Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator class new in Git master

Base for AbstractVisualLayer style animators.

Provides common code for visual layer style animators like BaseLayerStyleAnimator or TextLayerStyleAnimator.

Base classes

class AbstractStyleAnimator new in Git master
Base for style animators.

Derived classes

class BaseLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master
Base layer style animator.
class TextLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master
Text layer style animator.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator(const AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator&) deleted
Copying is not allowed.
AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator(AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator&&) noexcept
Move constructor.

Public functions

auto operator=(const AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator&) -> AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator& deleted
Copying is not allowed.
auto operator=(AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator&&) -> AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator& noexcept
Move assignment.
auto targetStyle(AnimationHandle handle) const -> UnsignedInt
Target animation style ID.
template<class StyleIndex>
auto targetStyle(AnimationHandle handle) const -> StyleIndex
Target animation style ID in a concrete enum type.
auto targetStyle(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const -> UnsignedInt
Target animation style ID assuming it belongs to this animator.
template<class StyleIndex>
auto targetStyle(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const -> StyleIndex
Target animation style ID in a concrete enum type assuming it belongs to this layer.
auto dynamicStyle(AnimationHandle handle) const -> Containers::Optional<UnsignedInt>
Animation dynamic style ID.
auto dynamicStyle(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const -> Containers::Optional<UnsignedInt>
Animation dynamic style IDs assuming it belongs to this animator.

Function documentation

Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator(AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator&&) noexcept

Move constructor.

Performs a destructive move, i.e. the original object isn't usable afterwards anymore.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::targetStyle(AnimationHandle handle) const

Target animation style ID.

Expects that handle is valid. The returned value is always less than AbstractVisualLayer::Shared::styleCount() of the layer associated with this animator.

template<class StyleIndex>
StyleIndex Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::targetStyle(AnimationHandle handle) const

Target animation style ID in a concrete enum type.

Expects that handle is valid. The returned value is always less than AbstractVisualLayer::Shared::styleCount() of the layer associated with this animator.

UnsignedInt Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::targetStyle(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const

Target animation style ID assuming it belongs to this animator.

Like targetStyle(AnimationHandle) const but without checking that handle indeed belongs to this animator. See its documentation for more information.

template<class StyleIndex>
StyleIndex Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::targetStyle(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const

Target animation style ID in a concrete enum type assuming it belongs to this layer.

Like targetStyle(AnimationHandle) const but without checking that handle indeed belongs to this animator. See its documentation for more information.

Containers::Optional<UnsignedInt> Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::dynamicStyle(AnimationHandle handle) const

Animation dynamic style ID.

Expects that handle is valid. If the dynamic style wasn't allocated yet, either due to the animation not being advanced yet or due to no free dynamic styles being available, returns Containers::NullOpt.

Containers::Optional<UnsignedInt> Magnum::Ui::AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator::dynamicStyle(AnimatorDataHandle handle) const

Animation dynamic style IDs assuming it belongs to this animator.

Like dynamicStyle(AnimationHandle) const but without checking that handle indeed belongs to this animator. See its documentation for more information.