Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration class new in Git master


Public functions

auto flags() const -> Flags
auto setFlags(Flags flags) -> Configuration&
Set flags.
auto jointCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Joint count.
auto perVertexJointCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Per-vertex joint count.
auto secondaryPerVertexJointCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Secondary per-vertex joint count.
auto setJointCount(UnsignedInt count, UnsignedInt perVertexCount, UnsignedInt secondaryPerVertexCount = 0) -> Configuration&
Set joint count.
auto materialCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Material count.
auto setMaterialCount(UnsignedInt count) -> Configuration&
Set material count.
auto drawCount() const -> UnsignedInt
Draw count.
auto setDrawCount(UnsignedInt count) -> Configuration&
Set draw count.

Function documentation

Configuration& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::setFlags(Flags flags)

Set flags.

No flags are set by default.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::jointCount() const

Joint count.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::perVertexJointCount() const

Per-vertex joint count.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::secondaryPerVertexJointCount() const

Secondary per-vertex joint count.

Configuration& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::setJointCount(UnsignedInt count, UnsignedInt perVertexCount, UnsignedInt secondaryPerVertexCount = 0)

Set joint count.

If Flag::UniformBuffers isn't set, count describes an upper bound on how many joint matrices get supplied to each draw by setJointMatrices() / setJointMatrix().

If Flag::UniformBuffers is set, count describes size of a TransformationUniform2D / TransformationUniform3D buffer bound with bindJointBuffer(). Uniform buffers have a statically defined size and count*sizeof(TransformationUniform2D) / count*sizeof(TransformationUniform3D) has to be within GL::AbstractShaderProgram::maxUniformBlockSize(), if Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is set as well, the buffer is unbounded and count is ignored. The per-vertex joints index into the array offset by FlatDrawUniform::jointOffset.

The perVertexCount and secondaryPerVertexCount parameters describe how many components are taken from JointIds / Weights and SecondaryJointIds / SecondaryWeights attributes. Both values are expected to not be larger than 4, setting either of these to 0 means given attribute is not used at all. If both perVertexCount and secondaryPerVertexCount are set to 0, skinning is not performed. Unless Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is set, if either of them is non-zero, count is expected to be non-zero as well.

Default value for all three is 0.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::materialCount() const

Material count.

Configuration& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::setMaterialCount(UnsignedInt count)

Set material count.

If Flag::UniformBuffers is set, describes size of a FlatMaterialUniform buffer bound with bindMaterialBuffer(). Uniform buffers have a statically defined size and count*sizeof(FlatMaterialUniform) has to be within GL::AbstractShaderProgram::maxUniformBlockSize(), if Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is set as well, the buffer is unbounded and count is ignored. The per-draw materials are specified via FlatDrawUniform::materialId. Default value is 1.

If Flag::UniformBuffers isn't set, this value is ignored.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::drawCount() const

Draw count.

Configuration& Magnum::Shaders::FlatGL::Configuration::setDrawCount(UnsignedInt count)

Set draw count.

If Flag::UniformBuffers is set, describes size of a TransformationProjectionUniform2D / TransformationProjectionUniform3D / FlatDrawUniform / TextureTransformationUniform buffer bound with bindTransformationProjectionBuffer(), bindDrawBuffer() and bindTextureTransformationBuffer(). Uniform buffers have a statically defined size and the maximum of count*sizeof(TransformationProjectionUniform2D) / count*sizeof(TransformationProjectionUniform3D), count*sizeof(FlatDrawUniform) and count*sizeof(TextureTransformationUniform) has to be within GL::AbstractShaderProgram::maxUniformBlockSize(), if Flag::ShaderStorageBuffers is set as well, the buffers are unbounded and count is ignored. The draw offset is set via setDrawOffset(). Default value is 1.

If Flag::UniformBuffers isn't set, this value is ignored.