UiUI library.
Efficient, styleable and extensible user interfaces.
This library is built if MAGNUM_WITH_UI
is enabled when building Magnum Extras. To use this library with CMake, put FindMagnumExtras.cmake into your modules/
directory, request the Ui
component of the MagnumExtras
package and link to the MagnumExtras::Ui
find_package(MagnumExtras REQUIRED) # ... target_link_libraries(your-app PRIVATE MagnumExtras::Ui)
Additionally, if you're using Magnum as a CMake subproject, bundle the magnum-extras repository and do the following before calling find_package()
set(MAGNUM_WITH_UI ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) add_subdirectory(magnum-extras EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
Additional apps are built separately. See the magnum-ui-gallery app documentation, Downloading and building extras and Extras library usage with CMake for more information.
- class AbstractAnchor new in Git master
- Base for widget positioning anchors.
- class AbstractAnimator new in Git master
- Base for animators.
- class AbstractDataAnimator new in Git master
- Base for data animators.
- class AbstractGenericAnimator new in Git master
- Base for generic animators.
- class AbstractLayer new in Git master
- Base for data layers.
- class AbstractLayouter new in Git master
- Base for layouters.
- class AbstractNodeAnimator new in Git master
- Base for node animators.
- class AbstractRenderer new in Git master
- Base for renderer implementations.
- class AbstractSnapLayout new in Git master
- Base for SnapLayouter layout creation helpers.
- class AbstractStyle new in Git master
- Base for UserInterface styles.
- class AbstractStyleAnimator new in Git master
- Base for style animators.
- class AbstractUserInterface new in Git master
- Base implementation of the main user interface.
- class AbstractVisualLayer new in Git master
- Base for visual data layers.
- class AbstractVisualLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master
- Base for AbstractVisualLayer style animators.
- class AbstractWidget new in Git master
- Abstract base for stateful widgets.
- class BaseLayer new in Git master
- Base layer.
- struct BaseLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master
- Properties common to all BaseLayer style uniforms.
- class BaseLayerGL new in Git master
- OpenGL implementation of the base layer.
- class BaseLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master
- Base layer style animator.
- struct BaseLayerStyleUniform new in Git master
- BaseLayer style uniform
template<class UserInterface>class BasicAnchor new in Git master
- Templated base for widget positioning anchors.
template<class UserInterface>class BasicSnapLayout new in Git master
- Templated base for SnapLayouter layout creation helpers.
template<class UserInterface>class BasicWidget new in Git master
- Templated abstract base for stateful widgets.
- class Button new in Git master
- Button widget.
- class EventConnection new in Git master
- Connection in the EventLayer.
- class EventLayer new in Git master
- Event handling layer.
- class FocusEvent new in Git master
- Focus or blur event.
- class GenericAnimator new in Git master
- Generic animator.
- class GenericDataAnimator new in Git master
- Generic animator with animations attached to layer data.
- class GenericNodeAnimator new in Git master
- Generic animator with animations attached to nodes.
- class Input new in Git master
- Input widget.
- class KeyEvent new in Git master
- Key press or release event.
- class Label new in Git master
- Label widget.
- class LineLayer new in Git master
- Line layer.
- struct LineLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master
- Properties common to all LineLayer style uniforms.
- class LineLayerGL new in Git master
- OpenGL implementation of the line layer.
- struct LineLayerStyleUniform new in Git master
- LineLayer style uniform
- class McssDarkStyle new in Git master
- Style for builtin widgets based on the m.css dark theme.
- class PointerCancelEvent new in Git master
- Pointer cancel event.
- class PointerEvent new in Git master
- Pointer press or release event.
- class PointerMoveEvent new in Git master
- Pointer move event.
- class RendererGL new in Git master
- OpenGL renderer implementation.
- class ScrollEvent new in Git master
- Scroll event.
- class SnapLayouter new in Git master
- Snap layouter.
- class TextFeatureValue new in Git master
- OpenType feature value.
- class TextInputEvent new in Git master
- Text input event.
- class TextLayer new in Git master
- Text layer.
- struct TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform new in Git master
- Properties common to all TextLayer editing style uniforms.
- struct TextLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master
- Properties common to all TextLayer style uniforms.
- struct TextLayerEditingStyleUniform new in Git master
- TextLayer editing style uniform
- class TextLayerGL new in Git master
- OpenGL implementation of the text layer.
- class TextLayerStyleAnimator new in Git master
- Text layer style animator.
- struct TextLayerStyleUniform new in Git master
- TextLayer style uniform
- class TextProperties new in Git master
- Text properties.
- class UserInterface new in Git master
- Main user interface.
- class UserInterfaceGL new in Git master
- OpenGL implementation of the main user interface.
- class VisibilityLostEvent new in Git master
- Visibility lost event.
- enum class AnimatorFeature: UnsignedByte { NodeAttachment = 1 << 0, DataAttachment = 1 << 1 } new in Git master
- Features supported by an animator.
- enum class AnimatorState: UnsignedByte { NeedsAdvance = 1 << 0 } new in Git master
- Animator state.
- enum class AnimationFlag: UnsignedByte { KeepOncePlayed = 1 << 0 } new in Git master
- Animation flag.
- enum class AnimationState: UnsignedByte { Scheduled, Playing, Paused, Stopped } new in Git master
- Animation state.
- enum class NodeAnimation: UnsignedByte { OffsetSize = 1 << 0, Enabled = 1 << 1, Clip = 1 << 2, Removal = 1 << 3 } new in Git master
- Node properties that are being animated.
- enum class LayerFeature: UnsignedByte { Draw = 1 << 0, DrawUsesBlending = Draw|(1 << 1), DrawUsesScissor = Draw|(1 << 2), Composite = (1 << 3)|Draw, Event = 1 << 4, AnimateData = 1 << 5, AnimateStyles = 1 << 6 } new in Git master
- Features supported by a layer.
- enum class LayerState: UnsignedShort { NeedsNodeEnabledUpdate = 1 << 0, NeedsNodeOpacityUpdate = 1 << 1, NeedsNodeOrderUpdate = NeedsNodeEnabledUpdate|(1 << 2), NeedsNodeOffsetSizeUpdate = NeedsNodeOrderUpdate|(1 << 3), NeedsAttachmentUpdate = NeedsNodeOpacityUpdate|NeedsNodeOrderUpdate|(1 << 4), NeedsDataUpdate = 1 << 5, NeedsCommonDataUpdate = 1 << 6, NeedsSharedDataUpdate = 1 << 7, NeedsCompositeOffsetSizeUpdate = 1 << 8, NeedsDataClean = 1 << 9 } new in Git master
- Layer state.
- enum class LayouterState: UnsignedByte { NeedsUpdate = 1 << 0, NeedsAssignmentUpdate = NeedsUpdate|(1 << 1) } new in Git master
- Layouter state.
- enum class RendererFeature { Composite = 1 << 0 } new in Git master
- Renderer feature.
- enum class RendererTargetState { Initial, Draw, Composite, Final } new in Git master
- Renderer target state.
- enum class RendererDrawState { Blending = 1 << 0, Scissor = 1 << 1 } new in Git master
- Renderer draw state.
- enum class StyleFeature: UnsignedByte { BaseLayer = 1 << 0, TextLayer = 1 << 1, TextLayerImages = 1 << 2, EventLayer = 1 << 3, SnapLayouter = 1 << 4 } new in Git master
- Feature supplied by a style.
- enum class UserInterfaceState: UnsignedShort { NeedsDataUpdate = 1 << 0, NeedsDataAttachmentUpdate = NeedsDataUpdate|(1 << 1), NeedsNodeEnabledUpdate = NeedsDataAttachmentUpdate|(1 << 2), NeedsNodeClipUpdate = NeedsNodeEnabledUpdate|(1 << 3), NeedsLayoutUpdate = NeedsNodeClipUpdate|(1 << 4), NeedsLayoutAssignmentUpdate = NeedsLayoutUpdate|(1 << 5), NeedsNodeOpacityUpdate = NeedsDataUpdate|(1 << 6), NeedsNodeUpdate = NeedsLayoutAssignmentUpdate|NeedsNodeOpacityUpdate|(1 << 7), NeedsDataClean = 1 << 8, NeedsNodeClean = NeedsNodeUpdate|NeedsDataClean|(1 << 9), NeedsAnimationAdvance = 1 << 10 } new in Git master
- User interface state.
- enum class BaseLayerSharedFlag: UnsignedByte { Textured = 1 << 0, BackgroundBlur = 1 << 1, NoRoundedCorners = 1 << 2, NoOutline = 1 << 3, TextureMask = Textured|(1 << 4), SubdividedQuads = 1 << 5 } new in Git master
- Base layer shared state flag.
- enum class BaseLayerStyleAnimation: UnsignedByte { Uniform = 1 << 0, Padding = 1 << 1, Style = 1 << 2 } new in Git master
- Base layer style properties that are being animated.
- enum class ButtonStyle: UnsignedByte { Default, Primary, Success, Warning, Danger, Info, Dim, Flat } new in Git master
- Button style.
- enum class PointerEventSource: UnsignedByte { Mouse = 1, Touch, Pen } new in Git master
- Pointer event source.
- enum class Pointer: UnsignedByte { MouseLeft = 1 << 0, MouseMiddle = 1 << 1, MouseRight = 1 << 2, Finger = 1 << 3, Pen = 1 << 4, Eraser = 1 << 5 } new in Git master
- Pointer type.
- enum class Key: UnsignedShort { Backspace = '\x08', Tab = '\t', Enter = '\n', Esc = '\x1b', Space = ' ', Percent = '%', Quote = '\'', Plus = '+', Comma = ',', Minus = '-', Period = '.', Slash = '/', Zero = '0', One = '1', Two = '2', Three = '3', Four = '4', Five = '5', Six = '6', Seven = '7', Eight = '8', Nine = '9', Semicolon = ';', Equal = '=', LeftBracket = '[', Backslash = '\\', RightBracket = ']', Backquote = '`', A = 'a', B = 'b', C = 'c', D = 'd', E = 'e', F = 'f', G = 'g', H = 'h', I = 'i', J = 'j', K = 'k', L = 'l', M = 'm', N = 'n', O = 'o', P = 'p', Q = 'q', R = 'r', S = 's', T = 't', U = 'u', V = 'v', W = 'w', X = 'x', Y = 'y', Z = 'z', Delete = '\x7f', LeftShift = 256, RightShift, LeftCtrl, RightCtrl, LeftAlt, RightAlt, LeftSuper, RightSuper, Up, Down, Left, Right, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Insert, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, CapsLock, ScrollLock, NumLock, PrintScreen, Pause, Menu, NumZero, NumOne, NumTwo, NumThree, NumFour, NumFive, NumSix, NumSeven, NumEight, NumNine, NumDecimal, NumDivide, NumMultiply, NumSubtract, NumAdd, NumEnter, NumEqual } new in Git master
- Keyboard key.
- enum class Modifier: UnsignedByte { Shift = 1 << 0, Ctrl = 1 << 1, Alt = 1 << 2, Super = 1 << 3 } new in Git master
- Keyboard modifier.
- enum class LayerHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Layer handle.
- enum class LayerDataHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Layer data handle.
- enum class DataHandle: UnsignedLong { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Layer data handle.
- enum class NodeHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Node handle.
- enum class LayouterHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Layouter handle.
- enum class LayouterDataHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Layouter data handle.
- enum class LayoutHandle: UnsignedLong { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Layout handle.
- enum class AnimatorHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Animator handle.
- enum class AnimatorDataHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Animator data handle.
- enum class AnimationHandle: UnsignedLong { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Animation handle.
- enum class InputStyle: UnsignedByte { Default, Success, Warning, Danger, Flat } new in Git master
- Input style.
- enum class LabelStyle: UnsignedByte { Default, Primary, Success, Warning, Danger, Info, Dim } new in Git master
- Label style.
- enum class LineCapStyle: UnsignedByte { Butt, Square, Round, Triangle } new in Git master
- Line cap style.
- enum class LineJoinStyle: UnsignedByte { Miter, Bevel } new in Git master
- Line join style.
- enum class LineAlignment: UnsignedByte { TopLeft = Implementation::LineAlignmentTop|Implementation::LineAlignmentLeft, TopCenter = Implementation::LineAlignmentTop|Implementation::LineAlignmentCenter, TopRight = Implementation::LineAlignmentTop|Implementation::LineAlignmentRight, MiddleLeft = Implementation::LineAlignmentMiddle|Implementation::LineAlignmentLeft, MiddleCenter = Implementation::LineAlignmentMiddle|Implementation::LineAlignmentCenter, MiddleRight = Implementation::LineAlignmentMiddle|Implementation::LineAlignmentRight, BottomLeft = Implementation::LineAlignmentBottom|Implementation::LineAlignmentLeft, BottomCenter = Implementation::LineAlignmentBottom|Implementation::LineAlignmentCenter, BottomRight = Implementation::LineAlignmentBottom|Implementation::LineAlignmentRight } new in Git master
- Line alignment.
- enum class NodeFlag: UnsignedByte { Hidden = 1 << 0, Clip = 1 << 1, NoEvents = 1 << 2, Disabled = NoEvents|(1 << 3), FallthroughPointerEvents = 1 << 4, Focusable = 1 << 5 } new in Git master
- Node behavior flag.
- enum class Snap: UnsignedByte { Left = 1 << 0, Top = 1 << 1, Right = 1 << 2, Bottom = 1 << 3, TopLeft = Top|Left new in Git master, BottomLeft = Bottom|Left new in Git master, TopRight = Top|Right new in Git master, BottomRight = Bottom|Right new in Git master, FillX = Left|Right new in Git master, FillY = Top|Bottom new in Git master, Fill = FillX|FillY new in Git master, InsideX = 1 << 4, InsideY = 1 << 5, Inside = InsideX|InsideY new in Git master, NoPadX = 1 << 6 new in Git master, NoPadY = 1 << 7 new in Git master, NoPad = NoPadX | NoPadY new in Git master }
- Layout snap.
- enum class Icon: UnsignedInt { None = 0, Yes, No } new in Git master
- Icon.
- enum class FontHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
- Font handle.
- enum class TextDataFlag: UnsignedByte { Editable = 1 << 0 } new in Git master
- Text layer data flag.
- enum class TextEdit: UnsignedByte { MoveCursorLeft, ExtendSelectionLeft, MoveCursorRight, ExtendSelectionRight, MoveCursorLineBegin, ExtendSelectionLineBegin, MoveCursorLineEnd, ExtendSelectionLineEnd, RemoveBeforeCursor, RemoveAfterCursor, InsertBeforeCursor, InsertAfterCursor }
- Text edit operation.
- enum class TextLayerStyleAnimation: UnsignedByte { Uniform = 1 << 0, Padding = 1 << 1, EditingUniform = 1 << 2, EditingPadding = 1 << 3, Style = 1 << 4 } new in Git master
- Text layer style properties that are being animated.
using AnimatorFeatures = Containers::
EnumSet<AnimatorFeature> new in Git master - Set of features supported by an animator.
using AnimatorStates = Containers::
EnumSet<AnimatorState> new in Git master - Animator states.
using AnimationFlags = Containers::
EnumSet<AnimationFlag> new in Git master - Animation flags.
using NodeAnimations = Containers::
EnumSet<NodeAnimation> new in Git master - Set of node properties that are being animated.
using LayerFeatures = Containers::
EnumSet<LayerFeature> new in Git master - Set of features supported by a layer.
using LayerStates = Containers::
EnumSet<LayerState> new in Git master - Layer states.
using LayouterStates = Containers::
EnumSet<LayouterState> new in Git master - Layouter states.
using RendererFeatures = Containers::
EnumSet<RendererFeature> new in Git master - Renderer features.
using RendererDrawStates = Containers::
EnumSet<RendererDrawState> new in Git master - Renderer draw states.
using StyleFeatures = Containers::
EnumSet<StyleFeature> new in Git master - Features supplied by a style.
using UserInterfaceStates = Containers::
EnumSet<UserInterfaceState> new in Git master - User interface states.
- using Anchor = BasicAnchor<UserInterface> new in Git master
- Widget positioning anchor for use with UserInterface.
using BaseLayerSharedFlags = Containers::
EnumSet<BaseLayerSharedFlag> new in Git master - Base layer shared state flag.
using BaseLayerStyleAnimations = Containers::
EnumSet<BaseLayerStyleAnimation> new in Git master - Set of base layer style properties that are being animated.
using Pointers = Containers::
EnumSet<Pointer> new in Git master - Pointer types.
using Modifiers = Containers::
EnumSet<Modifier> new in Git master - Set of keyboard modifiers.
using NodeFlags = Containers::
EnumSet<NodeFlag> new in Git master - Node behavior flags.
using Snaps = Containers::
EnumSet<Snap> - Layout snaps.
- using SnapLayout = BasicSnapLayout<UserInterface> new in Git master
- SnapLayouter layout creation helper for use with UserInterface
using TextDataFlags = Containers::
EnumSet<TextDataFlag> new in Git master - Text layer data flags.
using TextLayerStyleAnimations = Containers::
EnumSet<TextLayerStyleAnimation> new in Git master - Set of text layer style properties that are being animated.
- using Widget = BasicWidget<UserInterface> new in Git master
- Base for stateful widgets for use with UserInterface.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorFeature value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorFeatures value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorStates value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimationFlag value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimationFlags value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimationState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, NodeAnimation value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, NodeAnimations value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerFeature value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerFeatures value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerStates value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayouterState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayouterStates value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, RendererFeature value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, RendererFeatures value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, RendererTargetState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, RendererDrawState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, RendererDrawStates value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, StyleFeature value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, StyleFeatures value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, UserInterfaceState value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, UserInterfaceStates value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, BaseLayerSharedFlag value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, BaseLayerSharedFlags value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, BaseLayerStyleAnimation value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, BaseLayerStyleAnimations value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, ButtonStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
auto button(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle::
Default) -> Anchor new in Git master - Stateless icon button widget.
auto button(const Anchor& anchor,
StringView text, const TextProperties& textProperties, ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) -> Anchor new in Git master - Stateless text button widget.
auto button(const Anchor& anchor,
StringView text, ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) -> Anchor -
auto button(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
StringView text, const TextProperties& textProperties, ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) -> Anchor new in Git master - Stateless icon + text button widget.
auto button(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
StringView text, ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) -> Anchor - auto operator<<(Debug& debug, PointerEventSource value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Pointer value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Pointers value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Key value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Modifier value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Modifiers value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto layerHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayerHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a layer handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto layerHandleId(LayerHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a layer handle.
- auto layerHandleGeneration(LayerHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a layer handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerDataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto layerDataHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayerDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a layer data handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto layerDataHandleId(LayerDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a layer data handle.
- auto layerDataHandleGeneration(LayerDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a layer data handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, DataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto dataHandle(LayerHandle layerHandle, UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> DataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a data handle from a layer handle, a data ID and a data generation.
- auto dataHandle(LayerHandle layerHandle, LayerDataHandle layerDataHandle) -> DataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a data handle from a layer handle and a layer data handle.
- auto dataHandleLayer(DataHandle handle) -> LayerHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layer handle from a data handle.
- auto dataHandleData(DataHandle handle) -> LayerDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layer data handle from a data handle.
- auto dataHandleLayerId(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layer ID from a data handle.
- auto dataHandleLayerGeneration(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layer generation from a data handle.
- auto dataHandleId(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a data handle.
- auto dataHandleGeneration(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a data handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, NodeHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto nodeHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> NodeHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a node handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto nodeHandleId(NodeHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a node handle.
- auto nodeHandleGeneration(NodeHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a node handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayouterHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto layouterHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayouterHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a layouter handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto layouterHandleId(LayouterHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a layouter handle.
- auto layouterHandleGeneration(LayouterHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a layouter handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayouterDataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto layouterDataHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayouterDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a layouter data handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto layouterDataHandleId(LayouterDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a layouter data handle.
- auto layouterDataHandleGeneration(LayouterDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a layouter data handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayoutHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto layoutHandle(LayouterHandle layouterHandle, UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayoutHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a layout handle from a layouter handle, a layouter data ID and a layouter data generation.
- auto layoutHandle(LayouterHandle layouterHandle, LayouterDataHandle layouterDataHandle) -> LayoutHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a layout handle from a layouter handle and a layouter data handle.
- auto layoutHandleLayouter(LayoutHandle handle) -> LayouterHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layouter handle from a layout handle.
- auto layoutHandleData(LayoutHandle handle) -> LayouterDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layouter data handle from a layout handle.
- auto layoutHandleLayouterId(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layouter ID from a layout handle.
- auto layoutHandleLayouterGeneration(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract layouter generation from a layout handle.
- auto layoutHandleId(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a layout handle.
- auto layoutHandleGeneration(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a layout handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto animatorHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> AnimatorHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose an animator handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto animatorHandleId(AnimatorHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from an animator handle.
- auto animatorHandleGeneration(AnimatorHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from an animator handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorDataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto animatorDataHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> AnimatorDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose an animator data handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto animatorDataHandleId(AnimatorDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from an animator data handle.
- auto animatorDataHandleGeneration(AnimatorDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from an animator data handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimationHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto animationHandle(AnimatorHandle animatorHandle, UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> AnimationHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose an animation handle from an animator handle, an animator data ID and an animator data generation.
- auto animationHandle(AnimatorHandle animatorHandle, AnimatorDataHandle animatorDataHandle) -> AnimationHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a animation handle from an animator handle and an animator data handle.
- auto animationHandleAnimator(AnimationHandle handle) -> AnimatorHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Extract animator handle from an animation handle.
- auto animationHandleData(AnimationHandle handle) -> AnimatorDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Extract animator data handle from an animation handle.
- auto animationHandleAnimatorId(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract animator ID from an animation handle.
- auto animationHandleAnimatorGeneration(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract animator generation from an animation handle.
- auto animationHandleId(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from an animation handle.
- auto animationHandleGeneration(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from an animation handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, InputStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LabelStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
auto label(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
LabelStyle style = LabelStyle::
Default) -> Anchor new in Git master - Stateless icon label widget.
auto label(const Anchor& anchor,
StringView text, const TextProperties& textProperties, LabelStyle style = LabelStyle:: Default) -> Anchor new in Git master - Stateless text label widget.
auto label(const Anchor& anchor,
StringView text, LabelStyle style = LabelStyle:: Default) -> Anchor - auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LineCapStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LineJoinStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LineAlignment value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, NodeFlag value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, NodeFlags value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Flag value) -> Debug& new in Git master - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Flags value) -> Debug& new in Git master - Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Snap value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Snaps value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
- Create a node layouted with SnapLayouter.
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
- Create a node layouted with the default SnapLayouter.
- auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
- Create a node layouted with SnapLayouter with custom offset.
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, NodeHandle target, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
- Create a node layouted with the default SnapLayouter with custom offset.
- auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
- Create a root node layouted with SnapLayouter.
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
- Create a root node layouted with the default SnapLayouter.
- auto snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> AbstractAnchor new in Git master
- Create a root node layouted with SnapLayouter with custom offset.
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, SnapLayouter& layouter, Snaps snap, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor
- auto snap(UserInterface& ui, Snaps snap, const Vector2& offset, const Vector2& size, NodeFlags flags = {}) -> Anchor new in Git master
- Create a root node layouted with the default SnapLayouter with custom offset.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Icon value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, FontHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto fontHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> FontHandle constexpr new in Git master
- Compose a font handle from an ID and a generation.
- auto fontHandleId(FontHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract ID from a font handle.
- auto fontHandleGeneration(FontHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
- Extract generation from a font handle.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TextDataFlag value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TextDataFlags value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TextEdit value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TextLayerStyleAnimation value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TextLayerStyleAnimations value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
Enum documentation
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimatorFeature: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Features supported by an animator.
Enumerators | |
NodeAttachment |
The animations may be attached to nodes and are meant to be automatically removed when given node is removed. Mutually exclusive with AnimatorFeature:: |
DataAttachment |
The animations may be attached to layer data and are meant to be automatically removed when given data is removed. Mutually exclusive with AnimatorFeature:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimatorState: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Animator state.
Used to decide whether AbstractGenericAnimator::
Enumerators | |
NeedsAdvance |
AbstractAnimator:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimationFlag: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Animation flag.
Enumerators | |
KeepOncePlayed |
Keep the animation once it's played. By default a call to AbstractAnimator:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimationState: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Animation state.
Enumerators | |
Scheduled |
The animation is scheduled to be played. Returned if AbstractAnimator:: |
Playing |
The animation is currently playing. Returned if AbstractAnimator:: |
Paused |
The animation is currently paused. Returned if AbstractAnimator:: |
Stopped |
The animation is currently stopped. Returned if AbstractAnimator:: Note that AbstractAnimator:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: NodeAnimation: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Node properties that are being animated.
Depending on which of these are returned from AbstractNodeAnimator::
Enumerators | |
OffsetSize |
Node offset or size. Equivalently to calling AbstractUserInterface:: |
Enabled |
NodeFlag:: |
Clip |
NodeFlag:: |
Removal |
Scheduling a node for removal. Equivalently to calling AbstractUserInterface:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayerFeature: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Features supported by a layer.
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayerState: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Layer state.
Used to decide whether AbstractLayer::
Enumerators | |
NeedsNodeEnabledUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: Gets passed to AbstractLayer:: |
NeedsNodeOpacityUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: Gets passed to AbstractLayer:: |
NeedsNodeOrderUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: Gets passed to AbstractLayer:: |
NeedsNodeOffsetSizeUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: Besides being present in AbstractLayer:: |
NeedsAttachmentUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: If set on a layer, causes UserInterfaceState:: |
NeedsDataUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: If set on a layer, causes UserInterfaceState:: |
NeedsCommonDataUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: If set on a layer, causes UserInterfaceState:: |
NeedsSharedDataUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: If set on a layer, causes UserInterfaceState:: |
NeedsCompositeOffsetSizeUpdate |
AbstractLayer:: Besides being present in AbstractLayer:: |
NeedsDataClean |
AbstractLayer:: If set on a layer, causes UserInterfaceState:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayouterState: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayouter.h>
Layouter state.
Used to decide whether AbstractLayouter::
Enumerators | |
NeedsUpdate |
AbstractLayouter:: Note that there's also interface-wide UserInterfaceState:: |
NeedsAssignmentUpdate |
AbstractLayouter:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: RendererFeature new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Renderer feature.
Enumerators | |
Composite |
Ability to composite from the default framebuffer. If supported, the renderer is able to not only draw into the default framebuffer but also read from it, making it possible for AbstractLayer:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: RendererTargetState new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Renderer target state.
Enumerators | |
Initial |
Initial state. Can be transitioned from:
The corresponding RendererDrawStates are expected to be empty when transitioning to this state. Can be only transitioned to Initial, Draw or Final. |
Draw |
Drawing a layer. Can be transitioned from:
Composite |
Compositing a layer. Used only if RendererFeature::
The corresponding RendererDrawStates are expected to be empty when transitioning to this state. Can be only transitioned to Draw. |
Final |
Final state. Can be transitioned from:
The corresponding RendererDrawStates are expected be empty when transitioning to this state. Can be only transitioned to Initial. |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: RendererDrawState new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Renderer draw state.
Enumerators | |
Blending |
Blending is active. Gets enabled when drawing a layer that advertises LayerFeature:: |
Scissor |
Scissor is active. Gets enabled when drawing a layer that advertises LayerFeature:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: StyleFeature: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractStyle.h>
Feature supplied by a style.
Enumerators | |
BaseLayer |
BaseLayer style. Ensures a BaseLayer instance with a compatible BaseLayer:: |
TextLayer |
TextLayer style and fonts. Ensures a TextLayer instance with a compatible TextLayer:: |
TextLayerImages |
Additional images such as icons for use with TextLayer:: |
EventLayer |
EventLayer style. Ensures an EventLayer instance is set up on the UserInterface. |
SnapLayouter |
SnapLayouter style. Ensures a SnapLayouter instance is set up on the UserInterface, the style implementation then calls setPadding() and setMargin() on it. |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: UserInterfaceState: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractUserInterface.h>
User interface state.
Used to decide whether AbstractUserInterface::
Enumerators | |
NeedsDataUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsDataAttachmentUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsNodeEnabledUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsNodeClipUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsLayoutUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsLayoutAssignmentUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsNodeOpacityUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsNodeUpdate |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsDataClean |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsNodeClean |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
NeedsAnimationAdvance |
AbstractUserInterface:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: BaseLayerSharedFlag: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayer.h>
Base layer shared state flag.
Enumerators | |
Textured |
Textured drawing. If enabled, the BaseLayerStyleUniform:: |
BackgroundBlur |
Blur the background of semi-transparent quads. If enabled, the alpha value of BaseLayerStyleUniform:: ![]() Use BaseLayer:: |
NoRoundedCorners |
Disable support for rounded corners. If set, the BaseLayerStyleUniform:: Mutually exclusive with the BaseLayerSharedFlag:: |
NoOutline |
Disable support for rounded corners. If set, the BaseLayerCommonStyleUniform:: Mutually exclusive with the BaseLayerSharedFlag:: |
TextureMask |
Use alpha channel of the texture to mask out the outline and background blur. By default the outline is drawn over the texture without taking the texture color or alpha into account; and the background is blurred for the whole area of the quad, with transparent areas of the texture causing just the blurred background to be shown. Enabling this flag causes the transparent areas to make holes in both the outline and the blurred background. Implies BaseLayerSharedFlag:: ![]() |
SubdividedQuads |
Render the quads subdivided into 9 quads, where each contains either a corner, an edge with an outline or the inside. This significantly simplifies the fragment shader at the cost of uploading much more data to the GPU. May improve rendering speed on low performance GPUs but the extra bandwidth may have a negative effect on GPUs where the rendering wasn't bottlenecked by fragment shading. Mutually exclusive with the BaseLayerSharedFlag:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: BaseLayerStyleAnimation: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayerAnimator.h>
Base layer style properties that are being animated.
Depending on which of these are returned from BaseLayerStyleAnimator::
Enumerators | |
Uniform |
Style uniform data. Equivalently to calling BaseLayer:: |
Padding |
Style padding. Equivalently to calling BaseLayer:: |
Style |
Style assignment. Equivalently to calling BaseLayer:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: ButtonStyle: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
Button style.
Enumerators | |
Default |
Default |
Primary |
Primary |
Success |
Success |
Warning |
Warning |
Danger |
Danger |
Info |
Info |
Dim |
Dim |
Flat |
Flat |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: PointerEventSource: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Pointer event source.
Enumerators | |
Mouse |
The event is coming from a mouse |
Touch |
The event is coming from a touch contact |
Pen |
The event is coming from a pen stylus |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: Pointer: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Pointer type.
Enumerators | |
MouseLeft |
Left mouse button |
MouseMiddle |
Middle mouse button |
MouseRight |
Right mouse button |
Finger |
Finger |
Pen |
Pen |
Eraser |
Eraser |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: Key: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Keyboard key.
Enumerators | |
Backspace |
Backspace |
Tab |
Tab |
Enter |
Enter |
Esc |
Escape |
Space |
Space |
Percent |
Percent. On the US keyboard layout this may only be representable as Shift 5. |
Quote |
Quote ( |
Plus |
Plus. On the US keyboard layout this may only be representable as Shift =. |
Comma |
Comma |
Minus |
Minus |
Period |
Period |
Slash |
Slash |
Zero |
Zero |
One |
One |
Two |
Two |
Three |
Three |
Four |
Four |
Five |
Five |
Six |
Six |
Seven |
Seven |
Eight |
Eight |
Nine |
Nine |
Semicolon |
Semicolon |
Equal |
Equal |
LeftBracket |
Left bracket ( |
Backslash |
Backslash ( |
RightBracket |
Right bracket ( |
Backquote |
Backquote ( |
A |
Letter A |
B |
Letter B |
C |
Letter C |
D |
Letter D |
E |
Letter E |
F |
Letter F |
G |
Letter G |
H |
Letter H |
I |
Letter I |
J |
Letter J |
K |
Letter K |
L |
Letter L |
M |
Letter M |
N |
Letter N |
O |
Letter O |
P |
Letter P |
Q |
Letter Q |
R |
Letter R |
S |
Letter S |
T |
Letter T |
U |
Letter U |
V |
Letter V |
W |
Letter W |
X |
Letter X |
Y |
Letter Y |
Z |
Letter Z |
Delete | |
LeftShift |
Left Shift |
RightShift |
Right Shift |
LeftCtrl |
Left Ctrl |
RightCtrl |
Right Ctrl |
LeftAlt |
Left Alt |
RightAlt |
Right Alt |
LeftSuper |
Left Super key (Windows/⌘) |
RightSuper |
Right Super key (Windows/⌘) |
Up |
Up arrow |
Down |
Down arrow |
Left |
Left arrow |
Right |
Right arrow |
Home |
Home |
End |
End |
PageUp |
Page up |
PageDown |
Page down |
Insert |
Insert |
F1 |
F1 |
F2 |
F2 |
F3 |
F3 |
F4 |
F4 |
F5 |
F5 |
F6 |
F6 |
F7 |
F7 |
F8 |
F8 |
F9 |
F9 |
F10 |
F10 |
F11 |
F11 |
F12 |
F12 |
CapsLock |
Caps lock |
ScrollLock |
Scroll lock |
NumLock |
Num lock |
PrintScreen |
Print screen |
Pause |
Pause |
Menu |
Menu |
NumZero |
Numpad zero |
NumOne |
Numpad one |
NumTwo |
Numpad two |
NumThree |
Numpad three |
NumFour |
Numpad four |
NumFive |
Numpad five |
NumSix |
Numpad six |
NumSeven |
Numpad seven |
NumEight |
Numpad eight |
NumNine |
Numpad nine |
NumDecimal |
Numpad decimal |
NumDivide |
Numpad divide |
NumMultiply |
Numpad multiply |
NumSubtract |
Numpad subtract |
NumAdd |
Numpad add |
NumEnter |
Numpad enter |
NumEqual |
Numpad equal |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: Modifier: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Keyboard modifier.
Enumerators | |
Shift |
Shift |
Ctrl |
Ctrl |
Alt |
Alt |
Super |
Super key (Windows/⌘) |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayerHandle: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Layer handle.
Uses 8 bits for storing an ID and 8 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayerDataHandle: UnsignedInt new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Layer data handle.
Uses 20 bits for storing an ID and 12 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: DataHandle: UnsignedLong new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Layer data handle.
A combination of a LayerHandle and a LayerDataHandle. Uses 8 bits for storing a layer ID, 8 bits for a layer generation, 20 bits for storing a data ID and 12 bits for a data generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: NodeHandle: UnsignedInt new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Node handle.
Uses 20 bits for storing an ID and 12 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayouterHandle: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Layouter handle.
Uses 8 bits for storing an ID and 8 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayouterDataHandle: UnsignedInt new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Layouter data handle.
Uses 20 bits for storing an ID and 12 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LayoutHandle: UnsignedLong new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Layout handle.
A combination of a LayouterHandle and a LayouterDataHandle. Uses 8 bits for storing a layouter ID, 8 bits for a layouter generation, 20 bits for storing a layouter data ID and 12 bits for a layouter data generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimatorHandle: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Animator handle.
Uses 8 bits for storing an ID and 8 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimatorDataHandle: UnsignedInt new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Animator data handle.
Uses 20 bits for storing an ID and 12 bits for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: AnimationHandle: UnsignedLong new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Animation handle.
A combination of an AnimatorHandle and an AnimatorDataHandle. Uses 8 bits for storing an animator ID, 8 bits for an animator generation, 20 bits for storing an animator data ID and 12 bits for an animator data generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: InputStyle: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Input.h>
Input style.
Enumerators | |
Default |
Default |
Success |
Success |
Warning |
Warning |
Danger |
Danger |
Flat |
Flat |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LabelStyle: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Label.h>
Label style.
Enumerators | |
Default |
Default |
Primary |
Primary |
Success |
Success |
Warning |
Warning |
Danger |
Danger |
Info |
Info |
Dim |
Dim |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LineCapStyle: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/LineLayer.h>
Line cap style.
Enumerators | |
Butt |
Butt cap. The line is cut off right at the endpoint. Lines of zero length will be invisible. |
Square |
Square cap. The line is extended by half of its width past the endpoint. Lines of zero length will be shown as squares. |
Round |
Round cap. The line is extended by half of its width past the endpoint. It's still rendered as a quad but pixels outside of the half-circle are transparent. Lines of zero length will be shown as circles. |
Triangle |
Triangle cap. The line is extended by half of its width past the endpoint. It's still rendered as a quad but pixels outside of the triangle are transparent. Lines of zero length will be shown as squares rotated by 45°. |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LineJoinStyle: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/LineLayer.h>
Line join style.
Enumerators | |
Miter |
Miter join. The outer edges of both line segments extend until they intersect. In this style, the points |
Bevel |
Bevel join. Outer edges of both line segments are cut off at a right angle at their endpoints. The area between points |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: LineAlignment: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/LineLayer.h>
Line alignment.
Enumerators | |
TopLeft |
Origin is put at the top left corner of a node, offset by top left padding. |
TopCenter |
Origin is put at the center of the top node edge, offset by top and left / right padding. |
TopRight |
Origin is put at the top right corner of a node, offset by top right padding. |
MiddleLeft |
Origin is put at the center of the left node edge, offset by left and top / bottom padding. |
MiddleCenter |
Origin is put at the center of the node rectangle, offset by left / right and top / bottom padding. |
MiddleRight |
Origin is put at the center of the right node edge, offset by right and top / bottom padding. |
BottomLeft |
Origin is put at the bottom left corner of a node, offset by bottom left padding. |
BottomCenter |
Origin is put at the center of the bottom node edge, offset by bottom and left / right padding. |
BottomRight |
Origin is put at the bottom right corner of a node, offset by bottom right padding. |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: NodeFlag: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/NodeFlags.h>
Node behavior flag.
Enumerators | |
Hidden |
The node, all nested nodes including nested top-level nodes, and all attached data are hidden, i.e. not drawn and excluded from event processing. For top-level nodes (i.e., nodes for which AbstractUserInterface:: Changing this flag causes UserInterfaceState:: |
Clip |
The node clips its contents. When enabled, child nodes that are completely outside of the node rectangle are culled and not even drawn, nodes that are partially outside are clipped. Nested top-level nodes are not affected by this flag. Changing this flag causes UserInterfaceState:: |
NoEvents |
The node, all nested nodes and all attached data don't get any events even if a particular layer implements event handlers. Nested top-level nodes are not affected by this flag. Doesn't have any visual effect, see NodeFlag:: Changing this flag causes UserInterfaceState:: |
Disabled |
The node, all nested nodes and all attached data are disabled. Implies NodeFlag:: Changing this flag causes UserInterfaceState:: |
FallthroughPointerEvents |
Pointer events happening on nested nodes fall through to this node, which can then accept them, causing a pointer cancel event to happen on the original node. See Pointer event fallthrough for a detailed description of this behavior. Changing this flag doesn't cause any UserInterfaceState to be set, it comes to effect when the next pointer event happens. |
Focusable |
The node can be focused, after which all key events are directed to it instead of to a node currently under pointer. Focusing is done either by a primary pointer press or programmatically via AbstractUserInterface:: Changing this flag causes UserInterfaceState:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: Snap: UnsignedByte
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Layout snap.
See particular values for detailed documentation.
Specifying neither Snap::
Specifying neither Snap::
Specifying Snap::
Enumerators | |
Left |
Snaps right side of a node to left side of the target node, taking horizontal SnapLayouter:: If combined with Snap:: |
Top |
Snaps bottom side of a node to top side of the target node, taking vertical SnapLayouter:: If combined with Snap:: |
Right |
Snaps left side of a node to right side of the target node, taking horizontal SnapLayouter:: If combined with Snap:: |
Bottom |
Snaps top side of a node to bottom side of the target node, taking vertical SnapLayouter:: If combined with Snap:: |
TopLeft new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
BottomLeft new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
TopRight new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
BottomRight new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
FillX new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
FillY new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
Fill new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
InsideX |
When combined with either Snap:: |
InsideY |
When combined with either Snap:: |
Inside new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
NoPadX new in Git master |
Ignore horizontal SnapLayouter:: |
NoPadY new in Git master |
Ignore vertical SnapLayouter:: |
NoPad new in Git master |
Alias to specifying both Snap:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: Icon: UnsignedInt new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Style.h>
For use in Button and other widgets.
Enumerators | |
None |
No icon. When returned, means given widget has no icon. When passed as an argument, causes a widget icon to be unset. |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: FontHandle: UnsignedShort new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Font handle.
Used for identifying fonts in the TextLayer. See its documentation for information about setting up an instance of the text layer and using it.
Uses 15 bits for storing an ID and 1 bit for a generation.
Enumerators | |
Null |
Null handle |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: TextDataFlag: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Text layer data flag.
Enumerators | |
Editable |
Editable text. If data that have it enabled are attached to a currently focused node, the layer reacts to text input and key events, allowing to edit the contents. Unlike non-editable text, the contents are also accessible through TextLayer:: If editing styles are present and used by given style, the cursor position and/or selection is drawn as well. |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: TextEdit: UnsignedByte
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Text edit operation.
Enumerators | |
MoveCursorLeft |
Move cursor one character to the left and discard any selection, equivalent to the Left key. The TextLayer:: If the character on the left to the TextLayer:: By default, the cursor moves backward in the byte stream, which is optically to the left for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
ExtendSelectionLeft |
Extend or shrink selection to the left of the cursor, equivalent to the Shift Left key combination. The TextLayer:: If the character on the left to the TextLayer:: By default, the cursor moves backward in the byte stream, which is optically to the left for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
MoveCursorRight |
Move cursor one character to the right and discard any selection, equivalent to the Right key. The TextLayer:: If the character on the right to the TextLayer:: By default, the cursor moves forward in the byte stream, which is optically to the right for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
ExtendSelectionRight |
Extend or shrink selection to the right of the cursor, equivalent to the Shift Right key combination. The TextLayer:: If the character on the right to the TextLayer:: By default, the cursor moves forward in the byte stream, which is optically to the right for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
MoveCursorLineBegin |
Move cursor at the beginning of the line and discard any selection, equivalent to the Home key. The TextLayer:: The cursor moves to the begin of the byte stream, which is optically on the left for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
ExtendSelectionLineBegin |
Extend selection to the beginning of the line, equivalent to the Shift Home key combination. The TextLayer:: The cursor moves to the begin of the byte stream, which is optically on the left for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
MoveCursorLineEnd |
Move cursor at the end of the line and discard any selection, equivalent to the End key. The TextLayer:: The cursor moves to the end of in the byte stream, which is optically on the right for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
ExtendSelectionLineEnd |
Extend selection to the end of the line, equivalent to the Shift End key combination. The TextLayer:: The cursor moves to the end of in the byte stream, which is optically on the right for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
RemoveBeforeCursor |
Remove selection or character before cursor, equivalent to the Backspace key. The TextLayer:: If the character before TextLayer:: The deletion goes backward in the byte stream, which is optically to the left for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: For a non-empty selection the behavior is the same as TextEdit:: |
RemoveAfterCursor |
Remove selection or character after cursor, equivalent to the Delete key. The TextLayer:: If the character after TextLayer:: The deletion goes forward in the byte stream, which is optically to the right for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: For a non-empty selection the behavior is the same as TextEdit:: |
InsertBeforeCursor |
Insert text before the cursor, replacing the selection if any. This will cause the cursor to advance after the inserted text, which is the usual text editing behavior. No UTF-8 byte sequence adjustment is performed in this case, i.e. it's assumed that the cursor is at a valid UTF-8 character boundary and the inserted text ends with a valid UTF-8 character as well. The insertion goes forward in the byte stream, which is optically to the right for left-to-right alphabets. If TextProperties:: |
InsertAfterCursor |
Insert text after the cursor, replacing the selection if any. Compared to TextEdit:: Like with TextEdit:: |
enum class Magnum:: Ui:: TextLayerStyleAnimation: UnsignedByte new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayerAnimator.h>
Text layer style properties that are being animated.
Depending on which of these are returned from TextLayerStyleAnimator::
Enumerators | |
Uniform |
Style uniform data. Equivalently to calling TextLayer:: |
Padding |
Style padding. Equivalently to calling TextLayer:: |
EditingUniform |
Editing style uniform data. Equivalently to calling TextLayer:: |
EditingPadding |
Editing style padding. Equivalently to calling TextLayer:: |
Style |
Style assignment. Equivalently to calling TextLayer:: |
Typedef documentation
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<AnimatorFeature> Magnum:: Ui:: AnimatorFeatures new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Set of features supported by an animator.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<AnimatorState> Magnum:: Ui:: AnimatorStates new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Animator states.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<AnimationFlag> Magnum:: Ui:: AnimationFlags new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Animation flags.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<NodeAnimation> Magnum:: Ui:: NodeAnimations new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Set of node properties that are being animated.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<LayerFeature> Magnum:: Ui:: LayerFeatures new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Set of features supported by a layer.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<LayerState> Magnum:: Ui:: LayerStates new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Layer states.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<LayouterState> Magnum:: Ui:: LayouterStates new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayouter.h>
Layouter states.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<RendererFeature> Magnum:: Ui:: RendererFeatures new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Renderer features.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<RendererDrawState> Magnum:: Ui:: RendererDrawStates new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Renderer draw states.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<StyleFeature> Magnum:: Ui:: StyleFeatures new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractStyle.h>
Features supplied by a style.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<UserInterfaceState> Magnum:: Ui:: UserInterfaceStates new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractUserInterface.h>
User interface states.
typedef BasicAnchor<UserInterface> Magnum:: Ui:: Anchor new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Anchor.h>
Widget positioning anchor for use with UserInterface.
See the AbstractAnchor class documentation for more information.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<BaseLayerSharedFlag> Magnum:: Ui:: BaseLayerSharedFlags new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayer.h>
Base layer shared state flag.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<BaseLayerStyleAnimation> Magnum:: Ui:: BaseLayerStyleAnimations new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayerAnimator.h>
Set of base layer style properties that are being animated.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<Pointer> Magnum:: Ui:: Pointers new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Pointer types.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<Modifier> Magnum:: Ui:: Modifiers new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Set of keyboard modifiers.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<NodeFlag> Magnum:: Ui:: NodeFlags new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/NodeFlags.h>
Node behavior flags.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<Snap> Magnum:: Ui:: Snaps
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Layout snaps.
typedef BasicSnapLayout<UserInterface> Magnum:: Ui:: SnapLayout new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
SnapLayouter layout creation helper for use with UserInterface
See the AbstractSnapLayout class documentation for more information.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<TextDataFlag> Magnum:: Ui:: TextDataFlags new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Text layer data flags.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<TextLayerStyleAnimation> Magnum:: Ui:: TextLayerStyleAnimations new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayerAnimator.h>
Set of text layer style properties that are being animated.
typedef BasicWidget<UserInterface> Magnum:: Ui:: Widget new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Widget.h>
Base for stateful widgets for use with UserInterface.
See the AbstractWidget class documentation for more information.
Function documentation
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimatorFeature value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimatorFeatures value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimatorState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimatorStates value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimationFlag value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimationFlags value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimationState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
NodeAnimation value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
NodeAnimations value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayerFeature value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayerFeatures value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayerState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayerStates value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayouterState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayouter.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayouterStates value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractLayouter.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererFeature value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererFeatures value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererTargetState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererDrawState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererDrawStates value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractRenderer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
StyleFeature value)
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractStyle.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
StyleFeatures value)
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractStyle.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
UserInterfaceState value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractUserInterface.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
UserInterfaceStates value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/AbstractUserInterface.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
BaseLayerSharedFlag value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
BaseLayerSharedFlags value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
BaseLayerStyleAnimation value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayerAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
BaseLayerStyleAnimations value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/BaseLayerAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
ButtonStyle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
Debug output operator.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: button(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
Stateless icon button widget.
Parameters | |
anchor | Positioning anchor |
icon | Button icon. Passing Icon:: |
style | Button style |
Returns | The anchor verbatim |
Compared to Button::
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: button(const Anchor& anchor,
Containers:: StringView text,
const TextProperties& textProperties,
ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
Stateless text button widget.
Parameters | |
anchor | Positioning anchor |
text | Button text. Passing an empty string makes the button empty. |
textProperties | Text shaping and layouting properties |
style | Button style |
Returns | The anchor verbatim |
Compared to Button::
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: button(const Anchor& anchor,
Containers:: StringView text,
ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default)
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: button(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
Containers:: StringView text,
const TextProperties& textProperties,
ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
Stateless icon + text button widget.
Parameters | |
anchor | Positioning anchor |
icon | Button icon. Passing Icon:: |
text | Button text. Passing an empty string creates the button without a text. |
textProperties | Text shaping and layouting properties |
style | Button style |
Returns | The anchor verbatim |
Compared to Button::
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: button(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
Containers:: StringView text,
ButtonStyle style = ButtonStyle:: Default)
#include <Magnum/Ui/Button.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
PointerEventSource value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Pointer value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Pointers value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Key value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Modifier value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Modifiers value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Event.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayerHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
LayerHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layerHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a layer handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 8 bits and the generation into 8 bits. Use layerHandleId() and layerHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layerHandleId(LayerHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a layer handle.
Expects that handle
is not LayerHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layerHandleGeneration(LayerHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a layer handle.
For LayerHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use layerHandleId() for extracting the ID and layerHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayerDataHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
LayerDataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layerDataHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a layer data handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use layerDataHandleId() and layerDataHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layerDataHandleId(LayerDataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a layer data handle.
Expects that handle
is not LayerDataHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layerDataHandleGeneration(LayerDataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a layer data handle.
For LayerDataHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use layerDataHandleId() for extracting the ID and layerDataHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DataHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandle(LayerHandle layerHandle,
UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a data handle from a layer handle, a data ID and a data generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use dataHandleLayer(), dataHandleId() and dataHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandle(LayerHandle layerHandle,
LayerDataHandle layerDataHandle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a data handle from a layer handle and a layer data handle.
Use dataHandleLayer() and dataHandleData() for the inverse operation.
LayerHandle Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandleLayer(DataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layer handle from a data handle.
Use dataHandleData() for extracting the layer data handle and dataHandle(LayerHandle, LayerDataHandle) for an inverse operation.
LayerDataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandleData(DataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layer data handle from a data handle.
Use dataHandleLayer() for extracting the layer handle and dataHandle(LayerHandle, LayerDataHandle) for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandleLayerId(DataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layer ID from a data handle.
Expects that the layer portion of handle
is not LayerHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandleLayerGeneration(DataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layer generation from a data handle.
If the layer portion of the handle is LayerHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use dataHandleLayerId() for extracting the ID and layerHandle() together with dataHandle() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandleId(DataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a data handle.
Expects that the data portion of handle
is not LayerDataHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: dataHandleGeneration(DataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a data handle.
If the data portion of handle
is LayerDataHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use dataHandleId() for extracting the ID and dataHandle(LayerHandle, UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt) for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
NodeHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
NodeHandle Magnum:: Ui:: nodeHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a node handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use nodeHandleId() and nodeHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: nodeHandleId(NodeHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a node handle.
Expects that handle
is not NodeHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: nodeHandleGeneration(NodeHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a node handle.
For NodeHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use nodeHandleId() for extracting the ID and nodeHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayouterHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
LayouterHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layouterHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a layouter handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 8 bits and the generation into 8 bits. Use layouterHandleId() and layouterHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layouterHandleId(LayouterHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a layouter handle.
Expects that handle
is not LayouterHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layouterHandleGeneration(LayouterHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a layouter handle.
For LayouterHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use layouterHandleId() for extracting the ID and layouterHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayouterDataHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
LayouterDataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layouterDataHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a layouter data handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use layouterDataHandleId() and layouterDataHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layouterDataHandleId(LayouterDataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a layouter data handle.
Expects that handle
is not LayouterDataHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layouterDataHandleGeneration(LayouterDataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a layouter data handle.
For LayouterDataHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use layouterDataHandleId() for extracting the ID and layouterDataHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LayoutHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
LayoutHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandle(LayouterHandle layouterHandle,
UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a layout handle from a layouter handle, a layouter data ID and a layouter data generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use layoutHandleLayouter(), layoutHandleId() and layoutHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
LayoutHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandle(LayouterHandle layouterHandle,
LayouterDataHandle layouterDataHandle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a layout handle from a layouter handle and a layouter data handle.
Use layoutHandleLayouter() and layoutHandleData() for the inverse operation.
LayouterHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandleLayouter(LayoutHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layouter handle from a layout handle.
Use layoutHandleData() for extracting the layouter data handle and layoutHandle(LayouterHandle, LayouterDataHandle) for an inverse operation.
LayouterDataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandleData(LayoutHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layouter data handle from a layout handle.
Use layoutHandleLayouter() for extracting the layouter handle and layoutHandle(LayouterHandle, LayouterDataHandle) for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandleLayouterId(LayoutHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layouter ID from a layout handle.
Expects that the layouter portion of handle
is LayouterHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandleLayouterGeneration(LayoutHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract layouter generation from a layout handle.
If the layouter portion of the handle is LayouterHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use layoutHandleLayouterId() for extracting the ID and layouterHandle() together with layoutHandle() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandleId(LayoutHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from a layout handle.
Expects that the data portion of handle
is not LayouterDataHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: layoutHandleGeneration(LayoutHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from a layout handle.
If the layouter data portion of the handle is LayouterDataHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use layoutHandleId() for extracting the ID and layoutHandle(LayouterHandle, UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt) for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimatorHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
AnimatorHandle Magnum:: Ui:: animatorHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose an animator handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 8 bits and the generation into 8 bits. Use animatorHandleId() and animatorHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animatorHandleId(AnimatorHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from an animator handle.
Expects that handle
is not AnimatorHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animatorHandleGeneration(AnimatorHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from an animator handle.
For AnimatorHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use animatorHandleId() for extracting the ID and animatorHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimatorDataHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
AnimatorDataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: animatorDataHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose an animator data handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use animatorDataHandleId() and animatorDataHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animatorDataHandleId(AnimatorDataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from an animator data handle.
Expects that handle
is not AnimatorDataHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animatorDataHandleGeneration(AnimatorDataHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from an animator data handle.
For AnimatorDataHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use animatorDataHandleId() for extracting the ID and animatorDataHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
AnimationHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Debug output operator.
AnimationHandle Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandle(AnimatorHandle animatorHandle,
UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose an animation handle from an animator handle, an animator data ID and an animator data generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use animationHandleAnimator(), animationHandleId() and animationHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
AnimationHandle Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandle(AnimatorHandle animatorHandle,
AnimatorDataHandle animatorDataHandle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Compose a animation handle from an animator handle and an animator data handle.
Use animationHandleAnimator() and animationHandleData() for the inverse operation.
AnimatorHandle Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandleAnimator(AnimationHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract animator handle from an animation handle.
Use animationHandleData() for extracting the animator data handle and animationHandle(AnimatorHandle, AnimatorDataHandle) for an inverse operation.
AnimatorDataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandleData(AnimationHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract animator data handle from an animation handle.
Use animationHandleAnimator() for extracting the animator handle and animationHandle(AnimatorHandle, AnimatorDataHandle) for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandleAnimatorId(AnimationHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract animator ID from an animation handle.
Expects that the animator portion of handle
is not AnimatorHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandleAnimatorGeneration(AnimationHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract animator generation from an animation handle.
If the animator portion of the handle is AnimatorHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use animationHandleAnimatorId() for extracting the ID and animatorHandle() together with animationHandle() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandleId(AnimationHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract ID from an animation handle.
Expects that the data portion of handle
is not AnimatorDataHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: animationHandleGeneration(AnimationHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Handle.h>
Extract generation from an animation handle.
If the animator data portion of the handle is AnimatorDataHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use animationHandleId() for extracting the ID and animationHandle(AnimatorHandle, UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt) for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
InputStyle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Input.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LabelStyle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Label.h>
Debug output operator.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: label(const Anchor& anchor,
Icon icon,
LabelStyle style = LabelStyle:: Default) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Label.h>
Stateless icon label widget.
Parameters | |
anchor | Positioning anchor |
icon | Label icon. Passing Icon:: |
style | Label style |
Returns | The anchor verbatim |
Compared to Label::
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: label(const Anchor& anchor,
Containers:: StringView text,
const TextProperties& textProperties,
LabelStyle style = LabelStyle:: Default) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Label.h>
Stateless text label widget.
Parameters | |
anchor | Positioning anchor |
text | Label text. Passing an empty string makes the label empty. |
textProperties | Text shaping and layouting properties |
style | Label style |
Returns | The anchor verbatim |
Compared to Label::
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: label(const Anchor& anchor,
Containers:: StringView text,
LabelStyle style = LabelStyle:: Default)
#include <Magnum/Ui/Label.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LineCapStyle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/LineLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LineJoinStyle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/LineLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
LineAlignment value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/LineLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
NodeFlag value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/NodeFlags.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
NodeFlags value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/NodeFlags.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererGL:: Flag value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/RendererGL.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
RendererGL:: Flags value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/RendererGL.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Snap value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Snaps value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Debug output operator.
AbstractAnchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
NodeHandle target,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a node layouted with SnapLayouter.
Parameters | |
ui | User interface instance |
layouter | Layouter instance |
snap | How to snap the layout |
target | Target to which to snap the layout |
size | Desired node size |
flags | Flags to create the node with |
Returns | Anchor containing the new node and associated layout |
If target
is NodeHandle::snap
relative to the whole user interface, with it implicitly treated as if Snap::
If target
is not null, it's expected to be valid. Then, if snap
is inside of the node, the target
is used as a parent of the newly created node. Otherwise, the parent of target
is used as a parent of the newly created node. If target
is a root node, the newly created node is made as a root node as well.
The size
is ignored in horizontal / vertical direction if the layout is snapped to the whole width / height of the target node. Calls AbstractUserInterface::
Use AbstractSnapLayout if you want to layout multiple nodes relative to each other.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
NodeHandle target,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {})
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
Snaps snap,
NodeHandle target,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a node layouted with the default SnapLayouter.
Delegates into snap(UserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, NodeHandle, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) with the instance coming from UserInterface::
AbstractAnchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
NodeHandle target,
const Vector2& offset,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a node layouted with SnapLayouter with custom offset.
Compared to snap(AbstractUserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, NodeHandle, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) the offset
is added to the offset calculated by the layout.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
NodeHandle target,
const Vector2& offset,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {})
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
Snaps snap,
NodeHandle target,
const Vector2& offset,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a node layouted with the default SnapLayouter with custom offset.
Delegates into snap(UserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, NodeHandle, const Vector2&, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) with the instance coming from UserInterface::
AbstractAnchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a root node layouted with SnapLayouter.
Equivalent to calling snap(AbstractUserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, NodeHandle, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) with target
being NodeHandle::
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {})
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
Snaps snap,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a root node layouted with the default SnapLayouter.
Delegates into snap(UserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) with the instance coming from UserInterface::
AbstractAnchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(AbstractUserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
const Vector2& offset,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a root node layouted with SnapLayouter with custom offset.
Compared to snap(AbstractUserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) the offset
is added to the offset calculated by the layout.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
SnapLayouter& layouter,
Snaps snap,
const Vector2& offset,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {})
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Anchor Magnum:: Ui:: snap(UserInterface& ui,
Snaps snap,
const Vector2& offset,
const Vector2& size,
NodeFlags flags = {}) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/SnapLayouter.h>
Create a root node layouted with the default SnapLayouter with custom offset.
Delegates into snap(UserInterface&, SnapLayouter&, Snaps, const Vector2&, const Vector2&, NodeFlags) with the instance coming from UserInterface::
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Icon value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/Style.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
FontHandle value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
FontHandle Magnum:: Ui:: fontHandle(UnsignedInt id,
UnsignedInt generation) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Compose a font handle from an ID and a generation.
Expects that the ID fits into 20 bits and the generation into 12 bits. Use fontHandleId() and fontHandleGeneration() for an inverse operation.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: fontHandleId(FontHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Extract ID from a font handle.
Expects that handle
is not FontHandle::
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: fontHandleGeneration(FontHandle handle) constexpr new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Extract generation from a font handle.
For FontHandle::0
. A valid handle has always a non-zero generation. Use fontHandleId() for extracting the ID and fontHandle() for an inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
TextDataFlag value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
TextDataFlags value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
TextEdit value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayer.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
TextLayerStyleAnimation value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayerAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: Ui:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
TextLayerStyleAnimations value) new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/TextLayerAnimator.h>
Debug output operator.