#include <Magnum/Platform/GlfwApplication.h>
GlfwApplication GLFW application.
Application using the GLFW toolkit. Supports keyboard and mouse handling with support for changing cursor and mouse tracking and warping. Available on all platforms where GLFW is ported.
Bootstrap application
Fully contained base application using GlfwApplication along with CMake setup is available in base-glfw
branch of Magnum Bootstrap repository, download it as tar.gz or zip file. After extracting the downloaded archive you can build and run the application with these four commands:
mkdir build && cd build cmake .. cmake --build . ./src/MyApplication # or ./src/Debug/MyApplication
See Usage with CMake for more information.
General usage
This application library depends on GLFW 3.2 and newer and is built if MAGNUM_WITH_GLFWAPPLICATION
is enabled when building Magnum. To use this library with CMake, request the GlfwApplication
component of the Magnum
package and link to the Magnum::GlfwApplication
find_package(Magnum REQUIRED GlfwApplication) # ... target_link_libraries(your-app PRIVATE Magnum::GlfwApplication)
Additionally, if you're using Magnum as a CMake subproject, bundle the glfw repository and do the following before calling find_package()
to ensure it's enabled, as the library is not built by default. If you want to use system-installed GLFW, omit the first part and point CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
to its installation dir if necessary.
set(GLFW_BUILD_DOCS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # These two are be off-by-default and thus no longer needed with GLFW 3.4+ set(GLFW_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) set(GLFW_BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) add_subdirectory(glfw EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) set(MAGNUM_WITH_GLFWAPPLICATION ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) add_subdirectory(magnum EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
If no other application is requested, you can also use the generic Magnum::Application
alias to simplify porting. Again, see Downloading and building and Usage with CMake for more information.
In C++ code you need to implement at least drawEvent() to be able to draw on the screen. The subclass can be then used directly in main()
— see convenience macro MAGNUM_
class MyApplication: public Platform::GlfwApplication { // implement required methods... }; MAGNUM_GLFWAPPLICATION_MAIN(MyApplication)
If no other application header is included, this class is also aliased to Platform::Application
and the macro is aliased to MAGNUM_APPLICATION_MAIN()
to simplify porting.
DPI awareness
DPI awareness behavior is consistent with Sdl2Application except that iOS or Emscripten specifics don't apply here. In addition, on Windows, GLFW is implicitly advertising DPI awareness, so the manifest file described in HiDPI support doesn't necessarily need to be supplied. See Sdl2Application DPI awareness documentation for more information.
Public types
- struct Arguments
- Application arguments.
- class Configuration
- Configuration.
- class ExitEvent
- Exit event.
- class GLConfiguration
- OpenGL context configuration.
- class InputEvent
- Base for input events.
- class KeyEvent
- Key event.
- class MouseEvent deprecated in Git master
- Mouse event.
- class MouseMoveEvent deprecated in Git master
- Mouse move event.
- class MouseScrollEvent deprecated in Git master
- Mouse scroll event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master
- Pointer event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master
- Pointer move event.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master
- Scroll event.
- class TextInputEvent
- Text input event.
- class ViewportEvent
- Viewport event.
- enum class Modifier: Int { Shift = GLFW_MOD_SHIFT, Ctrl = GLFW_MOD_CONTROL, Alt = GLFW_MOD_ALT, Super = GLFW_MOD_SUPER } new in Git master
- Keyboard modifier.
- enum class Key: Int { Unknown = GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN, LeftShift = GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT, RightShift = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT, LeftCtrl = GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL, RightCtrl = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL, LeftAlt = GLFW_KEY_LEFT_ALT, RightAlt = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_ALT, LeftSuper = GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SUPER, RightSuper = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SUPER, Enter = GLFW_KEY_ENTER, Esc = GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE, Up = GLFW_KEY_UP, Down = GLFW_KEY_DOWN, Left = GLFW_KEY_LEFT, Right = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT, Home = GLFW_KEY_HOME, End = GLFW_KEY_END, PageUp = GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP, PageDown = GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN, Backspace = GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE, Insert = GLFW_KEY_INSERT, Delete = GLFW_KEY_DELETE, F1 = GLFW_KEY_F1, F2 = GLFW_KEY_F2, F3 = GLFW_KEY_F3, F4 = GLFW_KEY_F4, F5 = GLFW_KEY_F5, F6 = GLFW_KEY_F6, F7 = GLFW_KEY_F7, F8 = GLFW_KEY_F8, F9 = GLFW_KEY_F9, F10 = GLFW_KEY_F10, F11 = GLFW_KEY_F11, F12 = GLFW_KEY_F12, Space = GLFW_KEY_SPACE, Tab = GLFW_KEY_TAB, Quote = GLFW_KEY_APOSTROPHE new in 2020.06, Comma = GLFW_KEY_COMMA, Period = GLFW_KEY_PERIOD, Minus = GLFW_KEY_MINUS, Plus = '+', Slash = GLFW_KEY_SLASH, Percent = '%', Semicolon = GLFW_KEY_SEMICOLON, Equal = GLFW_KEY_EQUAL, LeftBracket = GLFW_KEY_LEFT_BRACKET new in 2020.06, RightBracket = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET new in 2020.06, Backslash = GLFW_KEY_BACKSLASH new in 2020.06, Backquote = GLFW_KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT new in 2020.06, World1 = GLFW_KEY_WORLD_1 new in 2020.06, World2 = GLFW_KEY_WORLD_2 new in 2020.06, Zero = GLFW_KEY_0, One = GLFW_KEY_1, Two = GLFW_KEY_2, Three = GLFW_KEY_3, Four = GLFW_KEY_4, Five = GLFW_KEY_5, Six = GLFW_KEY_6, Seven = GLFW_KEY_7, Eight = GLFW_KEY_8, Nine = GLFW_KEY_9, A = GLFW_KEY_A, B = GLFW_KEY_B, C = GLFW_KEY_C, D = GLFW_KEY_D, E = GLFW_KEY_E, F = GLFW_KEY_F, G = GLFW_KEY_G, H = GLFW_KEY_H, I = GLFW_KEY_I, J = GLFW_KEY_J, K = GLFW_KEY_K, L = GLFW_KEY_L, M = GLFW_KEY_M, N = GLFW_KEY_N, O = GLFW_KEY_O, P = GLFW_KEY_P, Q = GLFW_KEY_Q, R = GLFW_KEY_R, S = GLFW_KEY_S, T = GLFW_KEY_T, U = GLFW_KEY_U, V = GLFW_KEY_V, W = GLFW_KEY_W, X = GLFW_KEY_X, Y = GLFW_KEY_Y, Z = GLFW_KEY_Z, CapsLock = GLFW_KEY_CAPS_LOCK, ScrollLock = GLFW_KEY_SCROLL_LOCK, NumLock = GLFW_KEY_NUM_LOCK, PrintScreen = GLFW_KEY_PRINT_SCREEN, Pause = GLFW_KEY_PAUSE, Menu = GLFW_KEY_MENU, NumZero = GLFW_KEY_KP_0, NumOne = GLFW_KEY_KP_1, NumTwo = GLFW_KEY_KP_2, NumThree = GLFW_KEY_KP_3, NumFour = GLFW_KEY_KP_4, NumFive = GLFW_KEY_KP_5, NumSix = GLFW_KEY_KP_6, NumSeven = GLFW_KEY_KP_7, NumEight = GLFW_KEY_KP_8, NumNine = GLFW_KEY_KP_9, NumDecimal = GLFW_KEY_KP_DECIMAL, NumDivide = GLFW_KEY_KP_DIVIDE, NumMultiply = GLFW_KEY_KP_MULTIPLY, NumSubtract = GLFW_KEY_KP_SUBTRACT, NumAdd = GLFW_KEY_KP_ADD, NumEnter = GLFW_KEY_KP_ENTER, NumEqual = GLFW_KEY_KP_EQUAL } new in Git master
- Key.
- enum class PointerEventSource: UnsignedByte { Mouse } new in Git master
- Pointer event source.
- enum class Pointer: UnsignedByte { MouseLeft = 1 << 0, MouseMiddle = 1 << 1, MouseRight = 1 << 2, MouseButton4 = 1 << 3, MouseButton5 = 1 << 4, MouseButton6 = 1 << 5, MouseButton7 = 1 << 6, MouseButton8 = 1 << 7 } new in Git master
- Pointer type.
using Modifiers = Containers::
EnumSet<Modifier> new in Git master - Set of keyboard modifiers.
using Pointers = Containers::
EnumSet<Pointer> new in Git master - Set of pointer types.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- GlfwApplication(const Arguments& arguments, const Configuration& configuration, const GLConfiguration& glConfiguration) explicit
- Construct with an OpenGL context.
- GlfwApplication(const Arguments& arguments, const Configuration& configuration = Configuration{}) explicit
- Construct without explicit GPU context configuration.
- GlfwApplication(const Arguments& arguments, NoCreateT) explicit
- Construct without creating a window.
- GlfwApplication(const GlfwApplication&) deleted
- Copying is not allowed.
- GlfwApplication(GlfwApplication&&) deleted
- Moving is not allowed.
Public functions
- auto operator=(const GlfwApplication&) -> GlfwApplication& deleted
- Copying is not allowed.
- auto operator=(GlfwApplication&&) -> GlfwApplication& deleted
- Moving is not allowed.
auto keyName(Key key,
UnsignedInt scanCode = 0) const -> Containers::
StringView new in Git master - Name for given key.
auto keyToScanCode(Key key) const -> Containers::
Optional<UnsignedInt> new in Git master - Scan code for given key.
- auto exec() -> int
- Execute main loop.
- auto mainLoopIteration() -> bool new in 2020.06
- Run one iteration of application main loop.
- void exit(int exitCode = 0)
- Exit application.
- auto window() -> GLFWwindow*
- Underlying window handle.
Protected functions
- void create(const Configuration& configuration, const GLConfiguration& glConfiguration)
- Create a window with given configuration for OpenGL context.
- void create(const Configuration& configuration)
- Create a window with given configuration.
- void create()
- Create a window with default configuration and OpenGL context.
- auto tryCreate(const Configuration& configuration, const GLConfiguration& glConfiguration) -> bool
- Try to create context with given configuration for OpenGL context.
- auto tryCreate(const Configuration& configuration) -> bool
- Try to create context with given configuration.
- void tickEvent() virtual new in Git master
- Tick event.
Screen handling
- auto windowSize() const -> Vector2i
- Window size.
- void setWindowSize(const Vector2i& size) new in 2020.06
- Set window size.
- void setMinWindowSize(const Vector2i& size = {-1, -1}) new in 2019.10
- Set window minimum size.
- void setMaxWindowSize(const Vector2i& size = {-1, -1}) new in 2019.10
- Set window maximum size.
- auto framebufferSize() const -> Vector2i
- Framebuffer size.
- auto dpiScaling() const -> Vector2
- DPI scaling.
- auto dpiScaling(const Configuration& configuration) -> Vector2
- DPI scaling for given configuration.
void setWindowTitle(Containers::
StringView title) new in 2019.10 - Set window title.
void setWindowIcon(Containers::
ArrayView<const ImageView2D> images) new in Git master - Set window icon.
void setWindowIcon(std::
initializer_list<ImageView2D> images) new in 2020.06 - void setWindowIcon(const ImageView2D& image) new in 2020.06
- void swapBuffers()
- Swap buffers.
- void setSwapInterval(Int interval)
- Set swap interval.
- void setMinimalLoopPeriod(Nanoseconds time) new in Git master
- Set minimal loop period.
- void redraw()
- Redraw immediately.
- void viewportEvent(ViewportEvent& event) private virtual
- Viewport event.
- void drawEvent() private pure virtual
- Draw event.
Keyboard handling
- void keyPressEvent(KeyEvent& event) private virtual
- Key press event.
- void keyReleaseEvent(KeyEvent& event) private virtual
- Key release event.
Pointer handling
- enum class Cursor: UnsignedInt { Arrow, TextInput, Crosshair, ResizeNWSE, ResizeNESW, ResizeWE, ResizeNS, ResizeAll, No, Hand, Hidden, HiddenLocked } new in 2020.06
- Cursor type.
- void setCursor(Cursor cursor) new in 2020.06
- Set cursor type.
- auto cursor() -> Cursor new in 2020.06
- Get current cursor type.
- void warpCursor(const Vector2i& position) new in 2020.06
- Warp mouse cursor to given coordinates.
- void pointerPressEvent(PointerEvent& event) private virtual new in Git master
- Pointer press event.
- void mousePressEvent(MouseEvent& event) deprecated in Git master private virtual
- Mouse press event.
- void pointerReleaseEvent(PointerEvent& event) private virtual new in Git master
- Pointer release event.
- void mouseReleaseEvent(MouseEvent& event) deprecated in Git master private virtual
- Mouse release event.
- void pointerMoveEvent(PointerMoveEvent& event) private virtual new in Git master
- Pointer move event.
- void mouseMoveEvent(MouseMoveEvent& event) deprecated in Git master private virtual
- Mouse move event.
- void scrollEvent(ScrollEvent& event) private virtual new in Git master
- Scroll event.
- void mouseScrollEvent(MouseScrollEvent& event) deprecated in Git master private virtual
- Mouse move event.
Text input handling
- auto isTextInputActive() const -> bool
- Whether text input is active.
- void startTextInput()
- Start text input.
- void stopTextInput()
- Stop text input.
- void textInputEvent(TextInputEvent& event) private virtual
- Text input event.
Special events
Enum documentation
enum class Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: Key: Int new in Git master
Enumerators | |
Unknown |
Unknown key |
LeftShift |
Left Shift |
RightShift |
Right Shift |
LeftCtrl |
Left Ctrl |
RightCtrl |
Right Ctrl |
LeftAlt |
Left Alt |
RightAlt |
Right Alt |
LeftSuper |
Left Super key (Windows/⌘) |
RightSuper |
Right Super key (Windows/⌘) |
Enter |
Enter |
Esc |
Escape |
Up |
Up arrow |
Down |
Down arrow |
Left |
Left arrow |
Right |
Right arrow |
Home |
Home |
End |
End |
PageUp |
Page up |
PageDown |
Page down |
Backspace |
Backspace |
Insert |
Insert |
Delete |
Delete |
F1 |
F1 |
F2 |
F2 |
F3 |
F3 |
F4 |
F4 |
F5 |
F5 |
F6 |
F6 |
F7 |
F7 |
F8 |
F8 |
F9 |
F9 |
F10 |
F10 |
F11 |
F11 |
F12 |
F12 |
Space |
Space |
Tab |
Tab |
Quote new in 2020.06 |
Quote ( |
Comma |
Comma |
Period |
Period |
Minus |
Minus |
Plus |
Plus. On the US keyboard layout this may only be representable as Shift =. |
Slash |
Slash |
Percent |
Percent. On the US keyboard layout this may only be representable as Shift 5. |
Semicolon |
Semicolon ( |
Equal |
Equal |
LeftBracket new in 2020.06 |
Left bracket ( |
RightBracket new in 2020.06 |
Right bracket ( |
Backslash new in 2020.06 |
Backslash ( |
Backquote new in 2020.06 |
Backquote ( |
World1 new in 2020.06 |
Non-US #1. Can be for example a backslash ( |
World2 new in 2020.06 |
Non-US #2 |
Zero |
Zero |
One |
One |
Two |
Two |
Three |
Three |
Four |
Four |
Five |
Five |
Six |
Six |
Seven |
Seven |
Eight |
Eight |
Nine |
Nine |
A |
Letter A |
B |
Letter B |
C |
Letter C |
D |
Letter D |
E |
Letter E |
F |
Letter F |
G |
Letter G |
H |
Letter H |
I |
Letter I |
J |
Letter J |
K |
Letter K |
L |
Letter L |
M |
Letter M |
N |
Letter N |
O |
Letter O |
P |
Letter P |
Q |
Letter Q |
R |
Letter R |
S |
Letter S |
T |
Letter T |
U |
Letter U |
V |
Letter V |
W |
Letter W |
X |
Letter X |
Y |
Letter Y |
Z |
Letter Z |
CapsLock |
Caps lock |
ScrollLock |
Scroll lock |
NumLock |
Num lock |
PrintScreen |
Print screen |
Pause |
Pause |
Menu |
Menu |
NumZero |
Numpad zero |
NumOne |
Numpad one |
NumTwo |
Numpad two |
NumThree |
Numpad three |
NumFour |
Numpad four |
NumFive |
Numpad five |
NumSix |
Numpad six |
NumSeven |
Numpad seven |
NumEight |
Numpad eight |
NumNine |
Numpad nine |
NumDecimal |
Numpad decimal |
NumDivide |
Numpad divide |
NumMultiply |
Numpad multiply |
NumSubtract |
Numpad subtract |
NumAdd |
Numpad add |
NumEnter |
Numpad enter |
NumEqual |
Numpad equal |
enum class Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: PointerEventSource: UnsignedByte new in Git master
Pointer event source.
Enumerators | |
Mouse |
The event is coming from a mouse |
enum class Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: Pointer: UnsignedByte new in Git master
Pointer type.
Enumerators | |
MouseLeft |
Left mouse button. Corresponds to |
MouseMiddle |
Middle mouse button. Corresponds to |
MouseRight |
Right mouse button. Corresponds to |
MouseButton4 |
Fourth mouse button, such as wheel left. Corresponds to |
MouseButton5 |
Fifth mouse button, such as wheel right. Corresponds to |
MouseButton6 |
Sixth mouse button. Corresponds to |
MouseButton7 |
Seventh mouse button. Corresponds to |
MouseButton8 |
Eighth mouse button. Corresponds to |
enum class Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: Cursor: UnsignedInt new in 2020.06
Cursor type.
Enumerators | |
Arrow |
Arrow |
TextInput |
Text input |
Crosshair |
Crosshair |
ResizeNWSE |
Double arrow pointing northwest and southeast |
ResizeNESW |
Double arrow pointing northeast and southwest |
ResizeWE |
Double arrow pointing west and east |
ResizeNS |
Double arrow pointing north and south |
ResizeAll |
Four pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, and west |
No |
Slashed circle or crossbones |
Hand |
Hand |
Hidden |
Hidden |
HiddenLocked |
Hidden and locked |
Typedef documentation
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<Modifier> Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: Modifiers new in Git master
Set of keyboard modifiers.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<Pointer> Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: Pointers new in Git master
Set of pointer types.
Function documentation
Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: GlfwApplication(const Arguments& arguments,
const Configuration& configuration,
const GLConfiguration& glConfiguration) explicit
Construct with an OpenGL context.
Parameters | |
arguments | Application arguments |
configuration | Application configuration |
glConfiguration | OpenGL context configuration |
Creates application with default or user-specified configuration. See Configuration for more information. The program exits if the context cannot be created, see tryCreate() for an alternative.
Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: GlfwApplication(const Arguments& arguments,
const Configuration& configuration = Configuration{}) explicit
Construct without explicit GPU context configuration.
If Configuration::
If none of the flags is present and Magnum was built with MAGNUM_
See also Enabling or disabling features for more information.
Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: GlfwApplication(const Arguments& arguments,
NoCreateT) explicit
Construct without creating a window.
Parameters | |
arguments | Application arguments |
Unlike above, the window is not created and must be created later with create() or tryCreate().
Containers:: StringView Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: keyName(Key key,
UnsignedInt scanCode = 0) const new in Git master
Name for given key.
Human-readable localized UTF-8 name for given key
, intended for displaying to the user in e.g. a key binding configuration. For Key::scanCode
can be passed. If there is no name for given key, an empty string is returned. If non-empty, the returned view is always Containers::
Unlike e.g. Sdl2Application::static
because it relies on GLFW being initialized.
Containers:: Optional<UnsignedInt> Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: keyToScanCode(Key key) const new in Git master
Scan code for given key.
If key
doesn't correspond to a physical key supported on given platform, returns Containers::
Unlike e.g. Sdl2Application::static
because it relies on GLFW being initialized.
int Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: exec()
Execute main loop.
Returns | Value for returning from main() |
Calls mainLoopIteration() in a loop until exit() is called. See MAGNUM_
bool Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: mainLoopIteration() new in 2020.06
Run one iteration of application main loop.
Returns | false if exit() was called and the application should exit, true otherwise |
Called internally from exec(). If you want to have better control over how the main loop behaves, you can call this function yourself from your own main()
function instead of it being called automatically from exec() / MAGNUM_
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: exit(int exitCode = 0)
Exit application.
Parameters | |
exitCode | The exit code the application should return |
When called from application constructor, it will cause the application to exit immediately after constructor ends, without entering the event loop. When called from within an event handler, it will cause it to exit at the start of next event loop iteration. Compared to requesting an application exit using the window close button or the Alt F4 / Cmd Q keyboard shortcut, the exitEvent() isn't called when using this function.
Calling this function from an application constructor is recommended over std::return
after calling it, as it can't exit the constructor on its own:
MyApplication::MyApplication(const Arguments& arguments): Platform::Application{arguments, NoCreate} { // … if(!everythingGoingAsExpected) { exit(1); return; } // … }
GLFWwindow* Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: window()
Underlying window handle.
Use in case you need to call GLFW functionality directly.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: create(const Configuration& configuration,
const GLConfiguration& glConfiguration) protected
Create a window with given configuration for OpenGL context.
Parameters | |
configuration | Application configuration |
glConfiguration | OpenGL context configuration |
Must be called only if the context wasn't created by the constructor itself, i.e. when passing NoCreate to it. Error message is printed and the program exits if the context cannot be created, see tryCreate() for an alternative.
On desktop GL, if version is not specified in glConfiguration
, the application first tries to create core context (OpenGL 3.2+) and if that fails, falls back to compatibility OpenGL 2.1 context.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: create(const Configuration& configuration) protected
Create a window with given configuration.
If Configuration::
If none of the flags is present and Magnum was built with MAGNUM_
See also Enabling or disabling features for more information.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: create() protected
Create a window with default configuration and OpenGL context.
Equivalent to calling create(const Configuration&) with default-constructed Configuration.
bool Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: tryCreate(const Configuration& configuration,
const GLConfiguration& glConfiguration) protected
Try to create context with given configuration for OpenGL context.
Unlike create(const Configuration&, const GLConfiguration&) returns false
if the context cannot be created, true
bool Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: tryCreate(const Configuration& configuration) protected
Try to create context with given configuration.
Unlike create(const Configuration&) returns false
if the context cannot be created, true
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: tickEvent() virtual protected new in Git master
Tick event.
If implemented, this function is called periodically after processing all input events and before draw event even though there might be no input events and redraw is not requested. Useful e.g. for asynchronous task polling. Use setMinimalLoopPeriod() / setSwapInterval() to control main loop frequency.
If this implementation gets called from its override
, it will effectively stop the tick event from being fired and the app returns back to waiting for input events. This can be used to disable the tick event when not needed.
Vector2i Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: windowSize() const
Window size.
Window size to which all input event coordinates can be related. Note that, especially on HiDPI systems, it may be different from framebufferSize(). Expects that a window is already created. See DPI awareness for more information.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setWindowSize(const Vector2i& size) new in 2020.06
Set window size.
Parameters | |
size | The size, in screen coordinates |
To make the sizing work independently of the display DPI, size
is internally multiplied with dpiScaling() before getting applied. Expects that a window is already created.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setMinWindowSize(const Vector2i& size = {-1, -1}) new in 2019.10
Set window minimum size.
Parameters | |
size | The minimum size, in screen coordinates |
If a value is set to -1
, it will disable/remove the corresponding limit. To make the sizing work independently of the display DPI, size
is internally multiplied with dpiScaling() before getting applied. Expects that a window is already created.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setMaxWindowSize(const Vector2i& size = {-1, -1}) new in 2019.10
Set window maximum size.
Parameters | |
size | The maximum size, in screen coordinates |
If a value is set to -1
, it will disable/remove the corresponding limit. To make the sizing work independently of the display DPI, size
is internally multiplied with dpiScaling() before getting applied. Expects that a window is already created.
Vector2i Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: framebufferSize() const
Framebuffer size.
Size of the default framebuffer. Note that, especially on HiDPI systems, it may be different from windowSize(). Expects that a window is already created. See DPI awareness for more information.
Vector2 Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: dpiScaling() const
DPI scaling.
How the content should be scaled relative to system defaults for given windowSize(). If a window is not created yet, returns zero vector, use dpiScaling(const Configuration&) for calculating a value independently. See DPI awareness for more information.
Vector2 Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: dpiScaling(const Configuration& configuration)
DPI scaling for given configuration.
Calculates DPI scaling that would be used when creating a window with given configuration
. Takes into account DPI scaling policy and custom scaling specified on the command-line. See DPI awareness for more information.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setWindowTitle(Containers:: StringView title) new in 2019.10
Set window title.
The title
is expected to be encoded in UTF-8.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setWindowIcon(Containers:: ArrayView<const ImageView2D> images) new in Git master
Set window icon.
The images
are expected to be with origin at bottom left (which is the default for imported images) and in one of PixelFormat::
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setWindowIcon(std:: initializer_list<ImageView2D> images) new in 2020.06
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setWindowIcon(const ImageView2D& image) new in 2020.06
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: swapBuffers()
Swap buffers.
Paints currently rendered framebuffer on screen.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setSwapInterval(Int interval)
Set swap interval.
Set 0
for no VSync, 1
for enabled VSync. Some platforms support -1
for late swap tearing. Default is driver-dependent.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setMinimalLoopPeriod(Nanoseconds time) new in Git master
Set minimal loop period.
This setting reduces the main loop frequency in case setSwapInterval() wasn't called at all, was called with 0
, or no drawing is done and just tickEvent() is being executed. The time
is expected to be non-negative, default is 0_nsec
(i.e., looping at maximum frequency). If the application is drawing on the screen and VSync was enabled by calling setSwapInterval(), this setting is ignored.
Note that as the VSync default is driver-dependent, setSwapInterval() has to be explicitly called to make the interaction between the two work correctly.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: redraw()
Redraw immediately.
Marks the window for redrawing, resulting in call to drawEvent() in the next iteration. You can call it from drawEvent() itself to redraw immediately without waiting for user input.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: viewportEvent(ViewportEvent& event) virtual private
Viewport event.
Called when window size changes. The default implementation does nothing. If you want to respond to size changes, you should pass the new size to GL::
Note that this function might not get called at all if the window size doesn't change. You should configure the initial state of your cameras, framebuffers etc. in application constructor rather than relying on this function to be called. Size of the window can be retrieved using windowSize(), size of the backing framebuffer via framebufferSize() and DPI scaling using dpiScaling(). See DPI awareness for detailed info about these values.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: drawEvent() pure virtual private
Draw event.
Called when the screen is redrawn. You should clean the framebuffer using GL::
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: keyPressEvent(KeyEvent& event) virtual private
Key press event.
Called when a key is pressed. Default implementation does nothing.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: keyReleaseEvent(KeyEvent& event) virtual private
Key release event.
Called when a key is released. Default implementation does nothing.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: setCursor(Cursor cursor) new in 2020.06
Set cursor type.
Expects that a window is already created. Default is Cursor::
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: pointerPressEvent(PointerEvent& event) virtual private new in Git master
Pointer press event.
Called when a mouse is pressed. Note that if at least one mouse button is already pressed and another button gets pressed in addition, pointerMoveEvent() with the new combination is called, not this function.
On builds with MAGNUM_
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: mousePressEvent(MouseEvent& event) virtual private
Mouse press event.
Default implementation does nothing.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: pointerReleaseEvent(PointerEvent& event) virtual private new in Git master
Pointer release event.
Called when a mouse is released. Note that if multiple mouse buttons are pressed and one of these is released, pointerMoveEvent() with the new combination is called, not this function.
On builds with MAGNUM_
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: mouseReleaseEvent(MouseEvent& event) virtual private
Mouse release event.
Default implementation does nothing.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: pointerMoveEvent(PointerMoveEvent& event) virtual private new in Git master
Pointer move event.
Called when any of the currently pressed pointers is moved or changes its properties. Gets called also if the set of pressed mouse buttons changes.
On builds with MAGNUM_
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: mouseMoveEvent(MouseMoveEvent& event) virtual private
Mouse move event.
Default implementation does nothing.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: scrollEvent(ScrollEvent& event) virtual private new in Git master
Scroll event.
Called when a scrolling device is used (mouse wheel or scrolling area on a touchpad).
On builds with MAGNUM_
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: mouseScrollEvent(MouseScrollEvent& event) virtual private
Mouse move event.
Default implementation does nothing.
bool Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: isTextInputActive() const
Whether text input is active.
If text input is active, text input events go to textInputEvent().
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: startTextInput()
Start text input.
Starts text input that will go to textInputEvent().
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: stopTextInput()
Stop text input.
Stops text input that went to textInputEvent().
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: textInputEvent(TextInputEvent& event) virtual private
Text input event.
Called when text input is active and the text is being input.
void Magnum:: Platform:: GlfwApplication:: exitEvent(ExitEvent& event) virtual private
Exit event.
If implemented, it allows the application to react to an application exit (for example to save its internal state) and suppress it as well (for example to show a exit confirmation dialog). The default implementation calls ExitEvent::event
, which tells the application that it's safe to exit.