Magnum::Ui::AbstractUserInterface class

Non-templated base for user interfaces.

See BasicUserInterface for more information.

Derived classes

template<class ... Layers>
class BasicUserInterface
Base for user interfaces.
template<class ... Layers>
class BasicUserInterface
Base for user interfaces.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AbstractUserInterface(const Vector2& size, const Vector2i& windowSize) explicit

Public functions

auto size() const -> Vector2
User interface size.
auto coordinateScaling() const -> Vector2
Coordinate scaling.
auto activePlane() -> AbstractPlane*
Active plane.
auto activePlane() const -> const AbstractPlane*
auto handleMoveEvent(const Vector2i& screenPosition) -> bool
Handle application mouse move event.
auto handlePressEvent(const Vector2i& screenPosition) -> bool
Handle application mouse press event.
auto handleReleaseEvent(const Vector2i& screenPosition) -> bool
Handle application mouse release event.
void relayout(const Vector2& size, const Vector2i& windowSize)
Relayout the UI.

Function documentation

Magnum::Ui::AbstractUserInterface::AbstractUserInterface(const Vector2& size, const Vector2i& windowSize) explicit


See BasicUserInterface::BasicUserInterface(const Vector2&, const Vector2i&) for more information.

AbstractPlane* Magnum::Ui::AbstractUserInterface::activePlane()

Active plane.

If there is no active plane, returns nullptr.

const AbstractPlane* Magnum::Ui::AbstractUserInterface::activePlane() const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void Magnum::Ui::AbstractUserInterface::relayout(const Vector2& size, const Vector2i& windowSize)

Relayout the UI.

Adapts event handlers for a new size / window size. Overriden in subclasses to do an actual work, see BasicUserInterface::relayout() for more information.