template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL class new in Git master

Flat OpenGL shader.

Draws the whole mesh with given color or texture. For a colored mesh you need to provide the Position attribute in your triangle mesh. By default, the shader renders the mesh with a white color in an identity transformation. Use setTransformationProjectionMatrix(), setColor() and others to configure the shader.


Colored rendering

Common mesh setup:

struct Vertex {
    Vector3 position;
Vertex data[60]{

GL::Buffer vertices;
vertices.setData(data, GL::BufferUsage::StaticDraw);

GL::Mesh mesh;
mesh.addVertexBuffer(vertices, 0, Shaders::FlatGL3D::Position{})
    // ...

Common rendering setup:

Matrix4 transformationMatrix = Matrix4::translation(Vector3::zAxis(-5.0f));
Matrix4 projectionMatrix =
    Matrix4::perspectiveProjection(35.0_degf, 1.0f, 0.001f, 100.0f);

Shaders::FlatGL3D shader;

Textured rendering

If you want to use a texture, you need to provide also the TextureCoordinates attribute. Pass Flag::Textured to Configuration::setFlags() and then at render time don't forget to bind also the texture via bindTexture(). The texture is multiplied by the color, which is by default set to 0xffffffff_rgbaf. Common mesh setup:

struct Vertex {
    Vector3 position;
    Vector2 textureCoordinates;
Vertex data[60]{
    // ...

GL::Buffer vertices;
vertices.setData(data, GL::BufferUsage::StaticDraw);

GL::Mesh mesh;
mesh.addVertexBuffer(vertices, 0,
    // ...

Common rendering setup:

Matrix4 transformationMatrix, projectionMatrix;
GL::Texture2D texture;

Shaders::FlatGL3D shader{Shaders::FlatGL3D::Configuration{}

For coloring the texture based on intensity you can use the VectorGL shader. The 3D version of this shader is equivalent to PhongGL with zero lights, however this implementation is much simpler and thus likely also faster. See its documentation for more information. Conversely, enabling Flag::VertexColor and using a default color with no texturing makes this shader equivalent to VertexColorGL.

Alpha blending and masking

Alpha / transparency is supported by the shader implicitly, but to have it working on the framebuffer, you need to enable GL::Renderer::Feature::Blending and set up the blending function. See GL::Renderer::setBlendFunction() for details.

An alternative is to enable Flag::AlphaMask and tune setAlphaMask() for simple binary alpha-masked drawing that doesn't require depth sorting or blending enabled. Note that this feature is implemented using the GLSL discard operation which is known to have considerable performance impact on some platforms. With proper depth sorting and blending you'll usually get much better performance and output quality.

Object ID output

The shader supports writing object ID to the framebuffer for object picking or other annotation purposes. Enable it using Flag::ObjectId and set up an integer buffer attached to the ObjectIdOutput attachment. Note that for portability you should use GL::Framebuffer::clearColor() instead of GL::Framebuffer::clear() as the former usually emits GL errors when called on framebuffers with integer attachments.

GL::Renderbuffer color, objectId;
color.setStorage(GL::RenderbufferFormat::RGBA8, size);
objectId.setStorage(GL::RenderbufferFormat::R16UI, size); // large as needed
framebuffer.attachRenderbuffer(GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{0}, color)
    .attachRenderbuffer(GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{1}, objectId);

Shaders::FlatGL3D shader{Shaders::FlatGL3D::Configuration{}

// ...

        {Shaders::FlatGL3D::ColorOutput, GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{0}},
        {Shaders::FlatGL3D::ObjectIdOutput, GL::Framebuffer::ColorAttachment{1}}})
    .clearColor(0, 0x1f1f1f_rgbf)
    .clearColor(1, Vector4ui{0})


If you have a batch of meshes with different object IDs, enable Flag::InstancedObjectId and supply per-vertex IDs to the ObjectId attribute. The object ID can be also supplied from an integer texture bound via bindObjectIdTexture() if Flag::ObjectIdTexture is enabled. The output will contain a sum of the per-vertex ID, texture ID and ID coming from setObjectId().


To render skinned meshes, bind up to two sets of up to four-component joint ID and weight attributes to JointIds / SecondaryJointIds and Weights / SecondaryWeights, set an appropriate joint count and per-vertex primary and secondary joint count in Configuration::setJointCount() and upload appropriate joint matrices with setJointMatrices(). The usage is similar for all shaders, see Skinning for an example.

To avoid having to compile multiple shader variants for different joint matrix counts, set the maximum used joint count in Configuration::setJointCount() and then upload just a prefix via setJointMatrices(). Similarly, to avoid multiple variants for different per-vertex joint counts, enable Flag::DynamicPerVertexJointCount, set the maximum per-vertex joint count in Configuration::setJointCount() and then adjust the actual per-draw joint count with setPerVertexJointCount().

Instanced rendering

Enabling Flag::InstancedTransformation will turn the shader into an instanced one. It'll take per-instance transformation from the TransformationMatrix attribute, applying it before the matrix set by setTransformationProjectionMatrix(). Besides that, Flag::VertexColor (and the Color3 / Color4) attributes can work as both per-vertex and per-instance, and for texturing it's possible to have per-instance texture offset taken from TextureOffset when Flag::InstancedTextureOffset is enabled (similarly to transformation, applied before setTextureMatrix()). The snippet below shows adding a buffer with per-instance transformation and color to a mesh:

struct {
    Matrix4 transformation;
    Color3 color;
} instanceData[] {
    {Matrix4::translation({1.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f}), 0xff3333_rgbf},
    {Matrix4::translation({2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}), 0x33ff33_rgbf},
    {Matrix4::translation({3.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}), 0x3333ff_rgbf},
    // ...

    .addVertexBufferInstanced(GL::Buffer{instanceData}, 1, 0,

For instanced skinning the joint buffer is assumed to contain joint transformations for all instances. By default all instances use the same joint transformations, seting setPerInstanceJointCount() will cause the shader to offset the per-vertex joint IDs with gl_InstanceID*perInstanceJointCount.

Uniform buffers

See Using uniform buffers for a high-level overview that applies to all shaders. In this particular case, because the shader doesn't need a separate projection and transformation matrix, a combined one is supplied via a TransformationProjectionUniform2D / TransformationProjectionUniform3D buffer bound with bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(). To maximize use of the limited uniform buffer memory, materials are supplied separately in a FlatMaterialUniform buffer bound with bindMaterialBuffer() and then referenced via materialId from a FlatDrawUniform bound with bindDrawBuffer(); for optional texture transformation a per-draw TextureTransformationUniform buffer bound with bindTextureTransformationBuffer() can be supplied as well. A uniform buffer setup equivalent to the colored case at the top would look like this:

GL::Buffer transformationProjectionUniform, materialUniform, drawUniform;

Shaders::FlatGL3D shader{Shaders::FlatGL3D::Configuration{}

For a multidraw workflow enable Flag::MultiDraw (and possibly Flag::TextureArrays), supply desired material and draw count via Configuration::setMaterialCount() and setDrawCount() and specify material references and texture offsets/layers for every draw. The usage is similar for all shaders, see Multidraw and reducing driver overhead for an example.

For skinning, joint matrices are supplied via a TransformationUniform2D / TransformationUniform3D buffer bound with bindJointBuffer(). In an instanced scenario the per-instance joint count is supplied via FlatDrawUniform::perInstanceJointCount, a per-draw joint offset for the multidraw scenario is supplied via FlatDrawUniform::jointOffset. Altogether for a particular draw, each per-vertex joint ID is offset with gl_InstanceID*perInstanceJointCount + jointOffset. The setPerVertexJointCount() stays as an immediate uniform in the UBO and multidraw scenario as well, as it is tied to a particular mesh layout and thus doesn't need to vary per draw.

Base classes

class Magnum::GL::AbstractShaderProgram
Base for shader program implementations.

Derived classes

class Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::CompileState new in Git master
Asynchronous compilation state.

Public types

class CompileState new in Git master
Asynchronous compilation state.
class Configuration new in Git master
enum (anonymous): UnsignedInt { ColorOutput = GenericGL<dimensions>::ColorOutput new in 2019.10, ObjectIdOutput = GenericGL<dimensions>::ObjectIdOutput new in 2019.10 }
enum class Flag: UnsignedShort { Textured = 1 << 0, AlphaMask = 1 << 1, VertexColor = 1 << 2 new in 2019.10, TextureTransformation = 1 << 3 new in 2020.06, ObjectId = 1 << 4 new in 2019.10, InstancedObjectId = (1 << 5)|ObjectId new in 2020.06, ObjectIdTexture = (1 << 11)|ObjectId new in Git master, InstancedTransformation = 1 << 6 new in 2020.06, InstancedTextureOffset = (1 << 7)|TextureTransformation new in 2020.06, UniformBuffers = 1 << 8 new in Git master, ShaderStorageBuffers = UniformBuffers|(1 << 13) new in Git master, MultiDraw = UniformBuffers|(1 << 9) new in Git master, TextureArrays = 1 << 10 new in Git master, DynamicPerVertexJointCount = 1 << 12 new in Git master }
using Position = GenericGL<dimensions>::Position
Vertex position.
using TextureCoordinates = GenericGL<dimensions>::TextureCoordinates
2D texture coordinates
using Color3 = GenericGL<dimensions>::Color3 new in 2019.10
Three-component vertex color.
using Color4 = GenericGL<dimensions>::Color4 new in 2019.10
Four-component vertex color.
using JointIds = GenericGL3D::JointIds new in Git master
Joint ids.
using Weights = GenericGL3D::Weights new in Git master
using SecondaryJointIds = GenericGL3D::SecondaryJointIds new in Git master
Secondary joint ids.
using SecondaryWeights = GenericGL3D::SecondaryWeights new in Git master
Secondary weights.
using ObjectId = GenericGL<dimensions>::ObjectId new in 2020.06
(Instanced) object ID
using TransformationMatrix = GenericGL<dimensions>::TransformationMatrix new in 2020.06
(Instanced) transformation matrix
using TextureOffset = GenericGL<dimensions>::TextureOffset new in 2020.06
(Instanced) texture offset
using TextureOffsetLayer = GenericGL<dimensions>::TextureOffsetLayer new in Git master
(Instanced) texture offset and layer
using Flags = Containers::EnumSet<Flag>

Public static functions

static auto compile(const Configuration& configuration = Configuration{}) -> CompileState new in Git master
Compile asynchronously.
static auto compile(Flags flags) -> CompileState deprecated in Git master
Compile asynchronously.
static auto compile(Flags flags, UnsignedInt materialCount, UnsignedInt drawCount) -> CompileState deprecated in Git master
Compile for a multi-draw scenario asynchronously.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

FlatGL(const Configuration& configuration = Configuration{}) explicit new in Git master
FlatGL(Flags flags) deprecated in Git master explicit
FlatGL(Flags flags, UnsignedInt materialCount, UnsignedInt drawCount) deprecated in Git master explicit
Construct for a multi-draw scenario.
FlatGL(CompileState&& state) explicit new in Git master
Finalize an asynchronous compilation.
FlatGL(NoCreateT) explicit noexcept
Construct without creating the underlying OpenGL object.
FlatGL(const FlatGL<dimensions>&) deleted
Copying is not allowed.
FlatGL(FlatGL<dimensions>&&) defaulted noexcept
Move constructor.

Public functions

auto operator=(const FlatGL<dimensions>&) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& deleted
Copying is not allowed.
auto operator=(FlatGL<dimensions>&&) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& defaulted noexcept
Move assignment.
auto flags() const -> Flags
auto jointCount() const -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Joint count.
auto perVertexJointCount() const -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Per-vertex joint count.
auto secondaryPerVertexJointCount() const -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Secondary per-vertex joint count.
auto materialCount() const -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Material count.
auto drawCount() const -> UnsignedInt new in Git master
Draw count.
auto setPerVertexJointCount(UnsignedInt count, UnsignedInt secondaryCount = 0) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Set dynamic per-vertex skinning joint count.

Uniform setters

Used only if Flag::UniformBuffers is not set.

auto setTransformationProjectionMatrix(const MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>& matrix) -> FlatGL<dimensions>&
Set transformation and projection matrix.
auto setTextureMatrix(const Matrix3& matrix) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in 2020.06
Set texture coordinate transformation matrix.
auto setTextureLayer(UnsignedInt layer) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Set texture array layer.
auto setColor(const Magnum::Color4& color) -> FlatGL<dimensions>&
Set color.
auto setAlphaMask(Float mask) -> FlatGL<dimensions>&
Set alpha mask value.
auto setObjectId(UnsignedInt id) -> FlatGL<dimensions>&
Set object ID.
auto setJointMatrices(Containers::ArrayView<const MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>> matrices) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Set joint matrices.
auto setJointMatrices(std::initializer_list<MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>> matrices) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
auto setJointMatrix(UnsignedInt id, const MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>& matrix) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Set joint matrix for given joint.
auto setPerInstanceJointCount(UnsignedInt count) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Set per-instance joint count.

Texture binding

auto bindTexture(GL::Texture2D& texture) -> FlatGL<dimensions>&
Bind a color texture.
auto bindTexture(GL::Texture2DArray& texture) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Bind a color array texture.
auto bindObjectIdTexture(GL::Texture2D& texture) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Bind an object ID texture.
auto bindObjectIdTexture(GL::Texture2DArray& texture) -> FlatGL<dimensions>& new in Git master
Bind an object ID array texture.

Enum documentation

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
enum Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::(anonymous): UnsignedInt

ColorOutput new in 2019.10

Color shader output. Generic output, present always. Expects three- or four-component floating-point or normalized buffer attachment.

ObjectIdOutput new in 2019.10

Object ID shader output. Generic output, present only if Flag::ObjectId is set. Expects a single-component unsigned integral attachment. Writes the value set in setObjectId() and possibly also a per-vertex ID and an ID fetched from a texture, see Object ID output for more information.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
enum class Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::Flag: UnsignedShort



Multiply color with a texture.


Enable alpha masking. If the combined fragment color has an alpha less than the value specified with setAlphaMask(), given fragment is discarded.

This uses the discard operation which is known to have considerable performance impact on some platforms. While useful for cheap alpha masking that doesn't require depth sorting, with proper depth sorting and blending you'll usually get much better performance and output quality.

VertexColor new in 2019.10

Multiply the color with a vertex color. Requires either the Color3 or Color4 attribute to be present.

TextureTransformation new in 2020.06

Enable texture coordinate transformation. If this flag is set, the shader expects that Flag::Textured is enabled as well.

ObjectId new in 2019.10

Enable object ID output. See Object ID output for more information.

InstancedObjectId new in 2020.06

Instanced object ID. Retrieves a per-instance / per-vertex object ID from the ObjectId attribute, outputting a sum of the per-vertex ID and ID coming from setObjectId() or FlatDrawUniform::objectId. Implicitly enables Flag::ObjectId. See Object ID output for more information.

ObjectIdTexture new in Git master

Object ID texture. Retrieves object IDs from a texture bound with bindObjectIdTexture(), outputting a sum of the object ID texture, the ID coming from setObjectId() or FlatDrawUniform::objectId and possibly also the per-vertex ID, if Flag::InstancedObjectId is enabled as well. Implicitly enables Flag::ObjectId. See Object ID output for more information.

InstancedTransformation new in 2020.06

Instanced transformation. Retrieves a per-instance transformation matrix from the TransformationMatrix attribute and uses it together with the matrix coming from setTransformationProjectionMatrix() or TransformationProjectionUniform2D::transformationProjectionMatrix / TransformationProjectionUniform3D::transformationProjectionMatrix (first the per-instance, then the uniform matrix). See Instanced rendering for more information.

InstancedTextureOffset new in 2020.06

Instanced texture offset. Retrieves a per-instance offset vector from the TextureOffset attribute and uses it together with the matrix coming from setTextureMatrix() or TextureTransformationUniform::rotationScaling and TextureTransformationUniform::offset (first the per-instance vector, then the uniform matrix). Instanced texture scaling and rotation is not supported at the moment, you can specify that only via the uniform setTextureMatrix(). Implicitly enables Flag::TextureTransformation. See Instanced rendering for more information.

If Flag::TextureArrays is set as well, a three-component TextureOffsetLayer attribute can be used instead of TextureOffset to specify per-instance texture layer, which gets added to the uniform layer numbers set by setTextureLayer() or TextureTransformationUniform::layer.

UniformBuffers new in Git master

Use uniform buffers. Expects that uniform data are supplied via bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(), bindDrawBuffer(), bindTextureTransformationBuffer() and bindMaterialBuffer() instead of direct uniform setters.

ShaderStorageBuffers new in Git master

Use shader storage buffers. Superset of functionality provided by Flag::UniformBuffers, compared to it doesn't have any size limits on Configuration::setJointCount(), setMaterialCount() and setDrawCount() in exchange for potentially more costly access and narrower platform support.

MultiDraw new in Git master

Enable multidraw functionality. Implies Flag::UniformBuffers and adds the value from setDrawOffset() with the gl_DrawID builtin, which makes draws submitted via GL::AbstractShaderProgram::draw(const Containers::Iterable<MeshView>&) and related APIs pick up per-draw parameters directly, without having to rebind the uniform buffers or specify setDrawOffset() before each draw. In a non-multidraw scenario, gl_DrawID is 0, which means a shader with this flag enabled can be used for regular draws as well.

TextureArrays new in Git master

Use 2D texture arrays. Expects that the texture is supplied via bindTexture(GL::Texture2DArray&) instead of bindTexture(GL::Texture2D&) and the layer is set via setTextureLayer() or TextureTransformationUniform::layer. If Flag::InstancedTextureOffset is set as well and a three-component TextureOffsetLayer attribute is used instead of TextureOffset, the per-instance and uniform layer numbers are added together.

DynamicPerVertexJointCount new in Git master

Dynamic per-vertex joint count for skinning. Uses only the first M / N primary / secondary components defined by setPerVertexJointCount() instead of all primary / secondary components defined by Configuration::setJointCount() at shader compilation time. Useful in order to avoid having a shader permutation defined for every possible joint count. Unfortunately it's not possible to make use of default values for unspecified input components as the last component is always 1.0 instead of 0.0, on the other hand dynamically limiting the joint count can reduce the time spent executing the vertex shader compared to going through the full set of per-vertex joints always.

Typedef documentation

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::Position Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::Position

Vertex position.

Generic attribute, Vector2 in 2D, Vector3 in 3D.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::TextureCoordinates Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::TextureCoordinates

2D texture coordinates

Generic attribute, Vector2. Used only if Flag::Textured is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::Color3 Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::Color3 new in 2019.10

Three-component vertex color.

Generic attribute, Magnum::Color3. Use either this or the Color4 attribute. Used only if Flag::VertexColor is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::Color4 Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::Color4 new in 2019.10

Four-component vertex color.

Generic attribute, Magnum::Color4. Use either this or the Color3 attribute. Used only if Flag::VertexColor is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL3D::JointIds Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::JointIds new in Git master

Joint ids.

Generic attribute, Vector4ui. Used only if perVertexJointCount() isn't 0.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL3D::Weights Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::Weights new in Git master


Generic attribute, Vector4. Used only if perVertexJointCount() isn't 0.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL3D::SecondaryJointIds Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::SecondaryJointIds new in Git master

Secondary joint ids.

Generic attribute, Vector4ui. Used only if secondaryPerVertexJointCount() isn't 0.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL3D::SecondaryWeights Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::SecondaryWeights new in Git master

Secondary weights.

Generic attribute, Vector4. Used only if secondaryPerVertexJointCount() isn't 0.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::ObjectId Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::ObjectId new in 2020.06

(Instanced) object ID

Generic attribute, UnsignedInt. Used only if Flag::InstancedObjectId is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::TransformationMatrix Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::TransformationMatrix new in 2020.06

(Instanced) transformation matrix

Generic attribute, Matrix3 in 2D, Matrix4 in 3D. Used only if Flag::InstancedTransformation is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::TextureOffset Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::TextureOffset new in 2020.06

(Instanced) texture offset

Generic attribute, Vector2. Use either this or the TextureOffsetLayer attribute. Used only if Flag::InstancedTextureOffset is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef GenericGL<dimensions>::TextureOffsetLayer Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::TextureOffsetLayer new in Git master

(Instanced) texture offset and layer

Generic attribute, Vector3, with the last component interpreted as an integer. Use either this or the TextureOffset attribute. First two components used only if Flag::InstancedTextureOffset is set, third component only if Flag::TextureArrays is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
typedef Containers::EnumSet<Flag> Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::Flags


Function documentation

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static CompileState Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::compile(const Configuration& configuration = Configuration{}) new in Git master

Compile asynchronously.

Compared to FlatGL(const Configuration&) can perform an asynchronous compilation and linking. See Async shader compilation and linking for more information.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static CompileState Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::compile(Flags flags)

Compile asynchronously.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
static CompileState Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::compile(Flags flags, UnsignedInt materialCount, UnsignedInt drawCount)

Compile for a multi-draw scenario asynchronously.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::FlatGL(Flags flags) explicit


template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::FlatGL(Flags flags, UnsignedInt materialCount, UnsignedInt drawCount) explicit

Construct for a multi-draw scenario.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::FlatGL(CompileState&& state) explicit new in Git master

Finalize an asynchronous compilation.

Takes an asynchronous compilation state returned by compile() and forms a ready-to-use shader object. See Async shader compilation and linking for more information.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::FlatGL(NoCreateT) explicit noexcept

Construct without creating the underlying OpenGL object.

The constructed instance is equivalent to a moved-from state. Useful in cases where you will overwrite the instance later anyway. Move another object over it to make it useful.

This function can be safely used for constructing (and later destructing) objects even without any OpenGL context being active. However note that this is a low-level and a potentially dangerous API, see the documentation of NoCreate for alternatives.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Flags Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::flags() const


template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::jointCount() const new in Git master

Joint count.

If Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, this is the number of joint matrices accepted by setJointMatrices() / setJointMatrix(). If Flag::UniformBuffers is set, this is the statically defined size of the TransformationUniform2D / TransformationUniform3D uniform buffer bound with bindJointBuffer(). Has no use if Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::perVertexJointCount() const new in Git master

Per-vertex joint count.

Returns the value set with Configuration::setJointCount(). If Flag::DynamicPerVertexJointCount is set, the count can be additionally modified per-draw using setPerVertexJointCount().

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::secondaryPerVertexJointCount() const new in Git master

Secondary per-vertex joint count.

Returns the value set with Configuration::setJointCount(). If Flag::DynamicPerVertexJointCount is set, the count can be additionally modified per-draw using setPerVertexJointCount().

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::materialCount() const new in Git master

Material count.

Statically defined size of the FlatMaterialUniform uniform buffer bound with bindMaterialBuffer(). Has use only if Flag::UniformBuffers is set and Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is not set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::drawCount() const new in Git master

Draw count.

Statically defined size of each of the TransformationProjectionUniform2D / TransformationProjectionUniform3D, FlatDrawUniform and TextureTransformationUniform uniform buffers bound with bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(), bindDrawBuffer() and bindTextureTransformationBuffer(). Has use only if Flag::UniformBuffers is set and Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is not set.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setPerVertexJointCount(UnsignedInt count, UnsignedInt secondaryCount = 0) new in Git master

Set dynamic per-vertex skinning joint count.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Allows reducing the count of iterated joints for a particular draw call, making it possible to use a single shader with meshes that contain different count of per-vertex joints. See Flag::DynamicPerVertexJointCount for more information. As the joint count is tied to the mesh layout, this is a per-draw-call setting even in case of Flag::UniformBuffers instead of being a value in FlatDrawUniform. Initial value is the same as perVertexJointCount() and secondaryPerVertexJointCount().

Expects that Flag::DynamicPerVertexJointCount is set, count is not larger than perVertexJointCount() and secondaryCount not larger than secondaryPerVertexJointCount().

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setTransformationProjectionMatrix(const MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>& matrix)

Set transformation and projection matrix.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Initial value is an identity matrix. If Flag::InstancedTransformation is set, the per-instance transformation matrix coming from the TransformationMatrix attribute is applied first, before this one.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill TransformationProjectionUniform2D::transformationProjectionMatrix / TransformationProjectionUniform3D::transformationProjectionMatrix and call bindTransformationProjectionBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setTextureMatrix(const Matrix3& matrix) new in 2020.06

Set texture coordinate transformation matrix.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with Flag::TextureTransformation enabled. Initial value is an identity matrix. If Flag::InstancedTextureOffset is set, the per-instance offset coming from the TextureOffset attribute is applied first, before this matrix.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill TextureTransformationUniform::rotationScaling and TextureTransformationUniform::offset and call bindTextureTransformationBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setTextureLayer(UnsignedInt layer) new in Git master

Set texture array layer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with Flag::TextureArrays enabled. Initial value is 0. If Flag::InstancedTextureOffset is set and a three-component TextureOffsetLayer attribute is used instead of TextureOffset, this value is added to the layer coming from the third component.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill TextureTransformationUniform::layer and call bindTextureTransformationBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setColor(const Magnum::Color4& color)

Set color.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Initial value is 0xffffffff_rgbaf. If Flag::Textured is set, the color is multiplied with the texture. If Flag::VertexColor is set, the color is multiplied with a color coming from the Color3 / Color4 attribute.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill FlatMaterialUniform::color and call bindMaterialBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setAlphaMask(Float mask)

Set alpha mask value.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with Flag::AlphaMask enabled. Fragments with alpha values smaller than the mask value will be discarded. Initial value is 0.5f. See the flag documentation for further information.

This corresponds to glAlphaFunc() in classic OpenGL.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill FlatMaterialUniform::alphaMask and call bindMaterialBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setObjectId(UnsignedInt id)

Set object ID.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with Flag::ObjectId enabled. Value set here is written to the ObjectIdOutput, see Object ID output for more information. Initial value is 0. If Flag::InstancedObjectId and/or Flag::ObjectIdTexture is enabled as well, this value is added to the ID coming from the ObjectId attribute and/or the texture.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill FlatDrawUniform::objectId and call bindDrawBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setJointMatrices(Containers::ArrayView<const MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>> matrices) new in Git master

Set joint matrices.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Initial values are identity transformations. Expects that the size of the matrices array is not larger than jointCount().

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill TransformationUniform2D::transformationMatrix / TransformationUniform3D::transformationMatrix and call bindJointBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setJointMatrices(std::initializer_list<MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>> matrices) new in Git master

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setJointMatrix(UnsignedInt id, const MatrixTypeFor<dimensions, Float>& matrix) new in Git master

Set joint matrix for given joint.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Unlike setJointMatrices() updates just a single joint matrix. Expects that id is less than jointCount().

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill TransformationUniform2D::transformationMatrix / TransformationUniform3D::transformationMatrix and call bindJointBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setPerInstanceJointCount(UnsignedInt count) new in Git master

Set per-instance joint count.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Offset added to joint IDs in the JointIds and SecondaryJointIds in instanced draws. Should be less than jointCount(). Initial value is 0, meaning every instance will use the same joint matrices, setting it to a non-zero value causes the joint IDs to be interpreted as gl_InstanceID*count + jointId.

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is not set, in that case fill FlatDrawUniform::perInstanceJointCount and call bindDrawBuffer() instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::setDrawOffset(UnsignedInt offset) new in Git master

Set a draw offset.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Specifies which item in the TransformationProjectionUniform2D / TransformationProjectionUniform3D, FlatDrawUniform and TextureTransformationUniform buffers bound with bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(), bindDrawBuffer() and bindTextureTransformationBuffer() should be used for current draw. Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is set and offset is less than drawCount(). Initial value is 0, if drawCount() is 1, the function is a no-op as the shader assumes draw offset to be always zero.

If Flag::MultiDraw is set, gl_DrawID is added to this value, which makes each draw submitted via GL::AbstractShaderProgram::draw(const Containers::Iterable<MeshView>&) pick up its own per-draw parameters.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer) new in Git master

Bind a transformation and projection uniform / shader storage buffer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is set. The buffer is expected to contain drawCount() instances of TransformationProjectionUniform2D / TransformationProjectionUniform3D. At the very least you need to call also bindDrawBuffer() and bindMaterialBuffer().

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) new in Git master

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindDrawBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer) new in Git master

Bind a draw uniform / shader storage buffer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is set. The buffer is expected to contain drawCount() instances of FlatDrawUniform. At the very least you need to call also bindTransformationProjectionBuffer() and bindMaterialBuffer().

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindDrawBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) new in Git master

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindTextureTransformationBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer) new in Git master

Bind a texture transformation uniform / shader storage buffer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that both Flag::UniformBuffers and Flag::TextureTransformation is set. The buffer is expected to contain drawCount() instances of TextureTransformationUniform.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindTextureTransformationBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) new in Git master

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindMaterialBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer) new in Git master

Bind a material uniform / shader storage buffer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is set. The buffer is expected to contain materialCount() instances of FlatMaterialUniform. At the very least you need to call also bindTransformationProjectionBuffer() and bindDrawBuffer().

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindMaterialBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) new in Git master

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindJointBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer) new in Git master

Bind a joint matrix uniform / shader storage buffer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that Flag::UniformBuffers is set. The buffer is expected to contain jointCount() instances of TransformationUniform2D / TransformationUniform3D.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindJointBuffer(GL::Buffer& buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) new in Git master

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindTexture(GL::Texture2D& texture)

Bind a color texture.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with Flag::Textured enabled. If Flag::TextureArrays is enabled as well, use bindTexture(GL::Texture2DArray&) instead.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindTexture(GL::Texture2DArray& texture) new in Git master

Bind a color array texture.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with both Flag::Textured and Flag::TextureArrays enabled. If Flag::UniformBuffers is not enabled, the layer is set via setTextureLayer(); if Flag::UniformBuffers is enabled, Flag::TextureTransformation has to be enabled as well and the layer is set via TextureTransformationUniform::layer.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindObjectIdTexture(GL::Texture2D& texture) new in Git master

Bind an object ID texture.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with Flag::ObjectIdTexture enabled. If Flag::TextureArrays is enabled as well, use bindObjectIdTexture(GL::Texture2DArray&) instead. The texture needs to have an unsigned integer format.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
FlatGL<dimensions>& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL<dimensions>::bindObjectIdTexture(GL::Texture2DArray& texture) new in Git master

Bind an object ID array texture.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Expects that the shader was created with both Flag::ObjectIdTexture and Flag::TextureArrays enabled. If Flag::UniformBuffers is not enabled, the layer is set via setTextureLayer(); if Flag::UniformBuffers is enabled, Flag::TextureTransformation has to be enabled as well and the layer is set via TextureTransformationUniform::layer.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions> template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Debug& operator<<(Debug& debug, FlatGL<dimensions>::Flag value)

Debug output operator.

template<UnsignedInt dimensions> template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Debug& operator<<(Debug& debug, FlatGL<dimensions>::Flags value)

Debug output operator.