git master glTF converter plugin
- class IcoImporter new in 2020.06 ICO importer plugin.
- class ImageData Image data.
- class JpegImageConverter JPEG image converter plugin.
- class JpegImporter JPEG importer plugin.
- class KtxImageConverter new in Git master KTX2 image converter plugin.
- class KtxImporter new in Git master KTX2 image importer plugin.
- class LightData Light data.
- class MaterialAttributeData new in Git master Material attribute data.
- class MaterialData new in Git master Material data.
- class MaterialLayerData new in Git master Material layer data.
- class MeshAttributeData new in 2020.06 Mesh attribute data.
- class MeshData new in 2020.06 Mesh data.
- class MeshData2D deprecated in 2020.06 Two-dimensional mesh data.
- class MeshData3D deprecated in 2020.06 Three-dimensional mesh data.
- class MeshIndexData new in 2020.06 Mesh index data.
- class MeshObjectData2D deprecated in Git master Two-dimensional mesh object data.
- class MeshObjectData3D deprecated in Git master Three-dimensional mesh object data.
- class MeshOptimizerSceneConverter new in 2020.06 MeshOptimizer converter plugin.
- class MiniExrImageConverter OpenEXR image converter plugin using miniexr.
- class ObjectData2D deprecated in Git master Two-dimensional object data.
- class ObjectData3D deprecated in Git master Three-dimensional object data.
- class ObjImporter OBJ importer plugin.
- class OpenExrImageConverter new in Git master OpenEXR image converter plugin.
- class OpenExrImporter new in Git master OpenEXR importer plugin.
- class OpenGexImporter OpenGEX importer.
- class PbrClearCoatMaterialData new in Git master Clear coat material layer data.
- class PbrMetallicRoughnessMaterialData new in Git master PBR metallic/roughness material data.
- class PbrSpecularGlossinessMaterialData new in Git master PBR specular/glossiness material data.
- class PhongMaterialData Phong material data.
- class PngImageConverter PNG image converter plugin.
- class PngImporter PNG importer plugin.
- class PrimitiveImporter new in 2020.06 Primitive importer plugin.
- class SceneData Scene data.
- class SceneFieldData new in Git master Scene field data.
- class SkinData new in Git master Skin data.
- class SpngImporter new in Git master PNG importer plugin using libspng.
- class StanfordImporter Stanford PLY importer plugin.
- class StanfordSceneConverter new in 2020.06 Stanford PLY converter plugin.
- class StbDxtImageConverter new in Git master BC1/BC3 compressor using stb_dxt.
- class StbImageConverter Image converter plugin using stb_image_write.
- class StbImageImporter Image importer plugin using stb_image.
- class StbResizeImageConverter new in Git master Image resizing using stb_image_resize.
- class StlImporter new in 2020.06 STL importer plugin.
- class TextureData Texture data.
- class TgaImageConverter TGA image converter plugin.
- class TgaImporter TGA importer plugin.
- class TinyGltfImporter deprecated in Git master TinyGltf importer plugin.
- class UfbxImporter new in Git master FBX and OBJ importer using ufbx.
- class WebPImageConverter new in Git master WebP image converter plugin.
- class WebPImporter new in Git master WebP importer plugin.
namespace Ui UI library.
- class AbstractAnchor new in Git master Base for widget positioning anchors.
- class AbstractAnimator new in Git master Base for animators.
- class AbstractDataAnimator new in Git master Base for data animators.
- class AbstractGenericAnimator new in Git master Base for generic animators.
- class AbstractLayer new in Git master Base for data layers.
- class AbstractLayouter new in Git master Base for layouters.
- class AbstractNodeAnimator new in Git master Base for node animators.
- class AbstractRenderer new in Git master Base for renderer implementations.
- class AbstractSnapLayout new in Git master Base for SnapLayouter layout creation helpers.
- class AbstractStyle new in Git master Base for UserInterface styles.
- class AbstractStyleAnimator new in Git master Base for style animators.
- class AbstractUserInterface new in Git master Base implementation of the main user interface.
class AbstractVisualLayer new in Git master Base for visual data layers.
- class Shared Base shared state for visual data layers.
- class AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master Base for AbstractVisualLayer style animators.
- class AbstractWidget new in Git master Abstract base for stateful widgets.
class BaseLayer new in Git master Base layer.
class Shared Shared state for the base layer.
- class Configuration Configuration of a base layer shared state.
class Shared Shared state for the base layer.
- struct BaseLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master Properties common to all BaseLayer style uniforms.
class BaseLayerGL new in Git master OpenGL implementation of the base layer.
- class Shared Shared state for the OpenGL implementation of the base layer.
- class BaseLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master Base layer style animator.
- struct BaseLayerStyleUniform new in Git master BaseLayer style uniform
- class BasicAnchor new in Git master Templated base for widget positioning anchors.
- class BasicSnapLayout new in Git master Templated base for SnapLayouter layout creation helpers.
- class BasicWidget new in Git master Templated abstract base for stateful widgets.
- class Button new in Git master Button widget.
- class EventConnection new in Git master Connection in the EventLayer.
- class EventLayer new in Git master Event handling layer.
- class FocusEvent new in Git master Focus or blur event.
- class GenericAnimator new in Git master Generic animator.
- class GenericDataAnimator new in Git master Generic animator with animations attached to layer data.
- class GenericNodeAnimator new in Git master Generic animator with animations attached to nodes.
- class Input new in Git master Input widget.
- class KeyEvent new in Git master Key press or release event.
- class Label new in Git master Label widget.
class LineLayer new in Git master Line layer.
class Shared Shared state for the line layer.
- class Configuration Configuration of a line layer shared state.
class Shared Shared state for the line layer.
- struct LineLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master Properties common to all LineLayer style uniforms.
class LineLayerGL new in Git master OpenGL implementation of the line layer.
- class Shared Shared state for the OpenGL implementation of the base layer.
- struct LineLayerStyleUniform new in Git master LineLayer style uniform
- class McssDarkStyle new in Git master Style for builtin widgets based on the m.css dark theme.
- class PointerCancelEvent new in Git master Pointer cancel event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master Pointer press or release event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master Pointer move event.
- class RendererGL new in Git master OpenGL renderer implementation.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master Scroll event.
- class SnapLayouter new in Git master Snap layouter.
- class TextFeatureValue new in Git master OpenType feature value.
- class TextInputEvent new in Git master Text input event.
class TextLayer new in Git master Text layer.
class Shared Shared state for the text layer.
- class Configuration Configuration of a base layer shared state.
class Shared Shared state for the text layer.
- struct TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform new in Git master Properties common to all TextLayer editing style uniforms.
- struct TextLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master Properties common to all TextLayer style uniforms.
- struct TextLayerEditingStyleUniform new in Git master TextLayer editing style uniform
class TextLayerGL new in Git master OpenGL implementation of the text layer.
- class Shared Shared state for the OpenGL implementation of the text layer.
- class TextLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master Text layer style animator.
- struct TextLayerStyleUniform new in Git master TextLayer style uniform
- class TextProperties new in Git master Text properties.
- class UserInterface new in Git master Main user interface.
- class UserInterfaceGL new in Git master OpenGL implementation of the main user interface.
- class VisibilityLostEvent new in Git master Visibility lost event.
namespace Vk Vulkan wrapping layer.
- namespace Extensions new in Git master Compile-time information about Vulkan instance and device extensions.
- class AttachmentDescription new in Git master Attachment description.
- class AttachmentReference new in Git master Attachment reference.
- class Buffer new in Git master Buffer.
- class BufferCopy new in Git master Buffer copy region.
- class BufferCreateInfo new in Git master Buffer creation info.
- class BufferImageCopy new in Git master Buffer / image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopy1D new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / 1D image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopy1DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / 1D array image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopy2D new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / 2D image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopy2DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / 2D array image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopy3D new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / 3D image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopyCubeMap new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / cube map image copy region.
- class BufferImageCopyCubeMapArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for buffer / cube map image copy region.
- class BufferMemoryBarrier new in Git master Memory barrier affecting a single buffer.
- class CommandBuffer new in Git master Command buffer.
- class CommandBufferBeginInfo new in Git master Command buffer begin info.
- class CommandPool new in Git master Command pool.
- class CommandPoolCreateInfo new in Git master Command pool creation info.
- class ComputePipelineCreateInfo new in Git master Compute pipeline creation info.
- class CopyBufferInfo new in Git master Buffer copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfo new in Git master Buffer to image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfo1D new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to 1D image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfo1DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to 1D array image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfo2D new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to 2D image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfo2DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to 2D array image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfo3D new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to 3D image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfoCubeMap new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to cube map image copy command.
- class CopyBufferToImageInfoCubeMapArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for a buffer to cube map array image copy command.
- class CopyImageInfo new in Git master Image copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfo new in Git master Image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfo1D new in Git master Convenience constructor for a 1D image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfo1DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for a 1D array image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfo2D new in Git master Convenience constructor for a 2D image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfo2DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for a 2D array image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfo3D new in Git master Convenience constructor for a 3D image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfoCubeMap new in Git master Convenience constructor for a cube map image to buffer copy command.
- class CopyImageToBufferInfoCubeMapArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for a cube map array image to buffer copy command.
- class DescriptorPool new in Git master Descriptor pool.
- class DescriptorPoolCreateInfo new in Git master Descriptor pool creation info.
- class DescriptorSet new in Git master Descriptor set.
- class DescriptorSetLayout new in Git master Descriptor set layout.
- class DescriptorSetLayoutBinding new in Git master Descriptor set layout binding.
- class DescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo new in Git master Descriptor set layout creation info.
- class Device new in Git master Device.
- class DeviceCreateInfo new in Git master Device creation info.
- class DeviceProperties new in Git master Physical device properties.
- class Extension new in Git master Run-time information about a Vulkan device extension.
- class ExtensionProperties new in Git master Extension properties.
- class Fence new in Git master Fence.
- class FenceCreateInfo new in Git master Fence creation info.
- class Framebuffer new in Git master Framebuffer.
- class FramebufferCreateInfo new in Git master Framebuffer creation info.
- class Image new in Git master Image.
- class ImageCopy new in Git master Image copy region.
- class ImageCreateInfo new in Git master Image creation info.
- class ImageCreateInfo1D new in Git master Convenience constructor for 1D images.
- class ImageCreateInfo1DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for 1D array images.
- class ImageCreateInfo2D new in Git master Convenience constructor for 2D images.
- class ImageCreateInfo2DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for 2D array images.
- class ImageCreateInfo3D new in Git master Convenience constructor for 3D images.
- class ImageCreateInfoCubeMap new in Git master Convenience constructor for cube map images.
- class ImageCreateInfoCubeMapArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for cube map array images.
- class ImageMemoryBarrier new in Git master Memory barrier affecting a single image.
- class ImageView new in Git master Image view.
- class ImageViewCreateInfo new in Git master Image view creation info.
- class ImageViewCreateInfo1D new in Git master Convenience constructor for 1D image views.
- class ImageViewCreateInfo1DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for 1D array image views.
- class ImageViewCreateInfo2D new in Git master Convenience constructor for 2D image views.
- class ImageViewCreateInfo2DArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for 2D array image views.
- class ImageViewCreateInfo3D new in Git master Convenience constructor for 3D image views.
- class ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap new in Git master Convenience constructor for cube map image views.
- class ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMapArray new in Git master Convenience constructor for cube map array image views.
- class Instance new in Git master Instance.
- class InstanceCreateInfo new in Git master Instance creation info.
- class InstanceExtension new in Git master Run-time information about a Vulkan instance extension.
- class InstanceExtensionProperties new in Git master Instance extension properties.
- class LayerProperties new in Git master Vulkan layer properties.
- class Memory new in Git master Device memory.
- class MemoryAllocateInfo new in Git master Memory allocation info.
- class MemoryBarrier new in Git master Global memory barrier.
- class MemoryMapDeleter new in Git master Deleter for mapped memory.
- class MemoryRequirements new in Git master Device memory requirements.
- class Mesh new in Git master Mesh.
- class MeshLayout new in Git master Mesh layout.
- class Pipeline new in Git master Pipeline.
- class PipelineLayout new in Git master Pipeline layout.
- class PipelineLayoutCreateInfo new in Git master Pipeline layout creation info.
- class Queue new in Git master Queue.
- class RasterizationPipelineCreateInfo new in Git master Rasterization pipeline creation info.
- class RenderPass new in Git master Render pass.
- class RenderPassBeginInfo new in Git master Render pass begin info.
- class RenderPassCreateInfo new in Git master Render pass creation info.
- class Sampler new in Git master Sampler.
- class SamplerCreateInfo new in Git master Sampler creation info.
- class Shader new in Git master Shader.
- class ShaderCreateInfo new in Git master Shader creation info.
- class ShaderSet new in Git master Shader set.
- class ShaderSpecialization new in Git master Shader specialization.
- class SubmitInfo new in Git master Queue submit info.
- class SubpassBeginInfo new in Git master Subpass begin info.
- class SubpassDependency new in Git master Subpass dependency.
- class SubpassDescription new in Git master Subpass description.
- class SubpassEndInfo new in Git master Subpass end info.
- class VulkanTester new in Git master Base class for Vulkan tests and benchmarks.
- class AbstractResourceLoader Base for resource loaders.
- class Array deprecated in Git master Array.
- class Array1D deprecated in Git master One-dimensional array.
- class Array2D deprecated in Git master Two-dimensional array.
- class Array3D deprecated in Git master Three-dimensional array.
- class CompressedImage Compressed image.
- class CompressedImageView Compressed image view.
- class CompressedPixelStorage Compressed pixel storage parameters.
- struct DimensionTraits Matrix and vector specializations for given dimension count.
- class Image Image.
- class ImageView Image view.
- struct NoAllocateT new in Git master No allocation tag type.
- class PixelStorage Pixel storage parameters.
- class Resource Resource reference.
- class ResourceKey Key for accessing resource.
- class ResourceManager Resource manager.
- class Timeline Timeline.
namespace Animation Keyframe-based animation.
namespace std STL namespace.
- struct hash<Magnum::ResourceKey>
specialization for Magnum::ResourceKey
- struct hash<Magnum::ResourceKey>