This library contains utility classes used by all other Corrade parts, like debug and error output (class Debug), access to configuration files (class Configuration) or compiling data files into the executable (class Resource, see also tutorial).
This library is built if CORRADE_WITH_UTILITY
is enabled when building Corrade. To use this library with CMake, request the Utility
component of the Corrade
package and link to the Corrade::Utility
find_package(Corrade REQUIRED Utility) # ... target_link_libraries(your-app PRIVATE Corrade::Utility)
Parts of this library are additionally available in a form of single-header libraries. See also Downloading and building Corrade and Using Corrade with CMake for more information.
- namespace Directory deprecated in Git master
- Filesystem utilities.
- namespace Endianness
- Endianness-related functions.
- namespace Path new in Git master
- Filesystem utilities.
- namespace String
- String utilities.
- namespace System
- System utilities.
- namespace Unicode
- Unicode utilities.
template<std::class AbstractHash
size_t digestSize> - Base template for hashing classes.
- class AndroidLogStreamBuffer
- Stream buffer that sends the data to Android log.
- class Arguments
- Command-line argument parser.
- class Configuration
- Parser and writer for configuration files.
- class ConfigurationGroup
- Group of values in a configuration file.
template<class T>struct ConfigurationValue
- Configuration value parser and writer.
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<bool>
- Configuration value parser and writer for
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<char32_t>
- Configuration value parser and writer for
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<Containers::String> new in Git master
- Configuration value parser and writer for Containers::
String. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<Containers::StringView> new in Git master
- Configuration value parser and writer for Containers::
StringView. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<double>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<float>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<int>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<long>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<long double>
- Configuration value parser and writer for
long double
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<long long>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
long long
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<short>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<std::string>
- Configuration value parser and writer for std::
string type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned int>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned int
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned long>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned long
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned long long>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned long long
type. -
template<>struct ConfigurationValue<unsigned short>
- Configuration value parser and writer for the
unsigned short
type. - class Debug
- Debug output handler.
- class Error
- Error output handler.
- class Fatal
- Fatal output handler.
- class FileWatcher
- File watcher.
template<std::class HashDigest
size_t size> - Hash digest.
- class Json new in Git master
- JSON parser.
- class JsonArrayItem new in Git master
- JSON array item.
template<class T>class JsonIterator new in Git master
- JSON iterator.
- class JsonObjectItem new in Git master
- JSON object item.
- class JsonToken new in Git master
- A single JSON token.
template<class T>class JsonView new in Git master
- JSON object and array view.
- class JsonWriter new in Git master
- JSON writer.
- class MurmurHash2
- MurmurHash 2.
- class Resource
- Access to compiled-in resources.
- class Sha1
- SHA-1.
- class Tweakable
- Tweakable constants.
template<class T>struct TweakableParser
- Parser for Tweakable types.
template<>struct TweakableParser<bool>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<char>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<double>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<float>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<int>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<long>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
long int
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<long double>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
long double
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<long long>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
long long int
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<unsigned int>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
unsigned int
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<unsigned long>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
unsigned long int
type. -
template<>struct TweakableParser<unsigned long long>
- Tweakable constant parser for the
unsigned long long int
type. - class Warning
- Warning output handler.
- enum class ConfigurationValueFlag: unsigned char { Oct = 1 << 0, Hex = 1 << 1, Scientific = 1 << 2, Uppercase = 1 << 3 }
- Configuration value conversion flag.
- enum class TweakableState: unsigned char { NoChange = 0, Success = 1, Recompile = 2, Error = 3 }
- Tweakable state.
using ConfigurationValueFlags = Containers::
EnumSet<ConfigurationValueFlag> - Configuration value conversion flags.
- using JsonObjectView = JsonView<JsonObjectItem> new in Git master
- JSON object view.
- using JsonArrayView = JsonView<JsonArrayItem> new in Git master
- JSON array view.
template<class T>using IsIterable = std::
integral_constant<bool, implementation-specific> - Traits class for checking whether given type is iterable.
template<class T>using IsStringLike = std::
integral_constant<bool, implementation-specific> new in 2019.10 - Traits class for checking whether given type is string-like.
void copy(Containers::
ArrayView<const void> src, Containers:: ArrayView<void> dst) new in 2020.06 - Copy an array view to another.
template<class T>void copy(Containers::
ArrayView<const T> src, Containers:: ArrayView<T> dst) new in 2020.06 - Copy an array view to another.
template<unsigned dimensions>void copy(const Containers::
StridedArrayView<dimensions, const char>& src, const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, char>& dst) new in 2020.06 - Copy a strided array view to another.
void copy(const Containers::
StridedArrayView1D<const char>& src, const Containers:: StridedArrayView1D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06 -
void copy(const Containers::
StridedArrayView2D<const char>& src, const Containers:: StridedArrayView2D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06 -
void copy(const Containers::
StridedArrayView3D<const char>& src, const Containers:: StridedArrayView3D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06 -
void copy(const Containers::
StridedArrayView4D<const char>& src, const Containers:: StridedArrayView4D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06 -
template<unsigned dimensions, class T>void copy(const Containers::
StridedArrayView<dimensions, const T>& src, const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, T>& dst) new in 2020.06 - Copy a strided array view to another.
template<class To, class ToView = decltype(Implementation::arrayViewTypeFor(std::void copy(std::
declval<To && >()))> initializer_list<typename ToView::Type> src, To&& dst) new in Git master - Copy an initializer list to a view.
template<unsigned dimension, unsigned dimensions, class T>void flipInPlace(const Containers::
StridedArrayView<dimensions, T>& view) new in Git master - Flip given dimension of a view in-place.
void copyMasked(const Containers::
StridedArrayView2D<const char>& src, Containers:: BitArrayView srcMask, const Containers:: StridedArrayView2D<char>& dst) new in Git master - Copy a masked array view to another.
template<class T>void copyMasked(const Containers::
StridedArrayView1D<const T>& src, Containers:: BitArrayView srcMask, const Containers:: StridedArrayView1D<T>& dst) new in Git master - Copy a masked array view to another.
- auto operator!(Implementation::DebugSourceLocation debug) -> Debug& new in 2020.06
- Prefix the output with source location.
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const T& value) -> Debug&
- Operator for printing custom types to debug output.
template<class Iterable>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Iterable& value) -> Debug&
- Operator for printing iterable types to debug output.
template<class T, class U>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const std::
pair<T, U>& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
pair to debug output. -
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
const std::
string& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
string to debug output. -
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const std::
basic_string<T>& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
basic_string to debug output. -
template<class ... Args>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const std::
tuple<Args...>& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
tuple to debug output. -
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
string_view value) -> Debug& new in Git master - Print a std::
string_view to debug output. -
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, std::
basic_string_view<T> value) -> Debug& new in Git master - Print a std::
basic_string_view to debug output. -
template<class ... Args>auto format(const char* format, const Args&... args) -> Containers::
String new in 2019.10 - Format a string.
template<class ... Args>auto formatInto(const Containers::
MutableStringView& buffer, const char* format, const Args&... args) -> std:: size_t - Format a string into an existing buffer.
template<class ... Args, std::auto formatInto(char(&buffer)[size], const char* format, const Args&... args) -> std::
size_t size> size_t -
template<class ... Args>void formatInto(std::
FILE* file, const char* format, const Args&... args) - Format a string into a file.
template<class ... Args>void print(const char* format, const Args&... args)
- Print a string to the standard output.
template<class ... Args>void printError(const char* format, const Args&... args)
- Print a string to the standard error output.
template<class ... Args>auto formatString(const char* format, const Args&... args) -> std::
string - Format a string.
template<class ... Args>auto formatInto(std::
string& string, std:: size_t offset, const char* format, const Args&... args) -> std:: size_t - Format a string into an existing string.
template<class T>auto min(T value, T min) -> T constexpr new in Git master
- Minimum.
template<class T>auto max(T value, T max) -> T constexpr new in Git master
- Maximum.
template<class T>auto abs(T a) -> T constexpr new in Git master
- Absolute value.
template<class T, std::auto allocateAligned(std::
size_t alignment = alignof(T)> size_t size) -> Containers:: Array<T> new in Git master - Allocate aligned memory and value-initialize it.
template<class T, std::auto allocateAligned(DefaultInitT, std::
size_t alignment = alignof(T)> size_t size) -> Containers:: Array<T> new in Git master - Allocate aligned memory and default-initialize it.
template<class T, std::auto allocateAligned(ValueInitT, std::
size_t alignment = alignof(T)> size_t size) -> Containers:: Array<T> new in Git master - Allocate aligned memory and value-initialize it.
template<class T, std::auto allocateAligned(NoInitT, std::
size_t alignment = alignof(T)> size_t size) -> Containers:: Array<T> new in Git master - Allocate aligned memory and leave it uninitialized.
template<class T>auto forward(typename std::
remove_reference<T>::type& t) -> T&& constexpr noexcept new in Git master - Forward an l-value.
template<class T>auto forward(typename std::
remove_reference<T>::type&& t) -> T&& constexpr noexcept new in Git master - Forward an r-value.
template<class T>auto move(T&& t) -> std::
remove_reference<T>::type&& constexpr noexcept new in Git master - Convert a value to an r-value.
template<class T>void swap(T& a, T& b) noexcept(…) new in Git master
- Swap two values.
template<std::void swap(T(&a)[size], T(&b)[size]) noexcept(…) new in Git master
size_t size, class T> - Swap two arrays.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TweakableState value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
Type utilities
template<class To, class From>auto bitCast(const From& from) -> To
- Cast type to another of the same size.
Enum documentation
enum class Corrade:: Utility:: ConfigurationValueFlag: unsigned char
Configuration value conversion flag.
Enumerators | |
Oct |
Numeric value as octal |
Hex |
Numeric value as hexadecimal |
Scientific |
Floating point values in scientific notation |
Uppercase |
Use uppercase characters for numeric output |
enum class Corrade:: Utility:: TweakableState: unsigned char
#include <Corrade/Utility/TweakableParser.h>
Tweakable state.
Enumerators | |
NoChange |
No source file has any changes that affect tweakable values. Nothing to do. |
Success |
Tweakable values in some source files were changed and successfully updated. Values that are neither accessed in the main event loop nor were part of any Tweakable:: |
Recompile |
Source files were changed in a way that can't be handled by updating just the tweakable values alone. No values were updated, hot-reload the affected code or restart a recompiled version of the app to pick up the changes. Note that this state is optimistic — it may happen that the changes will lead to a compile error similarly as with TweakableState:: |
Error |
Source files were changed in a way that caused a parse error. No values were updated, fix the error and save the file again to retry the parsing. This state is returned only when the utility is absolutely sure there is a syntax error (for example when a char literal is not terminated). If not sure, TweakableState:: |
Typedef documentation
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<ConfigurationValueFlag> Corrade:: Utility:: ConfigurationValueFlags
Configuration value conversion flags.
typedef JsonView<JsonObjectItem> Corrade:: Utility:: JsonObjectView new in Git master
#include <Corrade/Utility/Json.h>
JSON object view.
Returned from Json::
typedef JsonView<JsonArrayItem> Corrade:: Utility:: JsonArrayView new in Git master
#include <Corrade/Utility/Json.h>
JSON array view.
Returned from Json::
#include <Corrade/Utility/TypeTraits.h>
template<class T>
using Corrade:: Utility:: IsIterable = std:: integral_constant<bool, implementation-specific>
Traits class for checking whether given type is iterable.
Equivalent to std::begin()
/ end()
members, is usable with free begin()
/ end()
functions or has std::
Used together with IsStringLike by Debug to decide whether given type should be printed as a container of its contents or as a whole.
#include <Corrade/Utility/TypeTraits.h>
template<class T>
using Corrade:: Utility:: IsStringLike = std:: integral_constant<bool, implementation-specific> new in 2019.10
Traits class for checking whether given type is string-like.
Equivalent to std::c_str()
or a substr()
member or is a Containers::
Used together with IsIterable by Debug to decide whether given type should be printed as a container of its contents or as a whole.
Function documentation
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(Containers:: ArrayView<const void> src,
Containers:: ArrayView<void> dst) new in 2020.06
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
Copy an array view to another.
Calls std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
template<class T>
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(Containers:: ArrayView<const T> src,
Containers:: ArrayView<T> dst) new in 2020.06
Copy an array view to another.
Casts views into a void
type and delegates into copy(Containers::T
is a trivially copyable type.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
template<unsigned dimensions>
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, const char>& src,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, char>& dst) new in 2020.06
Copy a strided array view to another.
Optimized to call std::
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(const Containers:: StridedArrayView1D<const char>& src,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView1D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(const Containers:: StridedArrayView2D<const char>& src,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView2D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(const Containers:: StridedArrayView3D<const char>& src,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView3D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(const Containers:: StridedArrayView4D<const char>& src,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView4D<char>& dst) new in 2020.06
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
template<unsigned dimensions, class T>
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, const T>& src,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, T>& dst) new in 2020.06
Copy a strided array view to another.
Casts views into a char
type of one dimension more (where the last dimension has a size of sizeof(T)
and delegates into copy(const Containers::T
is a trivially copyable type.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
template<class To, class ToView = decltype(Implementation::arrayViewTypeFor(std:: declval<To && >()))>
void Corrade:: Utility:: copy(std:: initializer_list<typename ToView::Type> src,
To&& dst) new in Git master
Copy an initializer list to a view.
Based on whether the dst
is convertible to either Containers::dst
that's convertible to an one-dimensional Containers::src
has the same underlying type as dst
, that they have both the same size and the dst
is not const
This overload can also be used for convenient filling of C arrays, which would otherwise have to be done element-by-element or using std::
int a[3]; … Utility::copy({1, 2, 3}, a);
#include <Corrade/Utility/Algorithms.h>
template<unsigned dimension, unsigned dimensions, class T>
void Corrade:: Utility:: flipInPlace(const Containers:: StridedArrayView<dimensions, T>& view) new in Git master
Flip given dimension of a view in-place.
Swaps all items in dimension
such that viewDimension[i]
and viewDimension[dimensionSize - i - 1]
exchange their contents for all i < dimensionSize/2
. Expects that T
is a trivially copyable type and the view is contiguous after dimension
View flip not in place can be performed using a copy() to a view that has the desired dimension Containers::
Containers::StridedArrayView2D<T> pixels = …; Containers::StridedArrayView2D<T> destination = …; /* Y-flip the pixels into a destination */ Utility::copy(pixels.flipped<0>(), destination); /* Y-flip the pixels in-place */ Utility::flipInPlace<0>(pixels);
void Corrade:: Utility:: copyMasked(const Containers:: StridedArrayView2D<const char>& src,
Containers:: BitArrayView srcMask,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView2D<char>& dst) new in Git master
#include <Corrade/Utility/BitAlgorithms.h>
Copy a masked array view to another.
For all bits that are set in srcMask
takes an element from src
and copies it to dst
. Expects that src
and srcMask
have the same size, that count of bits set in srcMask
is the same as dst
size and that the second dimension of both src
and dst
has the same size and is contiguous.
#include <Corrade/Utility/BitAlgorithms.h>
template<class T>
void Corrade:: Utility:: copyMasked(const Containers:: StridedArrayView1D<const T>& src,
Containers:: BitArrayView srcMask,
const Containers:: StridedArrayView1D<T>& dst) new in Git master
Copy a masked array view to another.
Casts views into a char
type of one dimension more (where the last dimension has a size of sizeof(T)
and delegates into copyMasked(const Containers::T
is a trivially copyable type.
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator!(Implementation::DebugSourceLocation debug) new in 2020.06
#include <Corrade/Utility/Debug.h>
Prefix the output with source location.
Only on supported compilers, does nothing otherwise. See Source location for more information.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Debug.h>
template<class T>
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const T& value)
Operator for printing custom types to debug output.
Parameters | |
debug | Debug class |
value | Value to be printed |
Support for printing custom types (i.e. those not handled by std::
The function should convert the type to one of supported types (such as the builtin types or std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/Debug.h>
template<class Iterable>
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const Iterable& value)
Operator for printing iterable types to debug output.
Prints the value as {a, b, …}
. If the type contains a nested iterable type, the values are separated by newlines. Specifying Debug::
#include <Corrade/Utility/DebugStl.h>
template<class T, class U>
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const std:: pair<T, U>& value)
Print a std::
Prints the value as (first, second)
. Unlike operator<<(Debug& debug, const Iterable& value), the output is not affected by Debug::
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const std:: string& value)
#include <Corrade/Utility/DebugStl.h>
Print a std::
For types that are only convertible to a std::operator<<()
overload. In that case the value is printed directly to the stream instead, assuming it's a cheaper operation than conversion to a std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/DebugStl.h>
template<class T>
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const std:: basic_string<T>& value)
Print a std::
All other types than exactly std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/DebugStl.h>
template<class ... Args>
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const std:: tuple<Args...>& value)
Print a std::
Prints the value as (first, second, third...)
. Unlike operator<<(Debug& debug, const Iterable& value), the output is not affected by Debug::
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
std:: string_view value) new in Git master
Print a std::
template<class T>
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
std:: basic_string_view<T> value) new in Git master
Print a std::
All other types than exactly std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
template<class ... Args>
Containers:: String Corrade:: Utility:: format(const char* format,
const Args&... args) new in 2019.10
Format a string.
Provides type-safe formatting of arbitrary types into a template string, similar in syntax to Python's format(). Example usage:
Containers::String s = Utility::format("{} version {}.{}.{}, {} MB", "vulkan.hpp", 1, 1, 76, 1.79); // vulkan.hpp version 1.1.76, 1.79 MB
Templating language
Formatting placeholders are denoted by {}
, which can have either implicit ordering (as shown above), or be numbered, such as {2}
. Zero means first item from args
, it's allowed to repeat the numbers. An implicit placeholder following a numbered one will get next position after. Example:
Containers::String s = Utility::format("<{0}><{1}>Good {}, {}!</{1}></{0}>", "p", "strong", "afternoon", "ma'am!"); // <p><strong>Good afternoon, ma'am!</strong></p>
Unlike in Python, it's allowed to both have more placeholders than arguments or more arguments than placeholders. Extraneous placeholders are copied to the output verbatim, extraneous arguments are simply ignored.
In order to write a literal curly brace to the output, simply double it:
Containers::String s = Utility::format("union {{ {} a; char data[{}]; }} caster;", "float", sizeof(float)); // union { float a; char data[4]; } caster;
Data type support
Type | Default behavior |
char , unsigned char | Written as a base-10 integer (not as a character) |
short , unsigned short | Written as a base-10 integer |
int , unsigned int | Written as a base-10 integer |
long , unsigned long | Written as a base-10 integer |
long long , unsigned long long | Written as a base-10 integer |
float | Written as a float with 6 significant digits by default |
double | Written as a float with 15 significant digits by default |
long double | Written as a float, by default with 18 significant digits on platforms with 80-bit long double and 15 digits on platforms where it is 64-bit |
char* | Written as a sequence of characters until '\0' (which is not written) |
Containers:: MutableStringView, String | Written as a sequence of Containers:: |
Containers:: | Written as a sequence of Containers:: Deprecated, use Containers:: |
std:: | Written as a sequence of std:: ( #include Corrade/ |
std:: | Written as a sequence of std:: ( #include Corrade/ |
Advanced formatting options
Advanced formatting such as precision or presentation type is possible by putting extra options after a semicolon, following the optional placeholder number, such as {:x}
to print an integer value in hexadecimal. In general, the syntax similar to the -style formatting, with the addition of {}
and :
used instead of %
— for example, "%.2x"
can be translated to "{:.2x}"
The full placeholder syntax is the following, again a subset of the Python format():
The type
is a single character specifying output conversion:
Value | Meaning |
'c' | Character. Valid only for 8-, 16- and 32-bit integer types. At the moment, arbitrary UTF-32 codepoints don't work, only 7-bit ASCII values have a guaranteed output. |
'd' | Decimal integer (base 10). Valid only for integer types. Default for integers if nothing is specified. |
'o' | Octal integer (base 8). Valid only for integer types. |
'x' | Hexadecimal integer (base 16) with lowercase letters a–f. Valid only for integer types. |
'X' | Hexadecimal integer with uppercase letters A–F. Valid only for integer types. |
'g' | General floating-point, formatting the value either in exponent notation or fixed-point format depending on its magnitude. The exponent e and special values such as nan or inf are printed lowercase. Valid only for floating-point types. |
'G' | General floating-point. The exponent E and special values such as NAN or INF are printed uppercase. Valid only for floating-point types. |
'e' | Exponent notation. The exponent e and special values such as nan or inf are printed lowercase. Valid only for floating-point types. |
'E' | Exponent notation. The exponent E and special values such as NAN or INF are printed uppercase. Valid only for floating-point types. |
'f' | Fixed point. The exponent e and special values such as nan or inf are printed lowercase. Valid only for floating-point types. |
'F' | Fixed point. The exponent E and special values such as NAN or INF are printed uppercase. Valid only for floating-point types. |
none | Default based on type, equivalent to 'd' for integral types and 'g' for floating-point types. The only valid specifier for strings. |
The precision
field specifies a precision of the output. It's interpreted differently based on the data type:
Type | Meaning |
Integers, except for the 'c' type specifier | If the number of decimals is smaller than precision , the integer gets padded with the 0 character from the left. If both the number and precision is 0 , nothing is written to the output. Default precision is 1 . |
Floating-point types with default or 'g' / 'G' type specifier | The number is printed with at most precision significant digits. Default precision depends on data type, see the type support table above. |
Floating-point types with 'e' / 'E' type specifier | The number is always printed with exactly one decimal, precision decimal points (including trailing zeros) and the exponent. Default precision depends on data type, see the type support table above. |
Floating-point types with 'f' / 'F' type specifier | The number is always printed with exactly precision decimal points including trailing zeros. Default precision depends on data type, see the type support table above. |
Strings, characters (integers with the 'c' type specifier) | If the string length is larger than precision , only the first precision bytes are written to the output. Default precision is unlimited. Note that this doesn't work with UTF-8 at the moment and specifying precision of 0 doesn't give the expected output for characters. |
Example of formating of CSS colors with correct width:
Containers::String s = Utility::format("path {{ fill: #{:.6x}; stroke: #{:.6x}; }}", 0x33ff00, 0x00aa55); // path { fill: #33ff00; stroke: #00aa55; }
This function always does exactly one allocation for the output array. See formatInto(std::
Comparison to Debug
Debug class desired usage is for easy printing of complex nested types, containers, enum values or opaque types for logging and diagnostic purposes, with focus on convenience rather than speed or advanced formatting capabilities. The format() family of functions is intended for cases where it's required to have a complete control over the output, for example when serializing text files.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
template<class ... Args>
std:: size_t Corrade:: Utility:: formatInto(const Containers:: MutableStringView& buffer,
const char* format,
const Args&... args)
Format a string into an existing buffer.
Writes formatted output to given buffer
, expecting that it is large enough. The formatting is done completely without any allocation. Returns total amount of bytes written, does not write any terminating '\0'
character. Example usage:
char shaderVersion[128]; // large enough std::size_t size = Utility::formatInto(shaderVersion, "#version {}\n", 430); addShaderSource({shaderVersion, size});
See format() for more information about usage and templating language.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
template<class ... Args, std:: size_t size>
std:: size_t Corrade:: Utility:: formatInto(char(&buffer)[size],
const char* format,
const Args&... args)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
template<class ... Args>
void Corrade:: Utility:: formatInto(std:: FILE* file,
const char* format,
const Args&... args)
Format a string into a file.
Writes formatted output to file
, which can be either an arbitrary file opened using std::stdout
/ stderr
. Does not allocate on its own (though the underlying file writing routines might), does not write any terminating '\0'
character. Example usage:
Utility::formatInto(stdout, "Hello, {}!", "world");
See format() for more information about usage and templating language.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
template<class ... Args>
void Corrade:: Utility:: print(const char* format,
const Args&... args)
Print a string to the standard output.
Equivalent to calling formatInto(std::stdout
as a first parameter.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Format.h>
template<class ... Args>
void Corrade:: Utility:: printError(const char* format,
const Args&... args)
Print a string to the standard error output.
Equivalent to calling formatInto(std::stderr
as a first parameter.
#include <Corrade/Utility/FormatStl.h>
template<class ... Args>
std:: string Corrade:: Utility:: formatString(const char* format,
const Args&... args)
Format a string.
Same as format(), but returning a std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/FormatStl.h>
template<class ... Args>
std:: size_t Corrade:: Utility:: formatInto(std:: string& string,
std:: size_t offset,
const char* format,
const Args&... args)
Format a string into an existing string.
Takes an existing string
and writes the formatted content starting at offset
. If the string is not large enough, does at most one reallocation (by calling std::string::resize()
). Returns final written size (which might be less than the string size if inserting in the middle). Does not write any terminating '\0'
character. Example usage:
std::vector<float> positions{-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f}; std::string out; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < positions.size(); i += 3) Utility::formatInto(out, out.size(), "{}[{0}, {1}, {2}]", out.empty() ? "" : ", ", positions[i*3 + 0], positions[i*3 + 1], positions[i*3 + 2]); // [-0.5, -0.5, 0], [0.5, -0.5, 0], [0.0, 0.5, 0.0]
See format() for more information about usage and templating language.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Math.h>
template<class T>
T Corrade:: Utility:: min(T value,
T min) constexpr new in Git master
The main purpose of this function is to be used in places where having to #include <algorithm>
to get std::
NaNs passed in the value
parameter are propagated.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Math.h>
template<class T>
T Corrade:: Utility:: max(T value,
T max) constexpr new in Git master
The main purpose of this function is to be used in places where having to #include <algorithm>
to get std::
NaNs passed in the value
parameter are propagated.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Math.h>
template<class T>
T Corrade:: Utility:: abs(T a) constexpr new in Git master
Absolute value.
The main purpose of this function is to be used in places where having to #include <cmath>
to get std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/Memory.h>
template<class T, std:: size_t alignment = alignof(T)>
Containers:: Array<T> Corrade:: Utility:: allocateAligned(std:: size_t size) new in Git master
Allocate aligned memory and value-initialize it.
Template parameters | |
T | Type of the returned array |
alignment | Allocation alignment, in bytes |
Parameters | |
size | Count of T items to allocate. If 0 , no allocation is done. |
Compared to the classic C std::new
that commonly aligns only to 2*sizeof(void*)
, this function returns "overaligned" allocations, which is mainly useful for efficient SIMD operations. Example usage:
Containers::Array<__m256> avxVectors = Utility::allocateAligned<__m256>(size);
The alignment is implicitly alignof(T)
, but can be overridden with the alignment
template parameter. When specified explicitly, it is expected to be a power-of-two value, at most 256
bytes and the total byte size being a multiple of the alignment:
Containers::Array<Matrix4> avxMatrices = Utility::allocateAligned<Matrix4, 32>(size);
The returned pointer is always aligned to at least the desired value, but the alignment can be also higher. For example, allocating a 2 MB buffer may result in it being aligned to the whole memory page, or small alignment values could get rounded up to the default 2*sizeof(void*)
The function is implemented using posix_alignment - 1
padding and the returned pointer is then patched to satisfy the alignment. In all cases the returned Containers::
Array initialization
Like with Containers::
- allocateAligned(DefaultInitT, std::
size_t) leaves trivial types uninitialized and calls the default constructor elsewhere. Because of the differing behavior for trivial types it's better to explicitly use either the ValueInit or NoInit variants instead. - allocateAligned(ValueInitT, std::
size_t) is equivalent to the default case, zero-initializing trivial types and calling the default constructor elsewhere. Useful when you want to make the choice appear explicit. - allocateAligned(NoInitT, std::
size_t) does not initialize anything. Useful for trivial types when you'll be overwriting the contents anyway, for non-trivial types this is the dangerous option and you need to call the constructor on all elements manually using placement new, std:: uninitialized_copy() or similar — see the function docs for an example.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Memory.h>
template<class T, std:: size_t alignment = alignof(T)>
Containers:: Array<T> Corrade:: Utility:: allocateAligned(DefaultInitT,
std:: size_t size) new in Git master
Allocate aligned memory and default-initialize it.
Compared to allocateAligned(std::
Implemented via allocateAligned(NoInitT, std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/Memory.h>
template<class T, std:: size_t alignment = alignof(T)>
Containers:: Array<T> Corrade:: Utility:: allocateAligned(ValueInitT,
std:: size_t size) new in Git master
Allocate aligned memory and value-initialize it.
Same as allocateAligned(std::
#include <Corrade/Utility/Memory.h>
template<class T, std:: size_t alignment = alignof(T)>
Containers:: Array<T> Corrade:: Utility:: allocateAligned(NoInitT,
std:: size_t size) new in Git master
Allocate aligned memory and leave it uninitialized.
Compared to allocateAligned(std::
struct Foo { explicit Foo(int) {} … }; Containers::Array<Foo> data = Utility::allocateAligned<Foo>(NoInit, 5); int index = 0; for(Foo& f: data) new(&f) Foo{index++};
#include <Corrade/Utility/Move.h>
template<class T>
T&& Corrade:: Utility:: forward(typename std:: remove_reference<T>::type& t) constexpr noexcept new in Git master
Forward an l-value.
Returns static_cast<T&&>(t)
. Equivalent to std::#include <utility>
dependency and guaranteed to be constexpr
even in C++11.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Move.h>
template<class T>
T&& Corrade:: Utility:: forward(typename std:: remove_reference<T>::type&& t) constexpr noexcept new in Git master
Forward an r-value.
Returns static_cast<T&&>(t)
. Equivalent to std::#include <utility>
dependency and guaranteed to be constexpr
even in C++11.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Move.h>
template<class T>
std:: remove_reference<T>::type&& Corrade:: Utility:: move(T&& t) constexpr noexcept new in Git master
Convert a value to an r-value.
Returns static_cast<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t)
. Equivalent to std::#include <utility>
dependency and guaranteed to be constexpr
even in C++11.
#include <Corrade/Utility/Move.h>
template<class T>
void Corrade:: Utility:: swap(T& a,
T& b) noexcept(…) new in Git master
Swap two values.
Swaps two values. Equivalent to std::#include <utility>
dependency, and without the internals delegating to std::using Utility::swap
MyClass& MyClass::operator=(MyClass&& other) noexcept { using Utility::swap; swap(other._member, _member); swap(other._another, _another); return *this; }
#include <Corrade/Utility/Move.h>
template<std:: size_t size, class T>
void Corrade:: Utility:: swap(T(&a)[size],
T(&b)[size]) noexcept(…) new in Git master
Swap two arrays.
Does the same as swap(T&, T&), but for every array element.
Debug& Corrade:: Utility:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
TweakableState value)
#include <Corrade/Utility/TweakableParser.h>
Debug output operator.
#include <Corrade/Utility/utilities.h>
template<class To, class From>
To Corrade:: Utility:: bitCast(const From& from)
Cast type to another of the same size.
Unlike reinterpret_cast
this doesn't break strict-aliasing rules.