class new in Git master
#include <Corrade/Containers/BitArray.h>
BitArray Bit array.
Owning container for an array of bits. Eight times more memory-efficient than Array<bool>; a lighter alternative to std::
As with Array itself, the container is non-copyable with a size specified upfront. At the moment, there's no growing functionality.
The following snippet shows using a bit array for marking which mesh vertices are used by an index buffer:
Containers::BitArray used{ValueInit, vertexCount}; for(unsigned index: indexBuffer) used.set(index);
The BitArray class provides access and slicing APIs similar to BitArrayView, see its usage docs for details. All BitArray slicing APIs return a (mutable) BitArrayView, additionally BitArray instances are also implicitly convertible to it. The only difference is due to the owning aspect — mutable access to the data is provided only via non const
Bit array initialization
The following explicit initialization constructors are provided, similarly to the Array class:
- BitArray(ValueInitT, std::
size_t) zero-initializes the array. This is equivalent tonew char[(size + 7)/8]{}
. - BitArray(DirectInitT, std::
size_t, bool) fills the whole array with given bit value. This is equivalent tonew char[(size + 7)/8]{value*'\xff', value*'\xff', …}
. - BitArray(NoInitT, std::
size_t) keeps the contents uninitialized. Useful when you'll be overwriting the contents anyway. Equivalent tonew char[(size + 7)/8]
Unlike an Array, there's no DefaultInitT constructor, as the same behavior is already provided by BitArray(NoInitT, std::
/* 200 zero bits */ Containers::BitArray a{ValueInit, 200}; /* 200 one bits */ Containers::BitArray b{DirectInit, 200, true}; /* 100 uninitialized bits */ Containers::BitArray c{NoInit, 100};
Wrapping externally allocated bit arrays
Similarly to Array, by default the class makes all allocations using operator new[]
and deallocates using operator delete[]
. It's however also possible to wrap an externally allocated array using BitArray(void*, std::0
For example, properly deallocating a bit array allocated using std::
{ void* data = std::malloc(250); // Will call std::free() on destruction Containers::BitArray array{data, 0, 250*8, [](char* data, std::size_t) { std::free(data); }}; }
Public types
- using Deleter = void(*)(char*, std::size_t)
- Deleter type.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
nullptr_t = nullptr) noexcept - Default constructor.
ValueInitT , std::size_t size) explicit - Construct a zero-initialized array.
NoInitT , std::size_t size) explicit - Construct an array without initializing its contents.
DirectInitT , std::size_t size, bool value) explicit - Construct an array initialized to a particular bit value.
BitArray(void* data,
size_t offset, std::size_t size, Deleter deleter) explicit noexcept - Take ownership of an external bit array.
- BitArray(const BitArray&) deleted
- Copying is not allowed.
- BitArray(BitArray&& other) noexcept
- Move constructor.
- ~BitArray()
- Destructor.
- operator MutableBitArrayView()
- Conversion to a view.
- operator BitArrayView() const
Public functions
- auto operator=(const BitArray&) -> BitArray& deleted
- Copying is not allowed.
- auto operator=(BitArray&& other) -> BitArray& noexcept
- Move assignment.
- auto data() -> char*
- Array data.
- auto data() const -> const char*
- auto deleter() const -> Deleter
- Array deleter.
auto offset() const -> std::
size_t - Offset in the first byte.
auto size() const -> std::
size_t - Size in bits.
- auto isEmpty() const -> bool
- Whether the array is empty.
auto operator[](std::
size_t i) const -> bool - Bit at given position.
void set(std::
size_t i) - Set a bit at given position.
- void setAll()
- Set all bits.
void reset(std::
size_t i) - Reset a bit at given position.
- void resetAll()
- Reset all bits.
void set(std::
size_t i, bool value) - Set or reset a bit at given position.
- void setAll(bool value)
- Set or reset all bits.
auto slice(std::
size_t begin, std::size_t end) -> MutableBitArrayView - View on a slice.
auto slice(std::
size_t begin, std::size_t end) const -> BitArrayView -
auto sliceSize(std::
size_t begin, std::size_t size) -> MutableBitArrayView - View on a slice of given size.
auto sliceSize(std::
size_t begin, std::size_t size) const -> BitArrayView -
auto prefix(std::
size_t size) -> MutableBitArrayView - View on the first
bits. -
auto prefix(std::
size_t size) const -> BitArrayView -
auto suffix(std::
size_t size) -> MutableBitArrayView - View on the last
bits. -
auto suffix(std::
size_t size) const -> BitArrayView -
auto exceptPrefix(std::
size_t size) -> MutableBitArrayView - View except the first
bits. -
auto exceptPrefix(std::
size_t size) const -> BitArrayView -
auto exceptSuffix(std::
size_t size) -> MutableBitArrayView - View except the last
bits. -
auto exceptSuffix(std::
size_t size) const -> BitArrayView -
auto count() const -> std::
size_t - Count of set bits.
- auto release() -> char*
- Release data storage.
Function documentation
Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: BitArray(std::nullptr_t = nullptr) noexcept
Default constructor.
Creates a zero-sized array. Move a BitArray with a nonzero size onto the instance to make it useful.
Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: BitArray(Corrade::ValueInitT ,
std::size_t size) explicit
Construct a zero-initialized array.
Parameters | |
size | Size in bits |
If the size is zero, no allocation is done.
Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: BitArray(Corrade::NoInitT ,
std::size_t size) explicit
Construct an array without initializing its contents.
Parameters | |
size | Size in bits |
The contents are not initialized. If the size is zero, no allocation is done. Useful if you will be overwriting all elements later anyway.
Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: BitArray(Corrade::DirectInitT ,
std::size_t size,
bool value) explicit
Construct an array initialized to a particular bit value.
Parameters | |
size | Size in bits |
value | Bit value |
If the size is zero, no allocation is done.
Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: BitArray(void* data,
std::size_t offset,
std::size_t size,
Deleter deleter) explicit noexcept
Take ownership of an external bit array.
Parameters | |
data | Data |
offset | Initial bit offset in data . Expected to be less than 8. |
size | Size in bits, excluding offset |
deleter | Deleter. Use nullptr for the standard delete[] . |
The deleter
will be unconditionally called on destruction with data
and (offset + size + 7)/8
(i.e., size including the initial offset in bytes) as an argument. In particular, it will be also called if data
is nullptr
or size
is 0
In case of a moved-out instance, the deleter gets reset to a default-constructed value alongside the array pointer and size. It effectively means delete[] nullptr
gets called when destructing a moved-out instance (which is a no-op).
Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: operator BitArrayView() const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
const char* Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: data() const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
std::size_t Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: offset() const
Offset in the first byte.
The returned value is always less than 8
, and is non-zero only if the array was created with a non-zero offset
passed to the BitArray(void*, std::
std::size_t Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: size() const
Size in bits.
bool Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: isEmpty() const
Whether the array is empty.
bool Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: operator[](std::size_t i) const
Bit at given position.
Expects that i
is less than size(). Use set(std::
void Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: set(std::size_t i)
Set a bit at given position.
Expects that i
is less than size().
void Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: reset(std::size_t i)
Reset a bit at given position.
Expects that i
is less than size().
void Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: set(std::size_t i,
bool value)
Set or reset a bit at given position.
Expects that i
is less than size(). For a value
known at compile time, explicitly calling either set(std::
void Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: setAll(bool value)
Set or reset all bits.
Calls either setAll() or resetAll() based on value
. You can set or reset just a range of bits by making a slice() first.
MutableBitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: slice(std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end)
View on a slice.
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
BitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: slice(std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
MutableBitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: sliceSize(std::size_t begin,
std::size_t size)
View on a slice of given size.
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
BitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: sliceSize(std::size_t begin,
std::size_t size) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
MutableBitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: prefix(std::size_t size)
View on the first size
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
BitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: prefix(std::size_t size) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
MutableBitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: suffix(std::size_t size)
View on the last size
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
BitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: suffix(std::size_t size) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
MutableBitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: exceptPrefix(std::size_t size)
View except the first size
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
BitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: exceptPrefix(std::size_t size) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
MutableBitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: exceptSuffix(std::size_t size)
View except the last size
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
BitArrayView Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: exceptSuffix(std::size_t size) const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
std::size_t Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: count() const
Count of set bits.
Equivalent to BasicBitArrayView::
char* Corrade::Containers::BitArray:: release()
Release data storage.
Returns the data pointer and resets data pointer, offset, size and deleter to be equivalent to a default-constructed instance. Deleting the returned array is user responsibility — note the array might have a custom deleter() and so delete[]
might not be always appropriate.
Utility::Debug & operator<<(Utility::Debug & debug,
const BitArray& value) new in Git master
Debug output operator.
Equivalent to operator<<(Utility::