template<std::size_t size, class T>
Magnum::Math::Vector class


Template parameters
size Vector size
T Underlying data type

See Operations with matrices and vectors for brief introduction.

Public types

enum (anonymous): std::size_t { Size = size }
using Type = T
Underlying data type.

Public static functions

static auto from(T* data) -> Vector<size, T>&
Vector from an array.
static auto from(const T* data) -> const Vector<size, T>&
template<std::size_t otherSize>
static auto pad(const Vector<otherSize, T>& a, T value = T()) -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Pad a vector.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Vector() constexpr noexcept
Default constructor.
Vector(ZeroInitT) explicit constexpr noexcept
Construct a zero vector.
Vector(Magnum::NoInitT) explicit noexcept
Construct a vector without initializing the contents.
template<class ... U>
Vector(T first, U... next) constexpr noexcept
Construct a vector from components.
template<std::size_t size_>
Vector(const T(&data)[size_]) explicit constexpr noexcept new in Git master
Construct a vector from a fixed-size array.
Vector(T value) explicit constexpr noexcept
Construct a vector with one value for all components.
template<class U>
Vector(const Vector<size, U>& other) explicit constexpr noexcept
Construct a vector from another of different type.
Vector(const BitVector<size>& other) explicit constexpr noexcept new in Git master
Construct a vector from a BitVector.
template<class U, class = decltype(Implementation::VectorConverter<size, T, U>::from(std::declval<U>()))>
Vector(const U& other) explicit constexpr noexcept
Construct a vector from external representation.
template<class U, class = decltype(Implementation::VectorConverter<size, T, U>::to(std::declval<Vector<size, T>>()))>
operator U() const explicit constexpr
Convert the vector to external representation.

Public functions

auto data() -> T*
Raw data.
auto data() const -> const T* constexpr
auto operator[](std::size_t pos) -> T&
Value at given position.
auto operator[](std::size_t pos) const -> T constexpr
auto operator==(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> bool
Equality comparison.
auto operator!=(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> bool
Non-equality comparison.
auto operator<(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> BitVector<size>
Component-wise less than comparison.
auto operator<=(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> BitVector<size>
Component-wise less than or equal comparison.
auto operator>=(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> BitVector<size>
Component-wise greater than or equal comparison.
auto operator>(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> BitVector<size>
Component-wise greater than comparison.
auto isZero() const -> bool
Whether the vector is zero.
auto isNormalized() const -> bool
Whether the vector is normalized.
auto operator+() const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr new in Git master
auto operator-() const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Negated vector.
auto operator+=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Add and assign a vector.
auto operator+(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Add a vector.
auto operator-=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Subtract and assign a vector.
auto operator-(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Subtract a vector.
auto operator*=(T scalar) -> Vector<size, T>&
Multiply with a scalar and assign.
auto operator*(T scalar) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Multiply with a scalar.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator*=(FloatingPoint scalar) -> Vector<size, T>&
Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point scalar and assign.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator*(FloatingPoint scalar) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point scalar.
auto operator/=(T scalar) -> Vector<size, T>&
Divide with a scalar and assign.
auto operator/(T scalar) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Divide with a scalar.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator/=(FloatingPoint scalar) -> Vector<size, Integral>&
Divide an integral vector with a floating-point scalar and assign.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator/(FloatingPoint scalar) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Divide an integral vector with a floating-point scalar.
auto operator*=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Multiply a vector component-wise and assign.
auto operator*(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Multiply a vector component-wise.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator*=(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise and assign.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator*(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise.
template<class Integral>
auto operator*(const Vector<size, Integral>& other) const -> Vector<size, Integral> constexpr
Multiply a floating-point vector with an integral vector component-wise.
auto operator/=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Divide a vector component-wise and assign.
auto operator/(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Divide a vector component-wise.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator/=(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Divide an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise and assign.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator/(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Divide an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise.
auto operator%=(T scalar) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do modulo of a vector and assign.
auto operator%(T scalar) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Modulo of a vector.
auto operator%=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do modulo of two vectors and assign.
auto operator%(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Modulo of two vectors.
auto operator~() const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Bitwise NOT of a vector.
auto operator&=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do bitwise AND of two vectors and assign.
auto operator&(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Bitwise AND of two vectors.
auto operator|=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do bitwise OR of two vectors and assign.
auto operator|(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Bitwise OR of two vectors.
auto operator^=(const Vector<size, T>& other) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do bitwise XOR of two vectors and assign.
auto operator^(const Vector<size, T>& other) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Bitwise XOR of two vectors.
auto operator<<=(T shift) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do bitwise left shift of a vector and assign.
auto operator<<(T shift) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Bitwise left shift of a vector.
auto operator>>=(T shift) -> Vector<size, T>&
Do bitwise right shift of a vector and assign.
auto operator>>(T shift) const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Bitwise left shift of a vector.
auto dot() const -> T
Dot product of the vector.
auto length() const -> T
Vector length.
auto lengthInverted() const -> T
Inverse vector length.
auto normalized() const -> Vector<size, T>
Normalized vector (of unit length)
auto resized(T length) const -> Vector<size, T>
Resized vector.
auto projected(const Vector<size, T>& line) const -> Vector<size, T>
Vector projected onto a line.
auto projectedOntoNormalized(const Vector<size, T>& line) const -> Vector<size, T>
Vector projected onto a normalized line.
auto flipped() const -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Flipped vector.
auto sum() const -> T
Sum of values in the vector.
auto product() const -> T
Product of values in the vector.
auto min() const -> T
Minimal value in the vector.
auto max() const -> T
Maximal value in the vector.
auto minmax() const -> Containers::Pair<T, T>
Minimal and maximal value in the vector.


auto operator*(T scalar, const Vector<size, T>& vector) -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Multiply a scalar with a vector.
template<class FloatingPoint>
auto operator*(FloatingPoint scalar, const Vector<size, T>& vector) -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Multiply a floating-point scalar with an integral vector.
auto operator/(T scalar, const Vector<size, T>& vector) -> Vector<size, T> constexpr
Divide a vector with a scalar and invert.

Enum documentation

template<std::size_t size, class T>
enum Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::(anonymous): std::size_t


Vector size

Function documentation

template<std::size_t size, class T>
static Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::from(T* data)

Vector from an array.

Returns Reference to the data as if it was Vector, thus doesn't perform any copying.

Use with caution, the function doesn't check whether the array is long enough. If possible, prefer to use the Vector(const T(&)[size_]) constructor.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
static const Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::from(const T* data)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t otherSize>
static Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::pad(const Vector<otherSize, T>& a, T value = T()) constexpr

Pad a vector.

If size of a is smaller than Size, it is padded from right with value, otherwise it's cut.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::Vector() constexpr noexcept

Default constructor.

Equivalent to Vector(ZeroInitT).

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::Vector(ZeroInitT) explicit constexpr noexcept

Construct a zero vector.

\[ \boldsymbol v = \boldsymbol 0 \]

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t size_>
Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::Vector(const T(&data)[size_]) explicit constexpr noexcept new in Git master

Construct a vector from a fixed-size array.

Use from(const T*) to reinterpret an arbitrary pointer to a vector.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class U>
Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::Vector(const Vector<size, U>& other) explicit constexpr noexcept

Construct a vector from another of different type.

Performs only default casting on the values, no rounding or anything else. Example usage:

Vector4 floatingPoint{1.3f, 2.7f, -15.0f, 7.0f};
Vector4i integral{floatingPoint}; // {1, 2, -15, 7}

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::Vector(const BitVector<size>& other) explicit constexpr noexcept new in Git master

Construct a vector from a BitVector.

Bits that are unset are converted to 0, set bits to 1. If you need a different behavior, for example converting a bit mask to 0 or 255 for a color representation, use lerp(const Vector<size, T>&, const Vector<size, T>&, const BitVector<size>&) instead, for example:

BitVector3 mask = ;
Vector3ub a = Math::lerp(Vector3ub{0}, Vector3ub{255}, mask);

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T* Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::data()

Raw data.

Contrary to what Doxygen shows, returns reference to an one-dimensional fixed-size array of size elements, i.e. T(&)[size].

template<std::size_t size, class T>
const T* Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::data() const constexpr

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator[](std::size_t pos)

Value at given position.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator[](std::size_t pos) const constexpr

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
bool Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator==(const Vector<size, T>& other) const

Equality comparison.

Done using TypeTraits::equals(), i.e. with fuzzy compare for floating-point types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
bool Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator!=(const Vector<size, T>& other) const

Non-equality comparison.

Done using TypeTraits::equals(), i.e. with fuzzy compare for floating-point types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
bool Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::isZero() const

Whether the vector is zero.

\[ |\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol a - 0| < \epsilon^2 \cong \epsilon \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
bool Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::isNormalized() const

Whether the vector is normalized.

The vector is normalized if it has unit length:

\[ |\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol a - 1| < 2 \epsilon + \epsilon^2 \cong 2 \epsilon \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator+() const constexpr new in Git master


Returns the value as-is.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator-() const constexpr

Negated vector.

Enabled only for signed types.

\[ \boldsymbol b_i = -\boldsymbol a_i \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator+=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Add and assign a vector.

The computation is done in-place.

\[ \boldsymbol a_i = \boldsymbol a_i + \boldsymbol b_i \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator+(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Add a vector.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator-=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Subtract and assign a vector.

The computation is done in-place.

\[ \boldsymbol a_i = \boldsymbol a_i - \boldsymbol b_i \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator-(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Subtract a vector.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*=(T scalar)

Multiply with a scalar and assign.

The computation is done in-place.

\[ \boldsymbol a_i = b \boldsymbol a_i \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*(T scalar) const constexpr

Multiply with a scalar.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*=(FloatingPoint scalar)

Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point scalar and assign.

Similar to operator*=(T), except that the multiplication is done in floating-point. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*(FloatingPoint scalar) const constexpr

Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point scalar.

Similar to operator*(T) const, except that the multiplication is done in floating-point.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/=(T scalar)

Divide with a scalar and assign.

The computation is done in-place.

\[ \boldsymbol a_i = \frac{\boldsymbol a_i} b \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/(T scalar) const constexpr

Divide with a scalar.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, Integral>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/=(FloatingPoint scalar)

Divide an integral vector with a floating-point scalar and assign.

Similar to operator/=(T), except that the division is done in floating-point. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/(FloatingPoint scalar) const constexpr

Divide an integral vector with a floating-point scalar.

Similar to operator/(T) const, except that the division is done in floating-point.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Multiply a vector component-wise and assign.

The computation is done in-place.

\[ \boldsymbol a_i = \boldsymbol a_i \boldsymbol b_i \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Multiply a vector component-wise.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*=(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other)

Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise and assign.

Similar to operator*=(const Vector<size, T>&), except that the multiplication is done in floating-point. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other) const constexpr

Multiply an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise.

Similar to operator*(const Vector<size, T>&) const, except that the multiplication is done in floating-point. The result is always an integral vector, convert both arguments to the same floating-point type to have a floating-point result.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class Integral>
Vector<size, Integral> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator*(const Vector<size, Integral>& other) const constexpr

Multiply a floating-point vector with an integral vector component-wise.

Same as operator*(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>&) const.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Divide a vector component-wise and assign.

The computation is done in-place.

\[ \boldsymbol a_i = \frac{\boldsymbol a_i}{\boldsymbol b_i} \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Divide a vector component-wise.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/=(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other)

Divide an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise and assign.

Similar to operator/=(const Vector<size, T>&), except that the division is done in floating-point. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator/(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& other) const constexpr

Divide an integral vector with a floating-point vector component-wise.

Similar to Vector::operator/(const Vector<size, T>&) const, except that the division is done in floating-point. The result is always an integral vector, convert both arguments to the same floating-point type to have a floating-point result.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator%=(T scalar)

Do modulo of a vector and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator%(T scalar) const constexpr

Modulo of a vector.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator%=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Do modulo of two vectors and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator%(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Modulo of two vectors.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator~() const constexpr

Bitwise NOT of a vector.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator&=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Do bitwise AND of two vectors and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator&(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Bitwise AND of two vectors.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator|=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Do bitwise OR of two vectors and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator|(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Bitwise OR of two vectors.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator^=(const Vector<size, T>& other)

Do bitwise XOR of two vectors and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator^(const Vector<size, T>& other) const constexpr

Bitwise XOR of two vectors.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator<<=(T shift)

Do bitwise left shift of a vector and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator<<(T shift) const constexpr

Bitwise left shift of a vector.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T>& Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator>>=(T shift)

Do bitwise right shift of a vector and assign.

Enabled only for integral types. The computation is done in-place.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::operator>>(T shift) const constexpr

Bitwise left shift of a vector.

Enabled only for integral types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::dot() const

Dot product of the vector.

Should be used instead of length() for comparing vector length with other values, because it doesn't compute the square root.

\[ \boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol a = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \boldsymbol a_i^2 \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::length() const

Vector length.

See also dot() const which is faster for comparing length with other values.

\[ |\boldsymbol a| = \sqrt{\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol a} \]

For integral types the result may be imprecise, to get a floating-point value of desired precision, cast to a floating-point vector first:

Vector2i a{25, -1};
Float length = Vector2{a}.length();         // ~25.099

A Manhattan length might be more suitable than length() in certain cases where the square root is undesirable — it's a sum of absolute values:

Int manhattanLength = Math::abs(a).sum();   // 26

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::lengthInverted() const

Inverse vector length.

Enabled only for floating-point types.

\[ \frac{1}{|\boldsymbol a|} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol a}} \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::normalized() const

Normalized vector (of unit length)

Enabled only for floating-point types.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::resized(T length) const

Resized vector.

Convenience equivalent to the following code. Due to operation order this function is faster than the obvious way of sizing a normalized() vector. Enabled only for floating-point types.

vec*(vec.lengthInverted()*length) // the parentheses are important

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::projected(const Vector<size, T>& line) const

Vector projected onto a line.

Returns a vector projected onto line. Enabled only for floating-point types.

\[ \operatorname{proj}_{\boldsymbol{b}}\,(\boldsymbol{a}) = \frac{\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol b}{\boldsymbol b \cdot \boldsymbol b} \boldsymbol b \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::projectedOntoNormalized(const Vector<size, T>& line) const

Vector projected onto a normalized line.

Slightly faster alternative to projected(), expects line to be normalized. Enabled only for floating-point types.

\[ \operatorname{proj}_{\boldsymbol{b}}\,(\boldsymbol{a}) = \frac{\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol b}{\boldsymbol b \cdot \boldsymbol b} \boldsymbol b = (\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol b) \boldsymbol b \]

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::flipped() const constexpr

Flipped vector.

Returns the vector with components in reverse order. If you want to flip the vector direction instead, negate it.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::sum() const

Sum of values in the vector.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::product() const

Product of values in the vector.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::min() const

Minimal value in the vector.

NaNs are ignored, unless the vector is all NaNs.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
T Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::max() const

Maximal value in the vector.

NaNs are ignored, unless the vector is all NaNs.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Containers::Pair<T, T> Magnum::Math::Vector<size, T>::minmax() const

Minimal and maximal value in the vector.

NaNs are ignored, unless the vector is all NaNs.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> operator*(T scalar, const Vector<size, T>& vector) constexpr

Multiply a scalar with a vector.

Same as operator*(T) const.

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<class FloatingPoint>
Vector<size, T> operator*(FloatingPoint scalar, const Vector<size, T>& vector) constexpr

Multiply a floating-point scalar with an integral vector.

Same as operator*(FloatingPoint) const.

template<std::size_t size, class T>
Vector<size, T> operator/(T scalar, const Vector<size, T>& vector) constexpr

Divide a vector with a scalar and invert.

\[ \boldsymbol c_i = \frac b {\boldsymbol a_i} \]

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t size, class T>
T dot(const Vector<size, T>& a, const Vector<size, T>& b)

Dot product of two vectors.

Returns 0 when two vectors are perpendicular, > 0 when two vectors are in the same general direction, 1 when two normalized vectors are parallel, < 0 when two vectors are in opposite general direction and -1 when two normalized vectors are antiparallel.

\[ \boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol b = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \boldsymbol a_i \boldsymbol b_i \]

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t size, class FloatingPoint>
Rad<FloatingPoint> angle(const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& normalizedA, const Vector<size, FloatingPoint>& normalizedB)

Angle between normalized vectors.

Expects that both vectors are normalized. Enabled only for floating-point types.

\[ \theta = \arccos \left( \frac{\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol b}{|\boldsymbol a| |\boldsymbol b|} \right) = \arccos (\boldsymbol a \cdot \boldsymbol b) \]

To avoid numerical issues when two vectors are very close to each other, the dot product is clamped to the $ [-1, +1] $ range before being passed to $ \arccos $ .

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t size, class T>
BitVector<size> equal(const Vector<size, T>& a, const Vector<size, T>& b) new in 2019.10

Component-wise equality comparison.

Unlike Vector::operator==() returns a BitVector instead of a single value. Vector complement to equal(T, T).

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t size, class T>
BitVector<size> notEqual(const Vector<size, T>& a, const Vector<size, T>& b) new in 2019.10

Component-wise non-equality comparison.

Unlike Vector::operator!=() returns a BitVector instead of a single value. Vector complement to notEqual(T, T).

template<std::size_t size, class T> template<std::size_t size, class T>
Debug& operator<<(Debug& debug, const Vector<size, T>& value)

Debug output operator.