Corrade/Utility/Directory.h file

Namespace Corrade::Utility::Directory.


namespace Corrade
Root namespace.
namespace Corrade::Utility
namespace Corrade::Utility::Directory deprecated in Git master
Filesystem utilities.


using MapDeleter = Path::MapDeleter deprecated in Git master
Memory-mapped file deleter.
using Flag = Path::ListFlag deprecated in Git master
Listing flag.
using Flags = Path::ListFlags deprecated in Git master
Listing flags.


auto fromNativeSeparators(const std::string& path) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Convert path from native separators.
auto toNativeSeparators(const std::string& path) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Convert path to native separators.
auto path(const std::string& filename) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Extract path from filename.
auto filename(const std::string& filename) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Extract filename (without path) from filename.
auto splitExtension(const std::string& path) -> std::pair<std::string, std::string> deprecated in Git master
Split basename and extension.
auto join(const std::string& path, const std::string& filename) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Join path and filename.
auto join(std::initializer_list<std::string> paths) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Join paths.
auto list(const std::string& path, Flags flags = {}) -> std::vector<std::string> deprecated in Git master
List directory contents.
auto mkpath(const std::string& path) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Create a path.
auto rm(const std::string& path) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Remove a file or a directory.
auto move(const std::string& from, const std::string& to) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Move given file or directory.
auto isSandboxed() -> bool deprecated in Git master
Whether the application runs in a sandboxed environment.
auto current() -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Current directory.
auto libraryLocation(const void* address) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Shared library location containing given address.
template<class R, class ... Args>
auto libraryLocation(R(*)(Args...) address) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
auto executableLocation() -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Executable location.
auto home() -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Current user's home directory.
auto configurationDir(const std::string& name) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Application configuration dir.
auto tmp() -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Temporary dir.
auto exists(const std::string& filename) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Check if the file or directory exists.
auto isDirectory(const std::string& path) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Check if given path is a directory.
auto fileExists(const std::string& filename) -> bool deprecated in 2019.10
Check if the file or directory exists.
auto fileSize(const std::string& filename) -> Containers::Optional<std::size_t> deprecated in Git master
File size.
auto read(const std::string& filename) -> Containers::Array<char> deprecated in Git master
Read a file into an array.
auto readString(const std::string& filename) -> std::string deprecated in Git master
Read a file into a string.
auto write(const std::string& filename, Containers::ArrayView<const void> data) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Write an array into a file.
auto writeString(const std::string& filename, const std::string& data) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Write a string into a file.
auto append(const std::string& filename, Containers::ArrayView<const void> data) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Append an array to a file.
auto appendString(const std::string& filename, const std::string& data) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Append a string to a file.
auto copy(const std::string& from, const std::string& to) -> bool deprecated in Git master
Copy a file.
auto map(const std::string& filename) -> Containers::Array<char, MapDeleter> deprecated in Git master
Map a file for reading and writing.
auto mapRead(const std::string& filename) -> Containers::Array<const char, MapDeleter> deprecated in Git master
Map a file for reading.
auto mapWrite(const std::string& filename, std::size_t size) -> Containers::Array<char, MapDeleter> deprecated in Git master
Map a file for writing.
auto map(const std::string& filename, std::size_t size) -> Containers::Array<char, MapDeleter> deprecated in 2020.06
Map a file for writing.