Magnum::OvrIntegration::Layer class

Wrapper around ovrLayerHeader

If you need to be able to change layer specific data, use LayerEyeFov or LayerQuad instead.

Derived classes

class HeadLockableLayer
Superclass for layers which can be locked relative to the HMD.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Layer(LayerType type) explicit
Layer(const Layer&) deleted
Copying is not allowed.

Public functions

auto operator=(const Layer&) -> Layer& deleted
Copying is not allowed.
auto setHighQuality(bool highQuality) -> Layer&
Set whether to process this layer in high quality.
auto isHighQuality() const -> bool
Whether this layer is processed in high quality.
auto setEnabled(bool enabled) -> Layer&
Enable/disable the layer.
auto layerType() const -> LayerType
Type of this layer.
auto layerHeader() const -> const ovrLayerHeader&
The underlying ovrLayerHeader

Function documentation

Magnum::OvrIntegration::Layer::Layer(LayerType type) explicit


type Type of this layer

Layer& Magnum::OvrIntegration::Layer::setHighQuality(bool highQuality)

Set whether to process this layer in high quality.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

High quality mode costs performance, but looks better.

Layer& Magnum::OvrIntegration::Layer::setEnabled(bool enabled)

Enable/disable the layer.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)