Resource compiler

Resource compiling utility for Utility::Resource.

Produces a C++ file with data in a hexadecimal representation to be compiled into an executable and used with Utility::Resource. See also Resource management for a tutorial.

This utility is built if CORRADE_WITH_RC is enabled when building Corrade. To use this utility with CMake, see the corrade_add_resource() macro. To use it directly, you need to request the rc component of the Corrade package and use the Corrade::rc target for example in a custom command:

find_package(Corrade REQUIRED rc)

add_custom_command(OUTPUT ... COMMAND Corrade::rc ...)

See Downloading and building Corrade, Using Corrade with CMake and the Utility namespace for more information.


corrade-rc [-h|--help] [--single] [--] name input output.cpp

By default expects that input is a resource configuration file containing a group name and zero or more [file] groups with input filenames. If --single is specified, the input file is read and directly compiled into a C++ source file, exposing the data under extern const unsigned char corradeResourceData_name[] and extern const unsigned int corradeResourceSize_name symbols, with only a preprocessor dependency on the Corrade/Utility/Resource.h header for a version compatibility check.


  • name — exported symbol name
  • input — resource configuration file (see Utility::Resource for format description) or a single file to process
  • output.cpp — output file
  • -h, --help — display this help message and exit
  • --single — compile a single file instead of parsing a configuration file