Magnum::Vk::CopyImageToBufferInfo3D class new in Git master

Convenience constructor for a 3D image to buffer copy command.

Compared to the base CopyImageToBufferInfo constructor accepts a list of BufferImageCopy3D convenience structures that are more suited for copying 3D images. See Copying image data for example usage of these convenience classes.

Base classes

class CopyImageToBufferInfo new in Git master
Image to buffer copy command.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CopyImageToBufferInfo3D(VkImage source, ImageLayout sourceLayout, VkBuffer destination, Containers::ArrayView<const BufferImageCopy3D> regions)
CopyImageToBufferInfo3D(VkImage source, ImageLayout sourceLayout, VkBuffer destination, std::initializer_list<BufferImageCopy3D> regions)

Function documentation

Magnum::Vk::CopyImageToBufferInfo3D::CopyImageToBufferInfo3D(VkImage source, ImageLayout sourceLayout, VkBuffer destination, std::initializer_list<BufferImageCopy3D> regions)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.