Welcome to Python-flavored Magnum! Please note that, while already being rather stable, this functionality is still considered experimental and some APIs might get changed without preserving full backwards compatibility.

magnum.trade.SceneFieldData class

Scene field data

Associates a pair of typed data views with a name, type and other scene field properties, which can be subsequently put into a SceneData instance, for example with scenetools.combine_fields(). The mapping data view is always one-dimensional. The field data view can be either one-dimensional, for example a NumPy array:

mapping_data = array.array('I', [0, 2, 7])
field_data = np.array([(-0.5, 0.0),
                       (+0.5, 0.0),
                       ( 0.0, 0.5)], dtype='2f')
translations = trade.SceneFieldData(trade.SceneField.TRANSLATION,
    trade.SceneMappingType.UNSIGNED_INT, mapping_data,
    trade.SceneFieldType.VECTOR2, field_data)

Or it can be two-dimensional, for example by expanding a flat array into a list of two-component vectors:

field_data = array.array('f', [-0.5, 0.0,
                               +0.5, 0.0,
                                0.0, 0.5])
translations = trade.SceneFieldData(trade.SceneField.TRANSLATION,
    trade.SceneMappingType.UNSIGNED_INT, mapping_data,
    containers.StridedArrayView1D(field_data).expanded(0, (3, 2)))

Memory ownership and reference counting

On initialization, the instance inherits the containers.StridedArrayView1D.owner objects of both views, storing it in the mapping_owner and field_owner fields, meaning that calling del on the original data will not invalidate the instance.

Data access

Similarly to SceneData, the class makes use of Python’s dynamic nature and provides direct access to attribute data in their concrete type via mapping_data and field_data. However, the SceneFieldData is considered a low level API and thus a containers.StridedArrayView2D / containers.StridedBitArrayView2D is returned always for field data, even for non-array attributes. The returned views inherit the mapping_owner or field_owner and element access coverts to a type corresponding to a particular SceneMappingType or SceneFieldType. For example, extracting the data from the translations field created above:

>>> mapping = translations.mapping_data
>>> field = translations.field_data
>>> mapping.owner is mapping_data
>>> field.owner is field_data
>>> mapping[2]
>>> field[2][0]
Vector(0, 0.5)

Special methods

def __init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_type: SceneFieldType, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, *, field_array_size: int = 0, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None
Construct from a 1D field view
def __init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_type: SceneFieldType, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView2D, *, field_array_size: int = 0, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None
Construct from a 2D field view
def __init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedBitArrayView1D, *, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None
Construct a bit field
def __init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedBitArrayView2D, *, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None
Construct an array bit field


field_array_size: int get
Field array size
field_data: object get
Field data
field_owner: object get
Field memory owner
field_type: SceneFieldType get
Field type
flags: SceneFieldFlags get
Field flags
mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D get
Object mapping data
mapping_owner: object get
Mapping memory owner
mapping_type: SceneMappingType get
Object mapping type
name: SceneField get
Field name
size: int get
Number of entries

Method documentation

def magnum.trade.SceneFieldData.__init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_type: SceneFieldType, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, *, field_array_size: int = 0, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None

Construct from a 1D field view

AssertionError If mapping_data and field_data don’t have the same size
AssertionError If field_type is not valid for name
AssertionError If field_type is a string type or SceneFieldType.BIT
AssertionError If mapping_data stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If mapping_data format size is smaller than size of mapping_type
AssertionError If field_data stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If field_data format size is smaller than size of field_type at given field_array_size
AssertionError If field_array_size is non-zero and name can’t be an array field
AssertionError If flags contain SceneFieldFlags.OFFSET_ONLY, SceneFieldFlags.NULL_TERMINATED_STRING or values disallowed for a particular name

def magnum.trade.SceneFieldData.__init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_type: SceneFieldType, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView2D, *, field_array_size: int = 0, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None

Construct from a 2D field view

AssertionError If mapping_data and first dimension of field_data don’t have the same size
AssertionError If field_type is not valid for name
AssertionError If field_type is a string type or SceneFieldType.BIT
AssertionError If mapping_data stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If mapping_data format size is smaller than size of mapping_type
AssertionError If field_data first dimension stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If field_data second dimension isn’t contiguous
AssertionError If field_data format size times second dimension size is smaller than size of field_type at given field_array_size
AssertionError If field_array_size is non-zero and name can’t be an array field
AssertionError If flags contain SceneFieldFlags.OFFSET_ONLY, SceneFieldFlags.NULL_TERMINATED_STRING or values disallowed for a particular name

def magnum.trade.SceneFieldData.__init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedBitArrayView1D, *, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None

Construct a bit field

AssertionError If mapping_data and field_data don’t have the same size
AssertionError If SceneFieldType.BIT is not valid for name
AssertionError If mapping_data stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If mapping_data format size is smaller than size of mapping_type
AssertionError If field_data stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If flags contain SceneFieldFlags.OFFSET_ONLY, SceneFieldFlags.NULL_TERMINATED_STRING or values disallowed for a particular name

def magnum.trade.SceneFieldData.__init__(self, name: SceneField, mapping_type: SceneMappingType, mapping_data: corrade.containers.StridedArrayView1D, field_data: corrade.containers.StridedBitArrayView2D, *, flags: SceneFieldFlags = SceneFieldFlags.NONE) -> None

Construct an array bit field

AssertionError If mapping_data and first dimension of field_data don’t have the same size
AssertionError If SceneFieldType.BIT is not valid for name
AssertionError If mapping_data stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If mapping_data format size is smaller than size of mapping_type
AssertionError If field_data first dimension stride doesn’t fit into 16 bits
AssertionError If field_data second dimension isn’t contiguous
AssertionError If flags contain SceneFieldFlags.OFFSET_ONLY, SceneFieldFlags.NULL_TERMINATED_STRING or values disallowed for a particular name

Property documentation

magnum.trade.SceneFieldData.field_data: object get

Field data

NotImplementedError If field_type is a half-float or string type

A containers.StridedArrayView2D or containers.StridedBitArrayView2D is returned always, non-array attributes have the second dimension size 1.