Corrade/Utility/EndiannessBatch.h file new in 2020.06

Namespace Corrade::Utility::Endianness.


namespace Corrade
Root namespace.
namespace Corrade::Utility
namespace Corrade::Utility::Endianness
Endianness-related functions.


template<class T>
void swapInPlace(const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<T>& values) new in 2020.06
Endian-swap bytes of each argument in-place.
template<class T>
void swapInPlace(const Containers::ArrayView<T>& values) new in 2020.06
template<class T>
void littleEndianInPlace(const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<T>& values) new in 2020.06
Convert values from or to Little-Endian in-place.
template<class T>
void littleEndianInPlace(const Containers::ArrayView<T>& values) new in 2020.06
template<class T>
void bigEndianInPlace(const Containers::StridedArrayView1D<T>& values) new in 2020.06
Convert values from or to Big-Endian in-place.
template<class T>
void bigEndianInPlace(const Containers::ArrayView<T>& values) new in 2020.06