Magnum::Vk::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap class new in Git master

Convenience constructor for cube map image views.

Compared to the base ImageViewCreateInfo constructor creates a view of type VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_CUBE with layerCount set to 6. The original image is expected to be a VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D with ImageCreateInfo::Flag::CubeCompatible set (e.g., created using ImageCreateInfoCubeMap or ImageCreateInfoCubeMapArray).

Base classes

class ImageViewCreateInfo new in Git master
Image view creation info.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(VkImage image, PixelFormat format, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit
ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(VkImage image, Magnum::PixelFormat format, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit
ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(VkImage image, Magnum::CompressedPixelFormat format, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit
ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(Image& image, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit

Function documentation

Magnum::Vk::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(VkImage image, Magnum::PixelFormat format, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Magnum::Vk::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(VkImage image, Magnum::CompressedPixelFormat format, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Magnum::Vk::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap::ImageViewCreateInfoCubeMap(Image& image, UnsignedInt layerOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelOffset = 0, UnsignedInt levelCount = VK_REMAINING_MIP_LEVELS, Flags flags = {}) explicit

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Compared to the above, format is taken from Image::format().