List of partially supported features

Member Corrade::Containers::StaticArray<size_, T>::StaticArray (Corrade::InPlaceInitT, T( && data)[size])
Not available on MSVC 2015 and MSVC 2017 as these compilers don't support moving arrays.
Member Corrade::Containers::StaticArray<size_, T>::StaticArray (T( && data)[size])
Not available on MSVC 2015 and MSVC 2017 as these compilers don't support moving arrays.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager::load (Containers::StringView plugin)
On platforms without dynamic plugin support returns always either LoadState::Static or LoadState::NotFound.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager::pluginDirectory () const
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager::reloadPluginDirectory ()
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager::setPluginDirectory (Containers::StringView directory)
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractManager::unload (Containers::StringView plugin)
On platforms without dynamic plugin support returns always either LoadState::Static or LoadState::NotFound.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractPlugin::pluginSearchPaths ()
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::AbstractPlugin::pluginSuffix ()
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::implicitPluginSearchPaths (Containers::StringView libraryLocation, Containers::StringView hardcodedPath, Containers::StringView relativePath)
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::LoadFailed
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::Manager<T>::Manager (Containers::StringView pluginDirectory={})
The pluginDirectory parameter has no effect on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::NotLoaded
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::Required
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::UnloadFailed
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::UnresolvedDependency
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::Used
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::WrongInterfaceVersion
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::WrongMetadataFile
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::PluginManager::WrongPluginVersion
Not available on platforms without dynamic plugin support.
Member Corrade::TestSuite::Tester::CpuCycles
Supported only on x86 and GCC/Clang or MSVC (using RDTSC), on other platforms gives zero result.
Member Corrade::TestSuite::Tester::CpuTime
On Windows RT gives zero result.
Member Corrade::TestSuite::Tester::TesterConfiguration::cpuScalingGovernorFile () const
Available only on Linux.
Member Corrade::TestSuite::Tester::TesterConfiguration::setCpuScalingGovernorFile (Containers::StringView filename)
Available only on Linux.
Class Corrade::Utility::AndroidLogStreamBuffer
Available only on Android.
Member Corrade::Utility::Arguments::environment ()
Returns empty vector on Windows RT.
Member Corrade::Utility::Arguments::setFromEnvironment (const std::string&key, std::string environmentVariable)
Does nothing on Windows RT.
Member Corrade::Utility::Debug::invertedColor (Color color)
Not available on Windows with CORRADE_UTILITY_USE_ANSI_COLORS disabled.
Member Corrade::Utility::Directory::libraryLocation (const void*address)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Directory::map (const std::string&filename, std::size_t size)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Directory::map (const std::string&filename)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Directory::MapDeleter
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Directory::mapRead (const std::string&filename)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Directory::mapWrite (const std::string&filename, std::size_t size)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Class Corrade::Utility::FileWatcher
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms and on Emscripten. On Emscripten it works on the virtual filesystem.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::isDirectory (Containers::StringView path)
On Unix platforms and Emscripten, symlinks are followed, so this function will return
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::libraryLocation (const void*address)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::list (Containers::StringView path, ListFlags flags={})
On Unix platforms and Emscripten, symlinks are followed and ListFlag::SkipFiles and ListFlag::SkipDirectories affects the link target, not the link itself. This behavior is not implemented on Windows at the moment.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::make (Containers::StringView path)
Due to file type detection being unreliable on iOS and unimplemented for symlinks on Windows, the function may still return true on those two platforms if path exists but is not a directory.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::map (Containers::StringView filename)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Class Corrade::Utility::Path::MapDeleter
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::mapRead (Containers::StringView filename)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::mapWrite (Containers::StringView filename, std::size_t size)
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::SkipFiles
On Windows and Emscripten skips everything except directories, as there's no concept of a special file.
Member Corrade::Utility::Path::SkipSpecial
Has no effect on Windows and Emscripten, as these platforms don't have a concept of a special file.
Member Corrade::Utility::swap (T&a, T&b) noexcept(...)
On MSVC 2015 it's just an alias to std::swap(), as compiler limitations prevent creating an alternative that wouldn't conflict.
Class Corrade::Utility::Tweakable
Available only on Unix and non-RT Windows platforms and on Emscripten.
Class Corrade::Utility::TweakableParser<long double>
Not available in Emscripten as JavaScript doesn't support doubles larger than 64 bits.
Member Corrade::Utility::Unicode::narrow (Containers::ArrayView<const wchar_t> text)
Available only on Windows to be used when dealing directly with Windows Unicode APIs. Other code should always use UTF-8, see for more information.
Member Corrade::Utility::Unicode::widen (Containers::StringView text)
Available only on Windows to be used when dealing directly with Windows Unicode APIs. Other code should always use UTF-8, see for more information.