file new in 2019.10
DebugStl.hSTL compatibility for Corrade::
Including this header allows you to use STL types such as std::operator<<()
overloads if a type doesn't provide operator<<(Utility::
- namespace Corrade
- Root namespace.
- namespace Corrade::Utility
- Utilities.
template<class T, class U>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const std::
pair<T, U>& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
pair to debug output. -
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
const std::
string& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
string to debug output. -
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const std::
basic_string<T>& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
basic_string to debug output. -
template<class ... Args>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const std::
tuple<Args...>& value) -> Debug& - Print a std::
tuple to debug output.